Biography of Hon. Samuel F. Taylor

Hon. Samuel F. Taylor was not a pioneer of Idaho Falls simply. He was one of a very few who were pioneers at that locality before the town had a beginning, and was active in an enterprise which was influential in locating a town at that point on the Snake river. He came to the place in 1870 with his cousin, J. M. Taylor, who with the firm of Taylor & Anderson, built the bridge across the Snake river at the falls. It was the first bridge in this part of the state, was a great aid to immigration and … Read more

Biography of Sanford Evans

The self-made man, when he has made a place for himself in the world and installed himself in it, has done as much for the world as he has done for himself. The builder of his own fortunes is an active factor in advancing the best interests of the community in which he lives and flourishes, and every dollar he makes for himself becomes, in a sense, public capital. Such a progressive and helpful citizen is Sanford Evans, of Genesee, a prominent farmer and mill owner, who has done as much for the development of Genesee and its tributary territory … Read more

Biography of James W. Poe

James W. Poe, a distinguished lawyer and Idaho pioneer, residing at Lewiston, is a native of Jackson county, Missouri, his birth having there occurred on the 15th of January, 1838. His father, William B. Poe, was born in North Carolina, and married Mrs. Nancy Mulkey, nee Johnson, a native of South Carolina, by whom he had four children, two of whom are yet living. He valiantly served his country as a soldier in the Mexican war, and in 1853 crossed the plains to Oregon with his family. Our subject accompanied his parents on their westward emigration, and acquired his education … Read more

Biography of Frank T. Martin

When, in 1871, Frank T. Martin first saw the Snake River valley, Idaho, it was a vast, desolate and unexplored wilderness, not so inviting to settlement as it might have been otherwise, because of its arid, unproductive soil. Mr. Martin was then a youth of seventeen, and he came with thirteen others and drove seven hundred head of cattle across the plains from Saline County, Missouri. They were one hundred and eleven days on the way, and after they reached the Snake river valley the company separated, some of its members going to different points round about, and some to … Read more

Biography of Collins Perryman

Among the most prominent and valued residents of his section of the state is Collins Perryman, of Juliaetta, a veteran of the civil war, and a citizen whose labors in behalf of the town of his abode have been most effective in advancing its interests. He was the pioneer hotel man, as a real-estate dealer has handled the greater part of its property, has done more than any other man in the locality to improve the roads through the surrounding country, and has always been watchful of the welfare and progress, doing all in his power to promote the growth … Read more

Biography of John S. Kinkaid

John S. Kinkaid, one of the highly respected farmers of Camas prairie, was born in Indiana, September 9, 1833, and is a representative of an old Kentucky family. His grandfather, Joseph Kinkaid, was a soldier of the war of 1812, and was an early settler of Kentucky. His son, Andrew Kinkaid, was born, reared and educated in Kentucky and became a minister of the Christian church. In 1841 he removed to Missouri and was a prominent preacher of the gospel in that state. He married Miss Elizabeth Landis, a native of Tennessee, who is still living and has celebrated her … Read more

Biography of William N. Buchanan

On the roster of county officials of Latah county appears the name of William N. Buchanan, who is now serving as sheriff, and his fearless and prompt discharge of his public duties has gained him the commendation of all lawabiding citizens. For twenty-one years he has been a resident of the county, and has therefore witnessed the greater part of its growth and development. Throughout this period he has been connected with its agricultural interests, and is accounted one of the leading farmers of this section of the state. Mr. Buchanan was born in Newton County, Missouri, April 2, 1857, … Read more

Biography of William W. Watkins, M. D.

A man’s reputation is the property of the world. The laws of nature have forbidden isolation. Every human being submits to the controlling influence of others or, as a master, wields a power for good or evil on the masses of mankind. There can be no impropriety in justly scanning the acts of any man as they affect his public, social and business relations. If he be honest and successful in his chosen field of endeavor, investigation will brighten his fame and point the path along which others may follow. One whose record will bear the closest scrutiny and stand … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Morris

The prominent position which Benjamin F. Morris occupies in business circles is indicated by the honor that was conferred upon him by his election to the presidency of the Commercial Club, of Lewiston. He is a man of marked business and executive ability, of sterling worth and of great popularity, and is regarded as one of the most valued citizens of Lewiston. A native of Missouri, he was born in 1843, of English ancestry. The family was founded in America a century and a half ago, and from New York, where the first settlement was made, representatives of the name … Read more

Biography of Caleb S. Stone, M. D.

Dr. Stone has left the ranks of the many to stand among the more successful few in a profession where advancement depends solely upon individual merit. In other walks of life, especially in commercial circles, one may enter upon a business already established and carry it on from the point where others laid it down, but the physician must rely solely upon his knowledge and ability, and these must be acquired through close and earnest application. That Dr. Stone, of Wallace, is numbered among the leading physicians and surgeons of his section of the state is therefore evidence of his … Read more

Biography of Robert V. Cozier

On the roll of Idaho’s statesmen and eminent representatives of the bar is found the name of Hon. Robert V. Cozier, who has left the impress of his individuality upon the legislation and public progress. He is a man of strong mentality, of marked patriotism and broad humanitarian principles, and is therefore well fitted for leadership in the public movements which affect the welfare of the commonwealth. He is now acceptably filling the position of United States attorney for Idaho, and his comprehensive knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence and his ability in handling intricate legal problems make him a … Read more

Biography of Walter E. Pierce

Walter E. Pierce, ex-mayor of Boise, is an energetic, enterprising young businessman who for the past nine years has been closely associated with the commercial, political and social activities of the city. He is a notable example of the self-made man who rising above the difficulties and drawbacks of early environment, makes a place for himself in the world and justly claims the respect and esteem of all. A native of Bell County, Texas, born January 9, 1860, Mr. Pierce is a descendant of an old and prominent Rhode Island family, many of whose representatives resided in Providence, where they … Read more

Biography of George Schmadeka

History was at one time almost entirely a record of wars, a tale of conquest in which armed hosts went forth to capture, pillage and destroy, but with advancing civilization it has become a very different chronicle, being now more particularly the story of the onward march of progress, the upbuilding of towns and the establishment of those enterprises and interests which contribute to man’s happiness and welfare. In pursuing the study of Idaho’s history we find that the flourishing town of Grangeville owes its existence in part to the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He arrived on Camas … Read more

Biography of Hon. James E. Hart

Faithfulness is the surest stepping-stone to success. Faithfulness in small things begets confidence in one’s ability to undertake more considerable tasks; and in business life, in professional life, in the church and in public affairs, faithfulness and thoroughness have carried thousands and are carrying thousands up from the day and place of small things to places of higher and still higher responsibility and honor. These thoughts have been suggested by a consideration of the successful career of the man whose name appears above. James E. Hart, clerk of the district court and ex-officio auditor and recorder of Bear Lake county, … Read more

Biography of Jacob Jones

Jacob Jones, a pioneer property-owner, merchant, farmer, blacksmith and hotelkeeper at Montpelier, Idaho, and one of the most prominent citizens of the town, was born in Breconshire, South Wales, May 14, 1825. His parents were descended from old Welsh families and his father was a Methodist, and his mother was a Presbyterian. Of their ten children he was the youngest. He was educated and entered upon the active struggle of life in his native land and there married Miss Anne Collier on the Saturday before Christmas, 1852. As early as 1846 he had been converted to the faith of the … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Wilson

Joseph C. Wilson. Aside from the prominance which is his in the business world by reason of his position as sales manager for the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, at Topeka, Joseph C. Wilson had the distinction of belonging to a family which for three generations have been active in the business, civic and moral development of Kansas. The name had always stood for honorable and public-spirited citizenship and for participation in progressive movements, and Mr. Wilson is proving himself a worthy representative of this old and respected family. Mr. Wilson was born in the City of Topeka, Kansas, June 28, … Read more

Biography of John Wallace Howe

John Wallace Howe. Few men are able to comprehend within a period of less than seventy years such a variety of experience and achievement as John Wallace Howe of Independence. He is one of the youngest vsterans of the Union army in the war between the states. Besides the part played by him as a faithful soldier in that struggle, he had been a farmer, a carpenter, had lived in a number of different localities, and was one of the pioneer settlers in Montgomery County, Kansas, having established his home there on the frontier more than forty-five years ago. Public … Read more

Biography of Abraham Buckles Jetmore

Abraham Buckles Jetmore. The late Abraham Buckles Jetmore was one of the most forceful figures of the Kansas bar from the year 1878 until his death, March 1, 1908. During that period he gave his strength, mind, heart and talents to the upbuilding of his adopted city and state, and while engaged in discharging the duties related to a large and important practice, gave his best efforts to the cause of prohibition and toward the establishment of an honest public administration. Mr. Jetmore was born at Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, May 25, 1837, the seventh son of John Isaac and … Read more

Biography of Otto F., Dierker, M. D.

Otto F. Dierker, M. D. Among the well-established physicians and surgeons of Lincoln County, Kansas, no one is held more trustworthy than Dr. Otto F. Dierker, who had been suecessfully engaged in the practice of his profession at Sylvan Grove, Kansas, since 1905, coming here shortly after his graduation from college and the securing of his degree. It is creditable both to Doctor Dierker and to the people of this pleasant little city that the cordial relations established at this time have never been severed, there being warm friendship, trust and appreciation on both sides. Doctor Dierker had built up … Read more

Biography of William E. Schermerhorn

William E. Schermerhorn is a merchant at Wilson and for a man of thirty-five carrics some very heavy responsibilities. He is a native of Kansas and son of a pioneer whose career recalls some interesting events and developments in the far West. His father, E. D. Schermerhorn, is still living at Wilson, nearly seventy years of age. E. D. Schermerhorn was born near Troy, New York, in 1848. His ancestors were the Schermerhorn family of Holland established on Manhattan Island by three brothers in the time of Peter Stuyvesant. The name Schermerhorn is still found in local nomenclature in and … Read more