Biography of Judge Austin Brown

JUDGE AUSTIN BROWN. The object of this sketch is to place before the public the record of a well-spent life, abounding in useful and charitable deeds. Mr. Brown was born in Ray County, Missouri, in April, 1835. His parents being William M. and Sidney (Cravens) Brown, who were born in Culpeper County, Virginia, where they were reared, educated and married. About 1830 they removed to the then far West Ray County, Missouri, but eight years later settled in Taney County, Missouri, where the mother died the following year. Mr. Brown was thus left with a family of small children, and … Read more

Biography of James Hailey

JAMES HAILEY. This gentleman is the oldest resident of Ava, and during the long term of years that he has spent in this section, his good name has remained untarnished and he has won for himself many friends. He was born in Bedford County, Tennessee, February 7, 1824, a son of Tavner and Joyce (Tomison) Hailey, the former of whom was born in Henry County, Virginia, was an early pioneer of Tennessee, and in 1839 settled in Webster County, Missouri, where he followed the occupation of farming until his death in 1867. He was a Whig in politics. His wife … Read more

Biography of John R. McCormick

JOHN R. MCCORMICK. During the thirty-five years that this gentleman has been a resident of Boone County, Arkansas, he has thoroughly identified himself with every interest of the same, and has been very public-spirited and progressive. He comes of good old Revolutionary ancestry, as his grandfather, Joseph R. McCormick, fought for independence and carried the scars received in the conflict to his grave. He was wounded seven times, and the last time crippled for life. Nothing is known of his wife and but little of his children. One of his sons, Benjamin F., went to California and died there in … Read more

Biography of Joseph Meyer

JOSEPH MEYER, manager and president of the Billings Mercantile Company at Billings, has been a resident of this city since 1886, and his reputation stands high in commercial circles for sound integrity and honorable business methods. He is a native of south Indiana, born March 6, 1852, and is a son of Joseph and Barbara (Boehm) Meyer, both natives of Germany. The father emigrated from that country to America in 1845, and made a location in Troy, Indiana, but resided one year in New Orleans, La., previous to that. He is still living and is engaged in the manufacture of … Read more

Biography of John Murphy

JOHN MURPHY. This prominent farmer and stockraiser of Harrison township, Boone County, Arkansas, was born in Miller County, Missouri, January 7, 1838, and probably inherits much of his push and energy from his Irish ancestors, his great-grandfathcr Murphy having been a native of the Emerald Isle. The latter came to America after the Revolutionary War and settled in the Palmetto State, where his last days were spent. His wife was a native of Wales. His son, John Murphy, grandfather of subject, was born in South Carolina, but at an early date settled near Murfresboro, Tennessee, where he died when his … Read more

Biography of G. C. Sowder

G. C. SOWDER. There is something essentially American in the life and character of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch. The United States has given rare opportunities to men with courage, honesty of purpose, integrity and energy, to achieve success. The bulk of the men who have legitimately achieved fortune have been men with the above characteristics, and Mr. Sowder is surely one of that stamp. He is the owner of a magnificent farm of 400 acres where he is now living, on which he has lived since he came to the county in 1868, and 165 … Read more

Biography of Dr. James W. York

DR. JAMES W. YORK. This prominent physician has been a close student of his profession and in his mission of “healing the sick,” his generous treatment of his patients, his liberality and kindness of heart, have won for him not the respect alone, but the earnest regard of the large clientele, he has gathered around him. For thirteen years be has resided in Billings and is known as a man of untarnished integrity of character and of high moral standing. His birth occurred at Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa, March 27, 1851, and he is a son of James M. and … Read more

Biography of Judge E. F. Howcroft

JUDGE E. F. HOWCROFT. Not without justice, Judge E. F. Howcroft is conceded to hold an enviable position among the prominent and successful men of Christian County, for he has not only rendered it valuable service as a reliable public official, but as an industrious farmer and law-abiding citizen. He is a native of the Old Bay State, born at Fall River, November 18, 1838, to the marriage of David and Ruth (Bindley) Howcroft, and like other British-American citizens, has done good stalwart work in the cultivation and development of this section. His father, David Howcroft, who for many years … Read more

Biography of Hervy A. Massey

HERVY A. MASSEY. This worthy citizen, who is one of the leading farmers and stockraisers of Stone County, Missouri, was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1846, and is a son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Ellison) Massey, who were natives of Tennessee. Previous to marriage, and when children, they came with their parents to Greene County, Missouri, and there, after growing up, their nuptials were solemnized. After marriage they located four miles east of Springfield, on the wild prairie, where they improved a good farm and spent the balance of their days, he dying in 1869, when about forty-seven years … Read more

Biography of Lynn Adams

LYNN ADAMS. Among the progressive and successful agriculturists of Marion County, Arkansas, the name of Lynn Adams is well worthy of mention. He was born in Hopkins County, Kentucky, October 31, 1831, to George and Mariah (Lynn) Adams, the former of whom was also a Kentuckian and a son of James Adams, who came to Marion County at an early day and lived on White River near the mouth of Big North Fork of White River, making his home there until his death, which occurred about 1855. He followed farming and reared a large family of children, of whom George … Read more

Biography of William Hembree

WILLIAM HEMBREE. This well-known business man and successful farmer of James Township, Stone County, Missouri, is a product of the Hoosier State, born in Dubois County, March 9, 1836, to the union of John and Maggie Hembree. The father was born in Knox County, Tennessee, and when a young man went to Indiana, was married in Dubois County, and when our subject was six or ten years of age the family came by horse and ox teams to what is now Taney County, Missouri, locating on Bull Creek, where Mr. Hembree improved a farm. Later he moved to White River … Read more

Biography of George W. McCarty

GEORGE W. McCARTY. This prominent citizen has been a resident of Taney County since 1879, and during that time he has won the respect and esteem of all by his many estimable traits of character. Mr. McCarty was born in Gwinnett County, Ga., February 10, 1845, and was the eldest of a family of six children, born to Larkin and Sarah (Cates) McCarty, natives respectively of North and South Carolina. The elder McCarty was a fine mechanic and followed the woodworking business all his life. He and wife held membership in the Missionary Baptist Church, and were esteemed citizens wherever … Read more

Biography of B. W. Hogard

B. W. HOGARD. There is nothing which speaks more eloquently of the enterprise or prosperity of a town than does the well-kept hostelry and Central Hotel, of which Mr. Hogard is the proprietor, at Gainesville, Missouri, which is one of the best in the county. Its neat and orderly appearance distinguishes it among others, and the polite service which its patrons receive and the excellent character of the cuisine, has influenced their permanent custom, and the place is exceptionally popular with the traveling man. Mr. Hogard was born in Weakley County, Tennessee, November 5, 1850, a son of Rev. John … Read more

Biography of Capt. John James Sitton

CAPT. JOHN JAMES SITTON, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens of Oregon County, Missouri, has been prominently identified with the best interests of the county for many years, and no worthy movement is allowed to fail for want of support on his part. He is now located at Garfield, where he has a fine residence, and where he is highly esteemed. Capt. Sitton was born in Washington County, Missouri, at Palmer, July 5, 1842, and he is the son of Harvey and Martha F. (Wingo) Sitton, natives respectively of South Carolina and Virginia. Harvey Sitton was a young … Read more

Biography of Abner Jefferson Ponder

ABNER JEFFERSON PONDER. It is an indisputable fact that the United States stands alone in the preeminence of having an array of citizens, who, without adventitious aid or accident of birth, have attained to wealth and distinction in public affairs. This is the glory of the country, and every man who has it in him can prove himself a man. This thought naturally suggests itself in looking over the career of A. J. Ponder, for he began the hard battle of life in early boyhood, and has climbed step by step the ladder of success until he now not only … Read more

Biography of J. D. Melton

J. D. MELTON. The question of food supplies is one that agitates the whole human family, and is the first with which they have to grapple. Without doubt the well-appointed grocery establishment furnishes the best solution of feeding the masses, and in this connection due reference is made to that over which J. D. Melton presides and of which he is the proprietor. He was born in the neighborhood of Galena, Missouri, December 6, 1842, a son of Austin and Elsie (Haley) Melton, and grandson of Ansel Melton, who was one of the pioneers of Tennessee. In that State Austin … Read more

Biography of Judge Shadrach Chilton

JUDGE SHADRACH CHILTON. Among the citizens of Van Buren, Carter County, Missouri, who have carved their way from a modest beginning to the rank of its prominent men, not one occupies a more enviable position than Judge Shadrach Chilton. Possessed of excellent ability, grafted upon a stock of sturdy honesty, he also possesses a goodly degree of those personal attributes that spring from a kindly heart, an honest purpose, a broad liberality and a fraternal sympathy. He is a descendant of one of the earliest pioneers in the county, John Chilton, who was born in Ray County, Tennessee, on May … Read more

Biography of Ranson D. Blades

In the following sketch is strikingly illustrated the force of well-directed energy, steadfast purpose and never-ceasing effort for the accomplishment of noble ends, and the successful overthrow of those obstacles which beset the progress of every young man who, unaided and alone, starts out to combat life’s stern realities and hew his own way to distinction and fortune. To ambitious, struggling youths, with only the broad, perhaps cheerless, highway of the future before them, this narrative of a self-made man-a successful life-presents an example worthy of consideration and earnest emulation, and might even fill a faltering heart with strong zeal, … Read more

Biography of Anderson Coleman

ANDERSON COLEMAN. It is a pleasure to chronicle the history of a man whose life has been one of honor and usefulness, and although he is considerable past the zenith of his career, Mr. Coleman has accumulated sufficient means to pass his declining years in peace and plenty. He is one of the old pioneers of Carter County, Missouri, to which section he came in 1858, and is honored and esteemed throughout its length and breadth. Mr. Coleman was born in Tennessee, October, 14, 1822, and the son of William and Betsey (Vaughan) Coleman, both of whom died in North … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Stallcup

THOMAS J. STALLCUP. In endeavoring to trace the genealogy of the Stallcup family, we find that the first member of this family to settle in America was the great-grandfather of our subject, who left his home in Switzerland and settled in this country at a period long antedating the Revolution. He located in Maryland, but the family drifted thence to Tennessee. George Stallcup, grandfather of our subject, was born in Maryland and there, after growing to mature years, was married to Miss Susan Hanley, also a native of Maryland. Later he and his wife moved to Tennessee, and after rearing … Read more