Kasinger, Lyman Roy – Obituary

Imbler, Union County, Oregon Local Resident Hears of Brother’s Death Mrs. Keith Glenn received word that her brother, Lyman Roy Kasinger died Sunday of a heart attack at his home in Oregon City. He had been a resident of Imbler and La Grande several years ago, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kasinger. Survivors include a daughter, Gertrude Persyn of Oregon City, and two [*] grandchildren; one brother Jack T. Kasinger, San Bruno, Calif.; sisters Lillie Fehr, Woodland, Wash.; Floy Davis, San Francisco, Calif., Hattie Bell, Hood River, Bessie Ruckman, Oakland, Calif., Hester Glenn, Summerville, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. N. Miller

F. N. Miller, editor of the Manchester Times and a prominent citizen of Manchester, was born at Port Hudson, Louisiana, December 5, 1853, the son of Albert and Delilah (Saunders) Miller, the former born October 18, 1822, in Indiana, and the latter May 1, 1832, in Kentucky, and still living in Port Hudson, Louisiana. The parents were married about 1846. In 1861 the elder Miller enlisted in the Confederate Company E. twenty first Mississippi Regiment Infantry, and was killed in the battle of Chickamauga in 1863. He was a successful brick mason. Our subject is the third of five children, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. C. Jackson

D. C. Jackson, a prominent citizen of Summitville, Tennessee, was born November 16, 1821, in Monticello, Kentucky, and is the son of J. B. and Dorcas (Cox) Jackson. The father was born in Lewisburg, N. C., in 1798, and when quite young came to Tennessee. For eight years, before he went into the mercantile business, he was clerk of McMinn County. The mother was born about 1797 in Tennessee. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he was a democrat. In 1839 our subject began an extensive tour through Virginia, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Indian Territory and Mexico. He … Read more

Biography of P.C. Isbell

P. C. Isbell. His parents were both born in Warren County, Kentucky. His father was of English descent; his mother of German and a granddaughter of Frederick Stump, an early settler in Davidson County, Tennessee. He was born in Warren County, Kentucky. His father moved to Jackson County, Missouri, when he was a small boy, where he grew up in the dark backwoods and never attended school. He had a fine working education. His mother taught him to spell, read, and write and a few rules in arithmetic, what she knew. He mastered Webster’s “blue back.” and then engaged as … Read more

Myers, Maria Louisa Spakes – Obituary

Another Pioneer Gone Monday February 27, 1905 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Tuttle, on Willow Creek, Mrs. Maria Louisa Spakes Myers aged 72 years, 5 months, 9 days. Mrs. Myers, one of the pioneer women of Union County, had resided in and near the town of Summerville since the year 1884, and was among the most widely known citizens of the county. Ever since the beginning of civilization’s era in this section Mrs. Myers had, with all the effectiveness of an energetic and loyal pioneer woman, borne her important part in the many trials and hardships, as … Read more

Masterson, Eliza Mrs. – Obituary

Death of Mrs. Eliza Masterson The death of Mrs. Eliza Jane Masterson occurred at her home in this city Wednesday, November 23, 1905. Deceased had been ill for over a year and during that time had withstood untold suffering, but always with great fortitude and patience. Eliza Jane Violet was born in Logan county, Kentucky, December 27, 1820 and was therefore 84 years, 10 months and 25 days old at the time of her death. During her girlhood days she moved to Missouri, in which state she was united in marriage in 1840 to William Masterson. She crossed the plains … Read more

Ruckman, Bessie G. – Obituary

Former Imbler resident Bessie G. Ruckman died May 3 in Oakland, Calif. She was 81. Mrs. Ruckman was born Nov 4, 1903, in Jackson, Mo., to Thomas and Sophronia Kasinger. She and her family moved to Imbler in 1912. She married Virgil Audmer Ruckman of Alicel on June 10, 1922. In 1924, the couple moved to Oakland. Mrs. Ruckman was an employee of the Pacific Telephone Co., until she retired in 1957. She was preceded in death by her husband in 1975. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Betty Gene Graybeal of Oakland, and Mrs. Audrea C. Carero of Castro Valley, … Read more

Plummer, Van William – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Died-in Pendleton, Thursday, August 7, 1924, Van William Plummer, of La Grande. He was born July 4, 1866, in Neosho, Missouri; came to Oregon in 1888 and was married to Catherine Elizabeth Ashby May 14, 1890. He is survived by his widow, and one son-Thomas Plummer, of La Grande; three daughters-Mrs. A. O. Baird, of Baker; Mrs. Guy B. Rogers of La Grande; Mrs. C. A. Chesser of Austin; one sister-Mrs. J. L. Gibson of Cove; one brother-Carlos Plummer of La Grande; and eight grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday August 9 from Cock Bros. … Read more

Rees, A. F. Mrs. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Mrs. A.F. Rees, the beloved wife of M.B. Rees, of Cove, Ore., passed away to her long rest, on Friday Morning, January 20th, 1899 at 2:20 a.m. Mrs. Rees, whose maiden name was Hall, was a native of Missouri having been born in that state February 10, 1841. In the year 1845, she crossed the plains with her parents, who settled in Marion Co., Ore. Here she grew up to womanhood, and meeting M.B. rees was married to him in 1856. They continued to reside in Marion co., until 1864 when they moved to the Grande … Read more

Reynolds, Mary A. Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Mary A. Reynolds Died This Morning Another of La Grande’s Pioneer Ladies Answers Call of Death With Her Passing On Mrs. Mary A. Reynolds aged 81, passed away this morning at 10:45 o’clock at the Grande Ronde hospital at the conclusion of a two months’ illness. Her demise came as a sad shock to a host of friends in Eastern Oregon who sincerely mourn the death of one of La Grande’s most respected and admired pioneer ladies. Funeral services will be held from the Christian church tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock under the auspices … Read more

Steers, Sadie – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Funeral Services for Sadie Steers to be Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Sadie Steers will be held Saturday, July 5, at 2 PM, at the Elgin Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Steers died Tuesday at a La Grande hospital at the age of 89. She had been in failing health for a number of years, but was able to care for her personal needs very well up until she was taken to the hospital June 18. Interment will be in the Summerville cemetery. Rev. Volney Johnson will be in charge of services at the church here, … Read more

Tuttle, Adah Emily – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Adah Emily Tuttle of Summerville, a retired homemaker, died Monday at a local nursing home following an extended illness. She was 82. Funeral services were held this morning at the Summerville Chapel under the auspices of the First Church of Christ Scientist. June Steffen officiated and burial followed at the Summerville Cemetery. Services and arrangements were handled by Dempsey’s Funeral Chapel. Mrs. Tuttle was born August 15, 1890 in Sumner, Missouri, the daughter of James L. and Missouri Frances Andrews. She was a resident of Summerville most of her life. She married Cap H. Tuttle October … Read more

White, J. A. – Obituary

J. A. White, for nine years a resident of Union, died at his home in South Union, Sunday, November 27, 1927, age a little over 65 years. The funeral took place from Cock Bros., undertaking parlors, Tuesday afternoon, November 29. Jas. Alexander White was born October 1st, 1862, in Arkansas and died at his home in Union, Ore., November 27th. He came west to California about 1890, then returned to Missouri, where he was married, his wife dying 22 years ago. He came to Union some nine years ago, where he has since made his home. He leaves behind him … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Preston

John Preston was left an orphan when very young, but at eight years of age he was adopted by an old gentleman and his wife, who were very kind to him. They took him to Rock Castle Co., Kentucky, and educated him, as though he had been their own son. When he was of age he married Jane Day, and came to St. Charles County, Missouri, in 1820. They had eleven children, only five of whom lived to be grown. Their names were Frank L., Mary W., Caroline V., Liberty M., and Fanny H. Mr. Preston and his wife were … Read more

Wilkinson, Andrew – Obituary

Died—At Vader, Washington, Monday, August 9, 1926, Andrew Wilkinson, age 84 years, 7 months and 14 days. The funeral took place from the Methodist church, Union, Friday, August 13, 1926, at 2:30 o’clock p.m. Word was received at Union early Monday morning of the serious illness of Mr. Wilkinson, and his daughter, Mrs. Webb, left that morning on No. 17 for Vader, but her father passed away before her arrival at Vader. Mrs. Webb returned with the remains Thursday, and the funeral took place as above noted. “Uncle Andy” Wilkinson was one of the old settlers of this section, and … Read more

Wilkinson, John – Obituary

Forty-two years a resident of Union county, Oregon, was John Wilkinson, who was born July 30, 1839, in Peoria, Illinois, and died in Walla Walla, Washington, where he went three weeks before for treatment in a hospital in that city. At the age of two years, he, with his parents, went to Missouri, where they remained eight years, then to the old Illinois home till 1858, when he started westward, spending four years with headquarters in Nebraska, freighting on the plains as far as Denver. In 1864, he, together with his father, mother, five brothers and three sisters and a … Read more

Wilkinson, Thomas – Obituary

Thomas Wilkinson died at his home in High Valley, Thursday, March 23, 1922, age 85 years and 27 days. He was born in Peoria County, Illinois, January 24, 1837. His early life was spent in Illinois, Missouri and Nebraska. He crossed the plains to Oregon in 1864. Starting from Nebraska, May 9, and arriving in Oregon, October 9. He was married to Lydia A. Rundall November 27, 1879. To this union four children were born who survive him-Jacob H., Tillie A., Mary E., and Philip Edgar. His wife passed January 13, 1918. Three grandchildren survive; one sister, Mrs. Eliza Hathaway … Read more

Wade, Mary C. – Obituary

Mary C. Wade, Pioneer Lady Died Yesterday The onward march of time has claimed another of the Grande Ronde pioneers. Mary C. Wade, one of the best known pioneer ladies of this valley died yesterday afternoon at her home on Fourth street. She was the wife of Phares E. Wade, and their marriage occurred on June 18th, 1865. Her husband died in 1894. The maiden name of the deceased was Mary Catherine Myers and she was born January 18, 1845, in Scotland county, Mo., at the town of Memphis. She crossed the plains in 1864 and settled in the Grande … Read more

Sartain, Eula – Obituary

Mrs. Eula Sartin Passes This Life Eula Sartain, 56, of this city, died at her home here Tuesday evening at five o’clock. Mrs. Sartain was born in Cresent Hill, Missouri and has lived in North Powder for the past six years. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Fred Ingram of Tulsa, Oklahoma; one son, Fred Sartain of North Powder; two brothers, Charles McCraw of this city and O.C. McCraw of Portland, Oregon. Funeral services will be held at the local Methodist church, Saturday afternoon. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, April 14, 1928

Tuttle, Jeanette (Myers) – Obituary

Imbler, Union County, Oregon Jeanette Tuttle, 89, of Imbler, and a resident of Union county since she was five years old, died at a local hospital yesterday after a long illness. She was born in Memphis, Mo., in 1858 and had lived in the county for 84 years. She was a member of the Elgin Order of Eastern Star and of the Episcopal church. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mable Moore of La Grande and Mrs. Blanche Kelton of Hartford, Wash.; one son, Cap H. Tuttle of Imbler, five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral Services will be … Read more