Biography of Thomas S. Barnes

THOMAS S. BARNES, merchant and farmer of Barnesville, Reynolds County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the county, was born January 11, 1835, in Wilkes County, N. C. His father, Thomas Barnes, was born in North Carolina, but his grandfather, Edward Barnes, although born in the United States, was of Irish parentage, his father and mother coming to America prior to the Revolutionary War. Thomas Barnes, father of subject, was reared and married in his native State and there remained until about 1835, when he started for the West, coming through by wagon. He brought his family and … Read more

Biography of Alfred J. Dunegan

ALFRED J. DUNEGAN. Of the many men who are engaged in tilling the soil in Ozark County, Missouri, none is more thrifty, honest and persevering than he whose name heads this sketch. He has followed the occupation of farming from his earliest boyhood, and as a result every detail of this line of human endeavor is familiar to him, and he may be said to be an honor to the calling. He was born in White County, Tennessee, in 1817, of which State his parents, Samuel and Sallie (Speers) Dunegan, were also natives, in which State they made their home … Read more

Biography of Judge William Easson

JUDGE WILLIAM EASSON. No better citizens have come to Christian County, Missouri, than those who emigrated from bonnie Scotland, and who brought as their inheritance from Highland ancestry the traits of character and life which has ever distinguished the race. Among these we find Judge William Easson, who was born six miles from Sterling, Scotland, September 24, 1835, and who has been a resident of Christian County since 1869. He is a son of Henry and Jane (Bryce) Easson, both natives of Scotland, who emigrated to this country in the year 1841. The parents located at Hamden, New York, after … Read more

Biography of R. I. January

R. I. JANUARY. Youth is not a bar to promotion, for the American people have learned that ability is not measured by the length of time man has spent upon earth. Some men might live a thousand years and not know anything, and others are bright and able to take their places among men long before they have arrived at mature manhood. The subject of this sketch belongs to the latter class, for he was bright at school, brilliant as a student of law, and now that he is a member of the bar, has a good practice, which rapidly … Read more

Biography of Hon. Richard P. Bland

HON. RICHARD P. BLAND. From poverty and obscurity all the eminent men of the West have fought their way in the battle of life, and by their own persistence and perseverance have attained to prominence and honor. They have given permanency to every enterprise that they have honored with their patronage and have stamped upon them their own individuality. The subject of this sketch is a man well known to the people of Missouri, and needs no eulogy from the pen of the biographer, for his deeds are his monuments and will endure long after he has moldered into dust. … Read more

Biography of D. F. Martin

D. F. MARTIN, circuit clerk of Howell County, Missouri, is closely identified with the welfare of West Plains, widely known as a politician, popular as a citizen and who hasbeena resident of south Missouri since 1851. Born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, December 9, 1833. He is a son of St. George and Emaline (Gaither) Martin, natives of Virginia, the former born in 1806, and the latter in 1807. The grandfather, George Martin, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and a friend of George Washington. He was born in the Old Dominion, but moved from there to Georgia, and thence … Read more

Biography of J. B. Thomas

J. B. THOMAS. There is no enterprise of equal importance in Howell County, Missouri, than that of insurance. Among those engaged in this business is our subject, J. B. Thomas, one of the representative men of Willow Springs and abstracter and notary public of that city. Mr. Thomas came from southern Iowa and has made his home in Willow Springs for the past five years. He is a native Kentuckian, born in Mason County August 27, 1859, and his father, James C. Thomas, is farming in that county at the present time. The latter is also a native of that … Read more

Biography of William H. Paine

WILLIAM H. PAINE. Mr. Paine is accounted a prosperous farmer and stockman of Lincoln Township, Christian County, Missouri, and like the native Tennesseean he is progressive in his views and of an energetic temperament. He was born in Warren County in the year 1820, the fourth of eleven children born to Larkin and Rebecca (Huddleston) Paine, natives it is thought of Georgia and South Carolina. When both were young they moved with their parents to Tennessee and were married in Claiborne County of that State. Later they removed to Warren County, where they continued to make their home until 1829, … Read more

Biography of James Harlin Hale

JAMES HARLIN HALE. In all ages of the world industry, perseverance and energy, where intelligently applied, have achieved results which could only have been gained by having one end in view, and by improving every opportunity of ultimately attaining that object. Mr. Hale is an example of what can be accomplished when the spirit of determination is exercised, in connection with the every-day affairs of life. His farming and stockraising operations have resulted most satisfactorily, and he is one of the substantial men of his section. Like so many of the representative men of Christian County, Mr. Hale is a … Read more

Biography of James P. M. Norman

JAMES P. M. NORMAN. One of the most popular and widely known of Douglas County’s county officers is James P. M. Norman,who has been identified with the growth and the interests of the county for many years. Mr. Norman was born in Carroll County, Ga., April 27, 1847, and is a son of Abner S. and Charlotte (Orr) Norman, natives respectively of Alabama and South Carolina. George Norman, grandfather of our subject, came from Scotland to this country, and brought with him the sturdy habits so characteristic of those of that nationality. Settling in Alabama, he there reared his family, … Read more

Biography of J. E. Wood

J. E. WOOD. This gentleman is a member of the well-known mercantile firm of Wood & Reed, of Gainesville, Ozark County, Missouri He was born in Washington County, Tennessee, July 18, 1846, but came to this county in 1871 from Bradley County, Tennessee. His parents, Jesse and Margaret (McCracken ) Wood, were honest, industrious and law-abiding tillers of the soil, and the father was born in the Old North State about 1820, where he was a member of one of the early and prominent families. When a young man he removed to Tennessee, was married there, and there made his … Read more

Biography of Alexander C. Kissee

A descendant of good old Virginia stock, Mr. Kissee inherited the fundamental principles of industry, integrity and deter-mination of purpose which became the attributes of his whole after life. He is a native of the Prairie State, born in Edgar County November 2, 1834, and the son of Arter and Ufins (Bledsoe) Kissee and grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Weddill) Kissee. The grandparents were both natives of the Old Dominion and early settlers of Kentucky, where they passed their latter days, the grandfather living to be over one hundred years. The great-grandfather, Stoball Kissee, was a native of Virginia, but … Read more

Biography of W. K. Johnson

W. K. JOHNSON. The public services of Mr. Johnson, the efficient and capable treasurer of Christian County, Missouri, have been characterized by a noticeable devotion to the welfare of his county, and his ability and fidelity in his present position have been seen and appreciated by all. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Grainger County September 22, 1837. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Dent) Johnson, both natives of Tennessee, the father born in Hawkins and the mother in Grainger County. They came to Christian County, Missouri, in 1868, and here both passed the remainder of … Read more

Biography of Preston T. Moody

PRESTON T. MOODY. Among the thoroughgoing, wide-awake farmers and stockraisers of Christian County, Missouri, stands Preston T. Moody, whose intelligence, perseverance and industry have brought him good returns. Like so many of the representative citizens of the county, he came originally from Tennessee, having been born in the eastern part of that State in 1822. His parents, Thomas and Elizabeth (Belyew) Moody, were natives of Kentucky, and there they were married. Until 1852 Mr. and Mrs. Moody resided in different counties of east Tennessee, and then came by wagon to Maries County, Missouri, where both died within four years afterward. … Read more

Biography of Dr. N. C. Berry

DR. N. C. BERRY. Our subject, a prominent and leading physician of West Plains, Missouri, was born April 5, 1838, in Union County, Kentucky, of which State his father, Dr. J. T. Berry, was also a native. The elder Berry was born in Fayette County in 1810, and was the son of John Berry, who was a native Virginian and an early settler of Kentucky. Dr. J. T. Berry took up the practice of medicine nearly sixty years ago in Kentucky, and came to Missouri in 1869. He located in Camden County, but subsequently moved to Carthage, where he is … Read more

Biography of John H. Middleton

JOHN H. MIDDLETON. John H. Middleton, general merchant, farmer and postmaster at Omaha, Boone County, Arkansas, is a worthy citizen in all the relations of life, and has always been interested in the advancement in the different affairs of his section. He is a successful business man; his generosity keeps pace with his prosperity, and he contributes liberally of his means to the advancement of worthy enterprises, in which respect his generosity has been recognized and appreciated. Mr. Middleton is a product of Bolivar, Missouri, born January 9, 1854, and is a son of William J. and Lovina J. (Beckley) … Read more

Biography of W. G. Holland

W. G. HOLLAND. When a grain of wheat is cut across the middle and examined under a glass the central parts are found to be composed of a white substance; if the grain is dry this interior readily becomes a pearly powder. Near the outside of the kernel the texture is more compact, and at the surface it becomes horny. This added firmness is produced by the increasing quantity of gluten as the analysis advances from center to circumference. Under-standing the structure of the grain, it has been the object of the miller to separate the various parts, so as … Read more

Biography of Judge James P. Ince

JUDGE JAMES P. INCE. This gentleman is the associate judge of the Western District of Douglas County, Missouri, and no better man for the position could be found than he, for he is intelligent, well posted, imbued with the milk of human kindness, and has always shown the utmost impartiality in his decisions. The Judge has resided in Missouri since 1843, and has been a resident of Douglas County since 1862, taking up his abode in the vicinity of Rome. He was born in Overton County, Tennessee, March 28, 1828, a son of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Ince, the former … Read more

Biography of J. R. Reed

J. R. REED, of the firm of Wood & Reed, Gainesville, Missouri, has for the past twelve years been one of the most enterprising and successful business men of the county. He owes his nativity to Bradley County, Tennessee, where he was born January 21, 1861, the eldest child born to Alvin and Emeline (Wood) Reed, native Tennesseans, the former of whom was engaged in tilling the soil, and was killed near the close of the war, during which struggle he served in the Confederate Army. He was a son of John H. Reed, one of the early pioneers of … Read more

Biography of James Martin

JAMES MARTIN. Industry, uprightness and intelligence are characteristics which will advance the interests of any man, and will tend to the prosperity to which all aspire. Such are some of the traits of the gentleman whose name heads this article, one of the prominent farmers and stock-raisers of the county. James Martin was born in 1835, in Tennessee, of which State his parents, William and Leatha (Hart) Martin, were natives. Both were born in the year 1812, the former in Warren and the latter in Bedford County. The parents were married in their native State, and about 1843 moved with … Read more