Biographical Sketch of John Ross Buffington

Buffington, John Ross (See Grant, Downing and Daniel)—John Ross, son of John Ross and Nancy Jane (Bryan) Buffington, was born at Doaksville, Choctaw Nation June 2, 1864, educated in the Cherokee National Schools, Male Seminary, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Married at Pryor, July 6, 1891, Sadie, daughter of Robert and Susan Highland, born October 28, 1865, in Denver, Colorado. They are the parents of Nancy Jane, born April 15, 1892, educated at Female Seminary; Carrie Rebecca, born May 17, 1893, educated at Female Seminary; Charles Ross, born May 29, 1894; Hallie Hazel, born August 2, 1897; Joel Webster, born October 12, 1900, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William A. Carman

Carman, William A. (See Ward)—William Andrew Carman, born July 30, 1896. Enrolled in the World war service at Camp Logan, Tex., Sept. 3, 1918. Assigned to the Fifteenth Sanitary Train. Discharged at Camp Logan, February 2, 1919. Married December 1, 1919, Virginia, daughter of John and Bettie Ford, born December 11, 1901, in Mayes County, Oklahoma. They are the parents of J. T. Carman, born January 31, 1921. Mr. Carman is farming near Adair. George Ward, born in the old Cherokee Nation, east of the Mississippi River, March 17, 1878, married Lucy Mayes, an aunt of Chiefs Joel Bryan and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William A. Carlile

Carlile, William A. (See Ghigau and Hildebrand) — William Andrew, son 0f Stephen Foreman and Emma (Carter) Carlile, born October 1, 1893, educated hi Tahlequah District and Male Seminary. Married at Tahlequah, April 2, 1912, Alma, daughter of S. P. Luna and Sarah (Butler), Luna, born November 4, 1894 in Ozark County, Missouri. They are the parents of Jewell Carlile, born September 25, 1912. Thomas Holmes Carlile married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Margaret (Hildebrand) Catron and they were the parents of Stephen Foreman Carlile.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. R. Deitrick

Deitrick, Mrs. J. R. (See Grant and Downing)—Lillie Belle Beck, born September 16, t883, educated at Delaware District. Married Dec. 7, 1902, J. R., son of Jacob and Eliza Deitrick. They are the parents of: Beula Elizabeth, born Oct. 6, 1903; Addle Byline, born August 10, 1905; Annie Lucile born June 23, 1907; Aubrey Haskell, born January 26, 1910; Loll Wilson, born January 23, 1913; Robert Willard, born April 5, 1915, and Jaunita May Deitrick, born September 1, 1920. Mr. Deitrick is a farmer near Ketchum. Jeffrey Beck, an Englishman, married Sallie Downing, a Cherokee. Their son, Ezekial, married Martha … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Joseph W. Adair

Adair, Mrs. Joseph W. (See Ross)—Cora Ann Sayers, born near Pryor, February 28, 1896. Married at Big Cabin, July 2, 1916, Joseph William, Son of Allen and Kittie Adair, born September 8th, 1891, in Harri­son County, Kentucky. They are the par­ents of Virginia Elizabeth, born August 22, 1918 and Allen Sayers Adair, born March 26, 1919. Mr. Adair is a farmer near Pryor. Henry Drew, son of Abner and Nancy Jane (Coody) Sayers was born March 9, 1862. Married October 5, 1892. Dora Thompson. born March 11, 1869 in Macom County, Missouri. Henry Drew died March 28, 1899.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Dr. Samuel Ralston Bates

Bates, Mrs. Dr. S. R. (See Downing)— Hattie Lindsey, born Jan. 3, 1872, educated at Chouteau and Female Seminary. Married January 20, 1900, Dr. Samuel Ralston Bates, born Jan. 2, 1870 in Winchester, Tenn. He graduated from the Medical Department of Vanderbilt University in May 1897. The heads of the Scottish house of Lindsay at different dates were Sir Walter Lindsay in 1116 A. D., David Lindsay who was created first Earl of Crawford in 1398 and Alexander Lindsay who became Earl of Balcarres, January 9, 1651. Mrs. Bates’ mother was the daughter of Joel Mayes Bryan. The first Bryan … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard H. Crittenden

Crittenden, Richard H. (See Sanders and Downing)—Richard Henry Crittenden of the Deer Clan, whose Cherokee name is Wa-hala or Bold Eagle, was born in Going Snake District April 9, 1877, educated in the Male Seminary. He married January 17, 1897, Nannie, daughter of Jesse and Frances (Wright) Wright, born 1872. They were the parents of: Fannie Alice, born March 8, 1898; Rogert Lee, born January 4, 1900 and Mary Susan Crittenden, born June 8, 1906. Mrs. Nannie Crittenden died September 8, 1913, and he married on October 20, 1917, Hettie, daughter of Simon and Emma Rogers, born January 15, 1898. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry F. Fields

Fields, Henry F. (See Grant)—Henry Franklin, son of Henry Clay and Amanda Jane (Rogers) Fields was born Aug. 31, 1876 at Pryor. Married July 15, 1900, Nettle B. daughter of Richard Watson and Mary Stokes born Nov. 4, 1880 in Ky. They are the parents of: Mabel, born December 4, 1901. Graduated from Pryor High School 1920 and is teaching at Bristow; Owen G., born May 6, 1904 and Haward Franklin Fields, born April 6, 1910. Mr. Fields is a farmer near Pryor. He is a member of the Masonic lodge In Pryor, himself, wife and daughter Miss Mabel are … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Bird

Bird, William (See Cochran)—Emily, daughter of Price and Lucy (Keener) Cochran, born August 17, 1869. Married Dec. 27, 1884, Jerry Watts. Married Dec. 25, 1891 William, son of James and Elizabeth Bird. She is the mother of Edward Watts, born Jan. 5, 1887. Served in France in Co. “C,’ 358th Infantry from June 20, 1918 to June 27, 1919. Tessie Bird, born March 4, 1898; Lucinda Bird, born June 10, 1901; Mary Bird, born October 23, 1904; William Bird, born November 5, 1908 and Ona Bird born August 27, 1910. Mrs. Bird’s Cherokee name is Aitsi.

Biographical Sketch of Joel W. Buffington

Buffington, Joel W. (See Downing, Grant and Daniel)—Joel Webster Buffington, born near Pryor, October 12, 1898, educated at Pryor and Male Seminary. Married at Pryor November 28, 1918, Eva, daughter of Grant and Josephine Teter, born November 12 1895. They are the parents of: Harry Webster, born August 27, 1919, and Gordon Warren Buffington, born Dec. 11, 1920. Mr. Buffington is a farmer near Pryor. Joel Mayes Bryan married Rebecca Wright, their daughter Nancy Jane married John Ross Buffington, and they were the parents of John Ross Buffington, who married Sadie Highland, and they are the parents of Joel Webster … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Stephen Carlile

Carlile, Mrs. Stephen (See Ghigau and Hildebrand)—Sadie, daughter of S. P. Luna and Sarah (Butler) Luna, born July 10, 1888 in the Ozark County, Missouri. Mar­ried at Tahlequah, September 29, 1909 Stephen Foreman, son of Thomas Holmes and Levannah Elizabeth (Catron) Carlile. born January 5, 1873 in Tahlequah District, educated in Tahlequah District and Male Seminary. They are the parents of: Hazel, born August 1, 1910; Helen, born May 25. 1912; Stephen, born January 12, 1918; and Leo, born February 22, 1920. Stephen Foreman Carlile died September 5, 1919, Carlile is farming near Park Hill.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Dustin Dobkins

Dobkins (See Duncan)—Benjamin Dustin Dobkins, born Aug. 6, 1879, was educated at Vinita, the Male Seminary, and graduated from the Ontario, Canada, Veterinary Col­lege. He married June 3, 1903, Gertrude, daughter of 3. M. and Gertrude Ragland of Lebanon, Mo. Dr. Benjamin D. and Mrs. Dobkins, have one daughter, Miss Jaunita Cherokee, born July 5, 1904. Dr. Dobkins has been State Veterinary for ten consecutive years, is the author of the Oklahoma State Veterinary Laws and was President of the State Veterinary Association in 1912-13-14 and 15. He Is a Mason, Odd Fellow and is President of the State Bank … Read more

Biography of Bula D. Croker

Croker, Bula D. (See Grant and Ghigau)—Bula D. Edmondson, born on Beatties Prairie, Feb. 17, 1884 educated in the Cherokee National schools and graduated from Female Seminary May 29, 1902 Being possessed of superior historic talents she specialized in music and expression in Boston and in New York City. Having a brilliant personality and much of the impelling magnetic qualities of her distinguished Uncle, Wm. W. Hastings she soon rose to an eminent rank in her chosen profession. She married in New York City, Richard Croker, a native of Black Rock, Ireland and Chieftain of Tammany Hall. Mr. and Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ellis M. Eaton

Eaton, Ellis M. (See Grant and Downing)—Ellis Menchell, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Alberty) Eaton born Jan. 18, 1861. Married Jan. 3, 1886, Mary, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth (Buffington) Alberty born Dec. 19, 1865. They are the parents of: Lelia, born Apr. 7, 1887 and graduated from Female Seminary May 29, 1907; Richard, born Oct. 7, 1890, married Esther Gardner; William M,. born March 25, 1898 married Corn Thompson and Edgar W. Eaton born Aug. 29, 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Eaton are members of the Methodist church and he belongs to both of the Woodmen Orders. Ellis … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. A. W. Armstrong

Armstrong, Mrs. A. W. (See Cordery and McNair) Mary Elizabeth, daughter of David McNair and Mary J. (Strickland) Rogers, born Bristol, England in order to break up a love match, furnished his youngest son, Joseph with a ship named the “Brice’ and sent him to Virginia, where Joseph married Susannah Childs, member of a prominent Colonial family, and settled near Charlottesville Albermarle County in that state. Their third son Joseph, was born in 1840. He became a fur trader and amassed a fortune. He held the following military positions: Captain of the Transylvania Militia, elected in 1776 became Major February … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Manford E. DeLozier

DeLozier, Manford E. (See Adair)—Manford F. DeLozier, born Sept. 25, 1891, at Adair, educated locally. Married at Mus­kogee, October 4, 1914, Amanda F., daughter of John B. and Bettie 3. Gibson, born January 5th, 1895, in Missouri. They are the parents of Vivian Marie, born Feb­ruary 20, 1916, and Reuben Edward DeLozier, Jr., born August 18, 1819. After clerking in the Bank of Adair for some time, Mr. DeLozier gave up that place to assume the more congenial occupation of farming and stock raising. Edward, the son of John and Gahoga Adair, was born February 7, 1789. Married June 17, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. A. M. Belcher

Belcher, Mrs. A. M. (See Cordery and Grant)—Cora Mary, daughter of William Davidson, and Mary Jane (Baumgarner) Clingan was born at Gibson Station, Chero­kee Nation May 12, 1878, educated at the Female Seminary, and Cottey College, Ne­vada. Missouri; married at Wagoner Novem­ber 21, 1911, Rev. A. M. Belcher, born February 22, 1867 in Bluntsville, Ala. They are the parents of Bruce Clingan Belcher, horn June 14, 1912 at Henryetta, Okla. Reverend Belcher is a South Methodist and built the first church to be erected in Wagoner. Mrs. Belcher is a member of the Home Missionary Society and the Eastern Star.

Biographical Sketch of Lola Garrett Bowers

Bowers (See Grant and Daniels)—Lola Garrett, born November 29, 1887, educated in the Cherokee public schools and the Female Seminary from which she graduated June 1, 1905. She was an instructor in the Pryor schools in 1905-6 and in the Female Seminary in 1907-08; Married at Muldrow Dec. 9, 1909, E. M. Bowers, born April 10, 1875. They are the parents of Genevieve Elizabeth, born July 13, 1911; Jane Rhea, born August 28, 1914 and Mary Ann Bowers, born Oct. 4, 1918. Mrs. Bowers is a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Bowers is promi­nently connected with the banking interests … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Cole

Cole, John M. (See Grant and Sanders)—John M., son of Daniel Boone and Nan­nie (Vann) Cole was born in Coowees­coowee District, February 23, 1882. Mar­ried at Pryor, October 19, 1901, Letitia, daughter of John and Catherine Brown, born December 23, 1885, in Ballard County, Ken­tucky. They were the parents of Henry Mitchell, born November 28, 1905; Mayomma born November 23, 1909; Shirley Brooks, born November 26, 1910. Charlie Milburn, born August 22, 1913; Anna Belle, born December 18, 1915 and John Junior Cole, born December 29, 1918. Mr. Cole F; a farmer, a Mason and Odd Fellow. Johnson Vann, the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles G. Brown

Brown, Charles G. (See Ward)—Charles G. Brown, born in Texas March 12, 1854, educated at Tullahassee Mission in the Creek Nation. Married at Sauna, Cherokee Nation July 30, 1880, Mary, daughter of William and Lenora Coker, born in Boone County, Ark. January 25, 1865. They are the parents of: Lulu, born December 10, 1881; Quatie, born December 21, 1890; Etta Beatrice, born No­vember 23, 1896; Nannie Lenora, born July 21, 1899 and Debra D., born April 19, 1905. Mr. Brown is farming near Pryor. John Ward, a white man, married Catherine McDaniel of Scotch-Cherokee descent and they were the parents … Read more