Biography of Oscar L. Duemler

Oscar L. Duemler, member of the St. Louis bar, who is noted for his ability as a lawyer, particularly in his eloquence before a jury, was born at Springfield, Missouri, February b, 1891. His father, Louis P. Duemler, is a native of Franklin county, this state, and a son of John Henry Duemler, a pioneer settler of that locality and of French Huguenot descent. The grandfather was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, in 1834 and was brought to Missouri in 1836 by his father, who settled in Franklin county, this state. The journey westward was made by boat to Washington, … Read more

Biography of Walter G. Tyzzer, M.D.

Dr. Walter G. Tyzzer, a physician and surgeon of St. Louis, was born in Wakefield, Massachusetts, August 8, 1863. His father, the late George It. Tyzzer, a native of England, came to America in 1846 with his parents, Josiah and Mary Ann (Roberts) Tyzzer, who settled in Wakefield, Massachusetts, where George R. Tyzzer was reared and educated. In the latter part of his life he engaged in carriage manufacturing and passed away in Wakefield, February 4, 1904, when seventy-one years of age, his birth having occurred in Cornwall, England, December 18, 1832. In early manhood he wedded Matilda J. Edwards, … Read more

Biography of William Waddell Duke, M.D.

Dr. William Waddell Duke, physician of Kansas City, was born in Lexington, Missouri, a son of Henry Buford and Susan (Waddell) Duke, the former a native of Louisville, Kentucky, and the latter of Lexington, Missouri. The father, now retired, was a manufacturer of farm implements and harness of the firm of Buford & George Manufacturing Company. Dr. Duke attended the Kansas City schools until graduated from the high school with the class of 1901. He next entered Yale University and gained his Ph. B. degree in 1904, while in 1908 Johns Hopkins University conferred upon him the M. D. degree, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward J. Brauer

Edward J. Brauer, secretary of the Brauer Brothers Manufacturing Company, has been active in the development of what is now one of the important productive interests of St. Louis, the firm being engaged in the manufacture of ladies’ fine shoes and leather and textile sporting goods. Mr. Brauer was born in St. Louis, March 3, 1880, and is a brother and partner of Arthur J. Brauer in connection with whose sketch on another page of this work there is given the record of the family. He was educated in the public schools of St. Louis and when twenty-one years of … Read more

Biography of David Ranken, Jr.

David Ranken, Jr., was born at Boystown, County Londonderry, Ireland, October 9, 1835. He was the son of David and Ann Ranken of old Scotch-Irish Presbyterian ancestry which had emigrated from Scotland to the north of Ireland several centuries ago and engaged in the linen industry, in which they were highly prosperous. He was educated in Belfast Academy, Belfast, Ireland. His mother’s last surviving brother, David Ranken, who had come to this country in 1816, died a bachelor in St. Louis in 1859, leaving a large estate which was inherited by the families of his two deceased brothers, Thomas and … Read more

Biography of J. O. Cooper, M.D.

Dr. J. O. Cooper, engaged In the practice of medicine in Jefferson City, was born March 19, 1884, at Cooper Hill, Osage county, Missouri, the place of his birth having been named in honor of the family of which he is a representative. His parents, Thomas McCuin and Martha Jane (Cox) Cooper, were also natives of Missouri, the former born in Gasconade county and the latter near Cooper Hill in Osage county. Thomas M. Cooper was a farmer throughout his active life and was also prominent in public affairs. He served as notary public for thirty years and was deputy … Read more

Biography of John W. Jacks

The value of the local newspaper in the upbuilding of the best interests of any community is universally conceded. The rule is that good papers are found in good towns, inferior journals in towns of stunted growth and uncertain future. It is not so much a matter of size as excellence and of adaptability to the needs of its locality. These conditions given, in an appreciative and progressive community, the size of the paper will take care of itself in a way mutually satisfactory to publishers and patrons. Montgomery City is fortunate in having the Standard as its local instrument. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Bernard Zeinert, M.D.

Dr. Oliver Bernard Zeinert, a surgeon devoting his time to important hospital work as well as private practice, has been a lifelong resident of St. Louis county and has practiced in the city of St. Louis since his graduation from medical college. He was born May 29, 1885, in Ballwin, St. Louis county, a son of Dr. Charles B. and Margaret Zeinert. Spending his youthful days under the parental roof he attended the Kirkwood high school and then entered the University of Michigan in preparation for his professional career, winning his M. D. degree in 1907. Returning to St. Louis … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Schaff

Charles E. Schaff, receiver for the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Company, was born on a farm in Licking county, Ohio. February 4, 1856. He is a son of the late Isaac M. Schaff, who was also born in the Buckeye state and represented one of the old families there of Dutch descent. In early life the father engaged in agricultural pursuits and later turned his attention to railroading, becoming connected with the train service of various roads. He passed away in Carroll county, Missouri, in 1888, aged fifty-seven years, having become a resident of Missouri four years before. He … Read more

Biography of L. David Enloe, M.D.

Dr. L. David Enloe, a veteran of the World war, now devoting his attention to medical practice in Jefferson City, was here born November 25, 1891, his parents being Dr. Isaac N. and Rebecca (Short) Enloe, who were also natives of Missouri. The father was born in Moniteau county in 1860 and passed away on the 15th of February, 1921. He had acquired his early education in the schools of his native county and afterward pursued a medical course in the Missouri Medical College of St. Louis, from which he was graduated in 1883 with the M. D. degree. He … Read more

Biography of Robert Wray Brooks

For twenty-seven years Robert Wray Brooks has been identified with the wholesale paper trade of St. Louis and has developed an extensive business under the name of the Brooks Paper Company, of which he is the president. Studying closely every phase of the trade, actuated in all that he undertakes by a progressive spirit and by firm determination that enables him to overcome all obstacles and difficulties in his path, he has made steady progress toward the goal of success and is now controlling extensive and important commercial interests. Tennessee numbers him among her native sons. He was born in … Read more

Biography of J. S. Summers, M.D.

Dr. J. S. Summers, specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat at Jefferson City, his thorough preliminary study and his later postgraduate courses keeping him in close touch with professional thought, progress and scientific investigation and research, comes to this state from Indiana, his birth having occurred in the city of Wallace, June 27, 1870. His parents, A. J. and Annie (Cunningham) Summers, were also natives of Indiana, where the father followed the occupation of farming, and in addition to his care of the fields he took an active interest in public welfare, particularly … Read more

Biography of Lawrence McDaniel

Lawrence McDaniel, member of the St. Louis bar and professor of law at Benton College, is a man who at all times has measured up to the fullest requirements ‘and highest standards of American citizenship and whose activity clearly reflects credit and honor upon the profession which he represents. Born in Savannah, Missouri, January 31, 1884, he is a son of Gilbert and Jane McDaniel. He completed his education in the University of Missouri, which conferred upon him the LL. B. degree, and, having thus prepared for the bar, he entered at once upon the active practice of law, in … Read more

Biography of Lieutenant Colonel Paul C. Hunt

Within a month after America had declared a state of war with Germany, Lieutenant Colonel Paul C. Hunt had enlisted for service and after training in America and active duty overseas he was sent with the Army of Occupation into Germany, following the signing of the armistice. Since his return he has concentrated his efforts and attention upon commercial interests in Jefferson City as a dealer in stationery and office supplies. He was born in New York city, July 10, 1877, a son of Paul and Kate Chapman (Clayton) Hunt, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of … Read more

Biography of Henry A. Smith, M.D.

Dr. Henry A. Smith, physician and surgeon of St. Louis and also the president and medical director of the People’s Life & Accident Insurance Company, a Missouri corporation, was born in Madison, Jefferson county, Indiana, September 16, 1857. He was educated in the public schools of Madison and pursued his medical course in the American Medical College, an Eclectic School of St. Louis, from which he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1905. Various experiences, however, had come to him ere he prepared for his present profession. At the age of fourteen years he started out to earn … Read more

Biography of Robert E. Hughes, M.D.D.

Dr. Robert E. Hughes, engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in St. Louis, was born in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, April 2, 1872. His father, the late James T. Hughes, was a native of Kentucky and belonged to one of the old families of that state of Scotch and Welsh descent. James T. Hughes conducted a tobacco plantation and was quite successful in his business affairs. During the Civil war he joined the Confederate army, serving under General John Morgan as a private, and was on active duty throughout the period of hostilities. He reached the advanced age of eighty-two … Read more

Biography of William Victor Niess

William Victor Niess, who has held various important positions as a draughtsman, for which work he has been qualified by a thorough course of study in engineering and who is now well known in professional connections in St. Louis, was born April 20, 1878, in the city of Goeppingen, in the kingdom of Wurttemberug Germany, his parents being Christian Ulrich and Marie Louise (Mueller) Niess His father, now deceased, was also a native of Goeppingen and in his early man hood studied the enameling business in Switzerland. After his return to his native city he there established the first enameling … Read more

Biography of Arthur J. Brauer

Thorough understanding of every problem connected with his life’s business and, careful direction of every phase of the trade has made the Brauer Brothers Manufacturing Company, of which Arthur J. Brauer is the president, one of the productive industries of St. Louis, a contributing element to the material growth of his native city, for Mr. Brauer was here born on the 6th of July, 1876. His father, the late Theodore J. Brauer, was a native of New Orleans and of German descent, the family having been founded in America by John Brauer, who came to America about 1830, settling in … Read more

Biography of G. W. McDowell

This gentleman is one of the oldest and most reliable merchants of Yellville, and is in every way deserving the large patronage which he commands. He has been a resident of the town since 1868, but owes his nativity to the Old Dominion, where he first opened his eyes upon the light April 12, 1832, his parents being Thomas and Rebecca (Lytle) McDowell, the former of whom was born on the Isle of Erin, and came with a brother to the United States about 1800. He-settled in Virginia and his brother in one of the Carolinas, and he became a … Read more

Biography of Henry Fullbright

This is one of the most remarkable and worthy families of Boone County, Arkansas, and about the year 1700 the family tree first took root on American soil. The original founder of the family came to America from Holland, made a settlement in Pennsylvania, and was the great-grandfather of the present generation. John Fullbright, his son, is thought to have been born in the Keystone State and in all probability was a soldier of the Revolution. In 1815 he came west to Missouri from the Old North State, the journey thither being made by wagon, the larger portion of the … Read more