Biography of David Milton Boyd

David Milton Boyd, secretary of the Traffic Motor Truck Corporation of St. Louis, was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, August 1, 1878, and is a son of Trustin Brown and Emily (Tousey) Boyd, who are now residents of St. Louis. Their family numbered two sons, the younger being Ingram F., who Is the president of the Boyd-Richardson Men’s Apparel Company of this city. In the acquirement of his education, David Milton Boyd attended Smith Academy of St. Louis, which he entered in 1887, completing his course by graduation in June, 1896. He afterward attended Yale University and won his Bachelor of … Read more

Biography of James C. Jones

James C. Jones, for thirty-six years a representative of the St. Louis bar, was born in St. Louis, March 23, 1866, a son of William C. and Mary A. (Chester) Jones. His father was a well known attorney and jurist of the latter half of the nineteenth century. He served as a major in the Union army during the Civil war, from 1861 until 1865, and afterward entered upon law practice in St. Louis, where he served as judge of the circuit court from 1874 until 1878. His son, James C. Jones, turning to the same profession as a life … Read more

Biography of Rev. P. H. Bradley

Rev. P. H. Bradley, pastor of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic church at 2700 North Kings Highway in St. Louis, was born January 2, 1563, in the city which is still his home, his parents being John and Mary (Delaney) Bradley, the former a native of Ireland, while the latter was born in Philadelphia, her parents, however, having come to this country from the Emerald isle, crossing the Atlantic on the same vessel that brought Stephen Girard to the new world. John Bradley arrived in the United States in his youthful days, becoming a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was … Read more

Biography of Emanuel F. Oehler, M. D.

Dr. Emanuel F. Oehler, whose most proficient surgical work has gained him prominence in the profession in St. Louis, was born in Yorktown, Texas, September 23, 1877, a son of the late Rev. Michael Oehler, who was an Evangelical Lutheran minister. He was born, reared and educated in Baden, Germany, and was graduated from a theological seminary there, after which he was united in marriage to Louise Mueller. They came to America following the close of the Civil war, first settling in New Orleans and later removing to Texas, where Mr. Oehler continued in the active work of the ministry … Read more

Biography of Rev. James Thomas Coffey

Rev. James Thomas Coffey, pastor of St. Leo’s Catholic church at No. 2315 Mullanphy street in St. Louis, was born near Jefferson City, in Cole county, Missouri, November 8, 1861, his parents being Michael and Ann (Fitzsimons) Coffey, who were natives of Ireland and came to the United States in the ’40s as children with their respective parents, who made their way direct to St. Louis. Michael Coffey and Ann Fitzsimons were married in the old cathedral by Father Ryan, who was later archbishop of Philadelphia. Mr. Coffey was one of the pioneers in railroad construction in the west and … Read more

Biography of William Alfred Clark, A. M., M. D.

It is seldom that one attains prominence along several lines, but Dr. William Alfred Clark of Jefferson City is regarded as one of the eminent surgeons of the state and in 1918 served as president of the Missouri state board of health, while in Masonic circles he has also been accorded a place of distinction and leadership, having been grand master of the order in Missouri in 1917 and 1918. He is numbered among Missouri’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Clarksburg, Moniteau county, September 11, 1865. He was the eldest of ten children, four sons and six daughters. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Ward

William Ward was born in Clinton county, Missouri, December 8, 1844. He is a son of Rev. A. J. Ward, a minister in the Baptist Church and now laboring in this and adjoining counties. His father was a native of Kentucky, and his mother whose maiden name was Nancy. Sharp, was a native of Tennessee; she died when he was about ten years of age. At about the age of seventeen years he enlisted as a member of Company C, Eleventh Missouri Cavalry, and served about three years and was with the regiment in its many scouts and marches and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Erwin

Was born in Wayne county, Indiana, October 30, 1829. His parents, John and Elizabeth Platt Erwin, were natives of Delaware and of Scotch-English descent. They moved to Indiana in 1828. Young Erwin was brought up on a farm and received his education at the excellent schools in the neighborhood where he lived and received a good English education. In August, 1851, he married Miss Eliza Cabberly, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, born in 1827. After marriage he was engaged in farming in Indiana till 1879, then moved to Missouri and located in Daviess county. Here he owns a fine farm … Read more

Biography of William M. Williams

William M. Williams was born in Greenup county, Kentucky, February 9, 1834. His parents, John D. and Eleanor Williams, nee McCosky, were among the first settlers of Kentucky. They came to Missouri in 1841, and, on April 20th, of that year, camped on Grand River in this county near where William M. Williams now lives. His father was a member of the legislature for two terms from this county. He sold goods in Old Pattonsburg for quite a number of years and had an extensive acquaintance over northwest Missouri. He died January 31, 1872; his wife, the mother of the … Read more

Biography of William Earl

William Earl was born in Monroe county, New York, April 13, 1816. His parents, John and Frances Earl, were natives of New Jersey. They located near Rochester, New York, and Mr. Earl engaged in the mercantile business. When young Earl was five years of age his father died and four years later his mother also died. At this early age he started to earn his own living. He first worked near Buffalo, New York, next in different parts of Ohio; and after making a little money attended school at Carthage and by hard study acquired a fair education in the … Read more

Biography of William C. Atkinson

William C. Atkinson is a native of Rockingham county North Carolina, born April 25, 1809. His parents, William and Mary Atkinson, nee Clark, were both born in Maryland; his father forty miles east of Baltimore and his mother in Annapolis. His grandfather, Royal Clark, was the founder of Clarksville, Maryland. The parents of our subject moved to North Carolina and both died in Rockingham county, his mother in 1835 and his father in 1843. His half brother, Thomas Atkinson, was one of the first settlers in Daviess county and died near Gallatin in 1837. At the age of twenty-two years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. T. Miller

W. T. Miller was born in Hawkins county, Tennessee, December 4, 1828. His parents Obadiah and Susan A. Miller, were early settlers of Missouri; his mother died May 5, 1876, and his father, May 25, 1878. When twenty-one years of age he began by renting a small piece of land, was industrious and saving, and in 1853 was able to buy forty acres of raw land. He has kept steadily increasing his possessions until he now owns over four hundred acres of highly improved land. On June 23d, 1853, he was married to Miss Charity W. Nance, a native of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Deskin

W. H. Deskin is a native of Pike county, Kentucky, born June 5, 1854. His parents, W. H. and Louisa Deskin, nee Atkins, were natives of Kentucky and are now both dead. January 26, 1863, his father was commissioned lieutenant of cavalry to rank from October 4, 1862, by Governor John Letcher of Virginia; served till the close of the war, and participated in many memorable battles; was taken prisoner at Alexandria and while in prison contracted a disease that ended in his death, August 8, 1866. His wife, the mother of the subject of our sketch, only survived him … Read more

Biography of W. G. Weldon

W. G. Weldon was born in Hart county, Kentucky, November 29, 1835; son of Jonathan and Sarah Weldon, nee Burch. They were both natives of Pittsylvania county, Virginia, and were reared there, but moved to Hart county, Kentucky, and were there married and lived from 1830 till 1856, then moved to Missouri and located in Harrison county. His father died on April 20th, 1880, but his mother is still a resident of Daviess county. Young Weldon was an apt and industrious student and after graduating at Camden Seminary, Kentucky, he began school teaching and after coming to Missouri was engaged … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Walker

Thomas Walker is a native of Stokes county, North Carolina, born December 9, 1814. His parents, Owen and Susannah Walker, were also natives of North Carolina, but moved to Monroe county, Indiana, and lived there about two years, and there, in 1846, the father died. The mother and family then moved to McLean county, Illinois, and lived there two years, then in the fall of 1849 they moved to Missouri and located in Daviess county, and here the mother died in 1856. On January 19th, 1835, Mr. Walker was united in marriage to Miss Cynthia Evans, born in Stokes county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Mattingly, M. D.

Thomas J. Mattingly is a native of Richmond, Madison county, Kentucky, born September 30, 1828; son of Ignatius and Mary Daft Mattingly, both natives of St. Marys county, Maryland, and early settlers of Kentucky. His father died in 1832 and his mother in 1867. At the age of eighteen years he went to Lawrence county, Indiana, and there began the study of medicine and lived in various parts of the State till 1852, when he came to Missouri and located at Plattsburg. He was engaged in the land office department till 1861, and then began the practice of medicine at … Read more

Biography of Rev. Robert R. Witten

Rev. Robert R. Witten is one of the pioneers of the Methodist Church in Missouri. He was born October 8, 1831, in McMinn county, Tennessee, and is a son of Rev. James Witten, who was born in Tazewell county, Virginia, January 5, 1793. The parents of Rev. James Witten with their family, moved to Sequatchie Valley, Tennessee, James then being sixteen years of age and the oldest of the family, and his father being quite feeble, nearly all the work of opening up a new farm in a heavily timbered country devolved upon him; he never attended school to exceed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Obadiah Persinger

Obadiah Persinger was born in Botetourt county, Virginia, January 3, 1815. His parents, John and Rachel Persinger, were both natives of Virginia, of German de-scent. They came to Howard county, Missouri, in the year 1821, and settled at Old Franklin. After residing there two years they moved to Clay county, where they lived ten years, then moved to Clinton county and remained for four years. On February 23d, 1837, Mr. Obadiah Persinger married Miss Rebecca Elliott, a native of Anderson county, Kentucky, born May 14, 1816. Her parents, John and Ruth Elliott, were born in Kentucky and came to Missouri … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Nancy Meadows

Nancy Gwinn is a native of Monroe county, Virginia, born October 17, 1809. Her parents, Joseph and Mary Gwinn, were both natives of Virginia. Her father died April 3, 1862, and her mother, June 23, 1872. November 27, 1832, she was married to John Meadows, a native of Monroe county, Virginia, born May 24, 1809. Soon after marriage, this couple started out empty handed, but determined to win for themselves a home, and after working nine years in Virginia, they secured a team and started for Missouri, and on November 12th, 1841, after a long and tedious travel, they landed … Read more

Biography of N. G. Dillon

N. G. Dillon was born in Benton township, Daviess county, Missouri, January 27, 1845. His father, William Dillon, was born in Ohio, but removed to Illinois when quite young and in the year 1838 came to Missouri, and located about six -miles north of Pattonsburg: thus he stands entitled to the honor of being one of the first pioneers of Daviess county. His mother, Lydia Dillon, nee Poe, was born in Tennessee, but married William Dillon in Illinois, and shortly afterwards the young couple came to Missouri and located in this county and selected for themselves out of the then … Read more