Biographical Sketch of George W. Trout

(See Ward and Ghigau)  George Washington, son of Samuel and Louisa (Ward) Trout was born in Georgia, September 15, 1847. He served the Confederacy during the Civil War under Captain Joseph Franklin Thompscon. He is at present (1921) one, of not over twenty survivors, of the Confederate Cherokee Brigade of over three thousand veterans. He married in December 1868 Mary Eaton, born in 1847. They were the parents of: Sallie Emma, born May 4, 1870, married William Baker; Elizabeth, born December 1872; married Charles S. McComb; Logan John, born April 8, 1876; and James Morton, born April 21, 1883. Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. F. Flippin

(See Grant)-Mary Lane Little, born June 24, 1875 in Walker Co., Ga., educated at Vinita. Married September 30, 1894 James Fugett Flippin, born January 8, 1870 in Demon County, Texas. They are the parents of Mary Theresa, born June 29, 1896; Ruth Aline, born January 1, 1902 and Rebecca Lane Flippin, born May 16, 1905. Mr. Flippin has been prominently identified with the Farmers Bank and Trust Co. from its inception. Joseph Martin, born in Charlottsville, Virginia in 1840, as a fur trader and planter he became quite wealthy. He held the following military offices in the revolutionary army: Captain … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Georgia DeLozier

(See Adair) Georgia Virginia Adair was born in Whitfield County, Georgia, January 29, 1869, educated in Flint and. and. Cooweescoowee District, Indian Territory. Married near Adair January 8, 1888 to Reuben E. DeLozier, born June 20th, 1855 at Osceola, Mo. He died at Adair, Okla., April 23, 1921. They were the parents of Fountain G. born Sept. 19, 1888; Manford E. born Sept. 25, 1891; John Edward, born July 16th, 1894; Ralph Adair, born April 4th, 1896; Hazel T.1. born August 18, 1898 and Vivian V. DeLozier born September 3, 1901. John Edward DeLozier was a Master Mason. John Edward … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Davis Hill

(See Grant and Ghigau)-Davis Hill, born Sept. 21, 1863 at Lafayette, Georgia was educated at Ringold and Cedar Grove, Ga. He married at Vinita on November 29, 1888 Fannie Elizabeth Parks, born January 9, 1871 at Elk Mills, Missouri. She was educated at the Orphan Asylum and Howard Payne College, Fayette, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Hill are the parents of: George Robert born Oct. 26, 1890; James Julian, born Sept. 20, 1892; Wm. Thompson, born February 22, 1895; Rachel born August 23, 1897; John Ruskin born May 18, 1899; Maria Anna born April 6, 1901; Francis Elizabeth born July … Read more

Georgia Census Records

Our Georgia census pages were initially broken down by years instead of by counties… we shall be updating them in the near future, and break them down by county which we’ve found to be the preferable manner most people search. In the mean time, please access each counties information by going first to the year of the census… thanks! 1820 Georgia Census Records 1830 Georgia Census Records 1840 Georgia Census Records 1850 Georgia Census Records 1860 Georgia Census Records 1870 Georgia Census Records 1880 Georgia Census Records 1890 Georgia Census Records 1900 Georgia Census Records 1910 Georgia Census Records 1920-1930 … Read more

Fort Pulaski

The trip from beautiful Savannah to the battered ruins of the once famous brick fortress, Pulaski, takes one through that gold and green country which one comes to associate with the name of this charming southern city. Fort Pulaski is that great hexagon of brick which one sees from incoming steamers on Cockspur Island at the mouth of the muddy Savannah River, and all the country round about is marshy, reedy land, cut up by big and little streams with no hills to be seen and only scraggy pine trees breaking the flat monotony of the horizon. If one would … Read more

Biography of Noah Scarborough

The name Scarborough is an old and honorable one. Family records show that several brothers came to this country during the Revolutionary War and settled here. The Scarborough coat of arms shows that this family descended from the nobility of Great Britain. Noah Scarborough emigrated from South Carolina to Houston County, Georgia, later moving to Pulaski County, near the present Friendship Baptist Church, about 1836. (Records show he paid tax in said county in 1837.) He was a large landowner, being given a land grant for his services in the Mexican War. He donated the land on which the first … Read more

Biography of Ellouisa Winifred Martin

Among the names of women who have worked untiringly for the good of Hawkinsville and Pulaski County, the name of Ellouisa Winifred Martin, known to her thousands of-friends as “Miss Lillie,” stands foremost. With a sincere desire to express admiration and do honor in a small way to this brilliant, self-sacrificing, beloved woman, this sketch is written. She was born August 3, 1871, the daughter of John Henry Martin and Eleanora Wynne Martin, of Liberty County, Georgia, near the historic Midway Church, which settlement her ancestors were instrumental in building. She had twin brothers, Kibbee and Wynne, born August 7, … Read more

Biography of Mary Culler White

Mary Culler White, born May 12, 1875, in Perry, Georgia, moved to Hawkinsville when four years old. She is the daughter of George H. and Emma Culler White. Her early school years were spent in Hawkinsville. Later she attended Wesleyan College, was a member of the Adelphian Sorority, and graduated in 1891. She taught drawing and painting in the Hawkinsville public schools for seven years. During a meeting held in the Hawkinsville Methodist Church by Miss Emma Tucker she was deeply impressed and felt the direct call to the foreign field of mission work in 1899. After the necessary course … Read more

Biography of Alfred Nelson

Alfred Nelson came to Georgia from Virginia in 1825 and settled near Perry. He married Pauline Jenkins of Houston County. She was a refined, educated woman, and very wealthy. Alfred Nelson raised cattle and was a large land and slave owner. He was uneducated, but was intensely interested in education and all worthy causes. The people of Houston County admired and respected him. Twelve children were born to them, eight of whom were boys, who served in the War Between the States. One was killed. They received the best education Houston County offered, and the four girls attended Wesleyan College. … Read more

Biography of W. H. Spurlin

The father of the Spurlins of Worth County was W. H. Spurlin, born in Shelby, N. C. He was a Confederate soldier, who moved to Pulaski County, Georgia, and married Nancy Bateman, daughter of G. W. Bateman. Children: J. G., W. C., and Sallie Spurlin. Sallie married D. Boland. They had one son, Denton. The second marriage was to Mary Frances Dewitte. Their children are: Thomas Augustus (called “Gus”) Spurlin, R. L., J. D., G. Clarence Spurlin, and daughters, Ella and Edna. Four of these, T. A. Spurlin, Col. G. Clarence Spurlin, Miss Ella Spurlin, and Mrs. Edna Webster, made … Read more

Biography of Augustus A. Smith, Dr.

Dr. Augustus A. Smith, son of Columbus and Annie McEachin Smith, was born in Telfair County, Georgia, July 15, 1846. At the age of fifteen, a few months before the close of the War Between the States, he enlisted in the Confderate Army, serving until the close of the war. In 1875 Dr. Smith was graduated with first honor from the Savannah Medical College, Savannah, Georgia, and served an interneship at the Savannah Hospital. In 1876 he moved to Hawkinsville, where he practiced medicine until the time of his death, November 26, 1925. He married Elizabeth Hodge of Henderson, Houston … Read more

Biography of Emile Sommer

Emile Sommer, son of Samuel and Fannie Brown Sommer, born in Shierhoffen, Alsace, France, October 10, 1853, came to America and to Fort Valley, Ga., at the age of fourteen, joining his elder brother, Aaron, with whom he became associated in the mercantile business. Four years later Aaron died, and shortly thereafter Emile was joined in Fort Valley by his mother, three brothers, Albert, Willie, and Emanuel, and two sisters, Palmyre and Rosa. The brothers became closely associated in business, operating under the name of Sommer Brothers. In the year 1889 the firm and the entire Sommer family moved to … Read more

Biography of John Joseph Sparrow

The Sparrows came to Georgia along with other immigrants from Carolina in. the eighteenth century. They lived in Pulaski while it was still a part of Wilkinson County. John Joseph Sparrow (1829-1873), of Pulaski proper, was a son of John Sparrow (1792-1833) and Ellender Crutchfield (17971850). He was a progressive farmer, merchant, and realtor of more than ordinary ability. While his health prevented his acceptance in the army proper, he was active in the service of the Confederacy at home. He was Ordinary of the county from 1862 to 1864, and was ever worthy of the confidence„ and trust placed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gene Sparrow Warren

Henry H. Sparrow (1861-1924) was a citizen of Pulaski County his entire life; was educated in her schools, with one year in the Military Academy at Dahlonega. He, as his father and brother, was quiet and unassuming, yet measuring up to the highest standards of citizenship. He was full of civic pride and gave to his county and her enterprises his loyal support at all times. He was an extensive farmer and an advocate of advanced methods of farming, a promoter of the first county fair, a member of the Board of County Commissioners when the value of good roads … Read more

Biography of Asa Cornelius Pipkin

Asa Cornelius Pipkin, son of Asa and wife, Margaret Schmidt Pipkin, was born in Houston County, in 1840. Early the next year his parents removed to the vicinity of Hawkinsville, which was his lifetime home. Asa, Sr., was carrier on the mail route from Hartford, Pulaski County, to Jacksonville, Telfair County. Asa Cornelius Pipkin, at age twenty, taught school and read law. He enlisted for Confederate service in 1862, in Company K, Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment, and received three wounds at the Battle of the Wilderness. He was captured in 1865, and imprisoned at Elmira, N. Y., and Point Lookout, Md. … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Parsons

Benjamin F. and Leonora Bartlett Parsons moved to Hawkinsville. Georgia, from Massachusetts in 1878, bringing with them two sons, Charles L. and William Naramore. Mr. Parsons first engaged in farming, and afterward became a member of the firm of Ferguson and Parsons, and later of the firm of R. F. DeLamar and Company. For four years he served as postmaster. During the latter years of his life he represented the Mutual Life Insurance Company, and died in 1910. Mrs. Parsons taught in the schools of Hawkinsville for fifteen years, and in the Sunday school of the Methodist Church for a … Read more

Biography of Anton Schneider

Anton Schneider, a respected citizen of Hawkinsville, was a native of Prussia, born October 1, 1825. In youth he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker and four years were consumed in learning the trade. In that country it was necessary that a mechanic should travel throughout the provinces before he became a master mechanic. He traveled through Germany. When war broke out in Baden he joined the forces of the revolutionists known as the forty-niners. After the defeat of his party, they were exiled from Germany. Mr. Schneider was given passage from Barma in Switzerland of Havre de Grace to New … Read more

Biography of George R. McCall, Dr.

George Robert McCall, minister, was born February 7, 1829, in Screven County, Georgia, and died October 6, 1895. He was the son of Rev. Moses N. and Caroline Griner McCall. He united with the Black Creek Baptist Church in 1844; graduated with honors from the literary department of Mercer University in 1853, and from the theological department in 1854. He was ordained minister September 24, 1854, and served as pastor first at Richland Church, Twiggs County. In 1865 he was called to the Hawkinsville Baptist Church, having up to that time preached to the churches at Providence, in Wilkinson County, … Read more

Biography of James Patrick McGriff

The name of McGriff is inseparably linked with the early history of Pulaski County. James Patrick McGriff, the subject of this sketch, is the son of Patrick Thomas McGriff and Frances Sutton McGriff. He was born in Pulaski County, May 31, 1869. He received his early education in the schools of Hawkinsville and later had extensive training at Eastman’s Business School in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduating from there in 1886. Returning home, he engaged in the mercantile business until 1893. During that year he, was elected to the position of clerk and treasurer of the City of Hawkinsville, and served … Read more