Biography of J. F. Daniel

J. F. Daniel. He whose name initiates this paragraph is known and valued as one of the progressive business men and public-spirited citizens of Wichita, in which city he is vice president and general manager of the Daniel Shoe Company, which is destined to represent one of the most important industrial enterprises of commercial value to this thriving city. Mr. Daniel was born at Belton, Arkansas, and in the public schools of that place and Arkadelphia, Arkansas, he acquired his preliminary educational discipline. At the Baptist College in the latter place he pursued a higher academic course of study, also … Read more

Biography of Homer Clare Lemon

Homer Clare Lemon. Among the prosperous business enterprises of Pittsburg, Kansas, is the Nuttman-Lemon Lumber Company, the organizer and president of which is Homer Clare Lemon, a man of large experience in the lumber industry, and a man of great energy, public spirit and civic zeal. Mr. Lemon was born October 17, 1869, at Cromwell, Iowa. His parents were William Vance and Susan (Carter) Lemon. The Lemon ancestry is traced to the north of Ireland. Five brothers of the name came to the American colonies and all served in the Revolutionary war from Pennsylvania. One of these patriots was John … Read more

Biography of William Sherman Timmons

William Sherman Timmons. One of the highly respected residents and leading business men of Riley, Kansas, is William Sherman Timmons, owner of a lumber yard and dealing also in coal and grain. He belongs to old American stock, his ancestors for generations having resided in one or other of the great states of the Union. There is present in almost every individual, be his station in life what it may, a latent pride of ancestry and a pleasure in being able to trace a clear line far back in the silence of the past. Sometimes men and women offer fortunes … Read more

Biography of Thomas Kennedy

Thomas Kennedy. The door of opportunity is everywhere opened to the man of enterprise. The most characteristic industry in the State of Kansas was built up by a young machinist who came to Galena nearly thirty years ago and somewhat later established a factory for the manufacture of perforated metals. The Thomas Kennedy Company of Galens is the only concern of its kind west of the Mississippi River as far as the Pacific Coast. Mr. Kennedy created in his own mind the idea for the machines that are now at work in his plant. He realized the need of perforated … Read more

Biography of William E. Rippetoe

William E. Rippetoe. When the veterans of the lumber business in Kansas are mentioned, there is a place for William E. Rippetoe, who now has two yards, one of them at Havana, where he resides. Thirty years of active experience constitute his record, and furthermore he is one of the old-timers of Kansas, his family having been transplanted to this state when Kansas was still a frontier territory and a battle-ground of contention between the North and South. There has been something of the pioneer spirit apparently in every generation. One of his ancestors was banished from France along with … Read more

Biography of George W. Long

George W. Long is postmaster at Galena. Prior to his appointment to that office during the present administration he had become known as a young and vigorous business man and merchant. He practically grew up in the grocery trade and knows its every detail not only from the point of view of a salesman but also from the business office. He first became known to the citizens of Galena in 1897 when he entered the service of one of the grocery stores and was employed as a clerk up to 1904. He gave up his work long enough during that … Read more

Biography of John Francis Kincaid

JOHN FRANCIS KINCAID. – This gentleman is the oldest son of William and Nancy J. Woolery Kincaid, and was born in Marion county, Missouri, December 6, 1838. His parents were both natives of Madison county, Kentucky, and came to Missouri in 1830. His mother died in 1850; and in 1853 he left his birthplace, and in company with his father, three brothers and three sisters started with ox-teams to cross the plains to Oregon. They left home on March 25th, and had a large train, known as the Kincaid train, the first which came through the Nahchess Pass, and arrived … Read more

Biography of Stephen Robert Ping

Stephen Robert Ping. Kansas is not only famous for its rich lands, its crops of wheat and alfalfa, but also for its untold wealth of resources under ground, and though these resources are comparatively little known even to many of the Sunflower people, Southwestern Kansas is pre-eminently a mineral section. One of the centers of the production of lead and zinc ores is Galena in Cherokee County, Kansas. Galena is one mile from the Missouri state line and ten miles to the Oklahoma state line. In the year of 1916 a strip of country thirty-five miles long and fifteen miles … Read more

Biography of Karl E. Bauersfeld

Karl E. Bauersfeld. One of the most prominent among the younger generation who are contributing to the advancement and prosperity of the smaller communities of Southeastern Kansas is Karl E. Bauersfeld, mayor of the thriving and progressive Town of Earleton, Neosho County, and cashier of the Earleton State Bank. Mayor Bauersfeld has been a resident of Earleton for but a little more than five years, but during this time has thoroughly established himself as a capable and energetic man of business, and in his official capacity has done much to aid civic advancement. Karl E. Bauersfeld was born August 12, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Orvin Kincaid

HON. ORVIN KINCAID. – Mr. Kincaid’s life has embodied very much of the rough romance of an untamed and mining country, and in its entirety would read like a tail of Arabia. He is a native of the granite state, having been born in Grafton, New Hampshire, in 1821. His father, a man of powerful physique, a blacksmith of Scotch-Irish parentage, gave him a training both at school and at the forge, and took the boy with him on his removals to Massachusetts and Vermont. Upon reaching his majority young Kincaid spent eighteen months in Ohio and the old West, … Read more

Biography of B. C. Kindred

B.C. KINDRED. – The immigration of 1844, although on the track of that of 1843, had a much more troublesome time. Mr. Kindred belongs to that company. He is a native of Indiana, where he was born in 1818. His parents were early settlers of Kentucky, of the days of the historic Boone. In 1836 the young man found Indiana growing stale, and went out to Iowa and in 1840 came onto Missouri. Here he met Miss Rachel Mylar; and the meeting resulted in their marriage. The Oregon fever was then devastating the land; and by 1844 Captain Gilliam was … Read more

Biography of T. C. Long, M. D.

T. C. Long, M. D., now of Independence, has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Kansas for the past fifteen years. His reputation is especially based on his skill as a surgeon, and he is rated as one of the most proficient in that class of work in Montgomery County. He was near Portland in Jay County, Indiana, February 5, 1871. His grandfather, who died at the age of forty years, was a native of Ohio and moved from that state to a farm in Jay County. That farm, settled by the family more than … Read more

Biography of William Ernest Barker, M. D.

William Ernest Barker, M. D. Prominent among the medical men of Southeastern Kansas is Dr. William Ernest Barker, who since 1881 has been engaged in practice at Chanute. During this long period of devotion to his profession he has built up a large and representative professional business, and is justly regarded in medical circles and by the general public as a thoroughly learned, skilled and reliable physician and surgeon. Doctor Barker is a native of Birmingham, England, and a son of William and Martha (Timmins) Barker. William Barker was born in England, served in the regular army during his youth, … Read more

Biography of Arthur W. Evans, M. D.

Arthur W. Evans, M. D., is a native of the Sunflower State, a scion of a pioneer family of this commonwealth and has here achieved definite success in his profession, as one of the representative physicians and surgeons engaged in practice in the City of Independence. Dr. Arthur Whiting Evans was born at Lawrence, Kansas, on the 26th of October, 1870, and is a son of Arthur and Mary (Leishum) Evans, the former of whom was born in Lancastershire, England, in 1841, and the latter of whom was born in Wales, in the same year, she having been a young … Read more

Biography of Oscar C. Baird, M. D.

Oscar C. Baird, M. D. Kansas is justly notable for the skill, learning and high character of the men who compose its medical fraternity and the profession here numbers among its members those whose scientific attainments are far beyond the ordinary. Among those well known during the past sixteen years is Dr. Oscar C. Baird, of Chanute, whose career is typical of modern advancement, his having been a broad field of medical service. Doctor Baird is a native of Van Buren County, Iowa, and was born December 29, 1871, his parents being Nathan and Lorinda (Jones) Baird. Doctor Baird is … Read more

Biography of Henry Edward Reece, M. D.

Dr. Henry Edward Reece, born December 27, 1877, in Jefferson, Iowa, was a prominent physician in Thayer, Kansas. After graduating from the University Medical College of Kansas City in 1900, he practiced medicine across Oklahoma and Kansas before settling in Thayer in 1911. Renowned for his dedication to medical ethics, Dr. Reece maintained a flourishing practice, contributing significantly to the community’s health. He was active in several medical societies and fraternal organizations. Dr. Reece married Elizabeth Quinton in 1901, and they had two children, Halley and Ethel.

Biography of Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D.

Thaddeus Constantine Frazier, M. D. A useful life crowded with activity and crowned with achievement both as a physician and as a citizen, Dr. Thaddeus C. Frazier, of Coffeyville, may still further be considered because he is the pioneer medical man of this city. For forty-two years he has been a physician and surgeon here and additionally has been a leader in all forward movements, accepting public positions as a helpful means of progress for the city, encouraging educational movements and through his stability of character conferring honor upon this whole section. Doctor Frazier was born in Henry County, Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of William Cochran Hall, M. D.

William Cochran Hall, M. D., has lived at Coffeyville nearly thirty years. As a physician and surgeon he has been successful, as is indicated by the numerous professional relations he has enjoyed as physician and surgeon to a large number of the railway companies and other industrial organizations of that section of the state. But Doctor Hall’s usefulness has not been confined entirely within the lines of his profession. He is one of the men who have made Coffeyville a city. He has helped bring many of its industries and organizations, and has aided in numerous worthy enterprises inaugurated for … Read more

Biography of J. Louis Griswold, M. D.

J. Louis Griswold, M. D. During his long and active practice at Columbus, Doctor Griswold has become a recognized specialist in medical and surgical work, and has well earned a position among the foremost members of his profession in Cherokee County. Doctor Griswold has lived in this section of Kansas for more than thirty years, and was a druggist before taking up his studies and preparations for medicine. He was born on a farm in Bureau County, Illinois. His Griswold ancestors came originally from Wales and were colonial settlers in Connecticut. His grandfather, Willard Griswold, was born in Connecticut in … Read more

Biography of Luther Henry Waddle

Luther Henry Waddle. One of the greatest influences existing in a community, and particularly in those localities removed from the larger cities, is that exerted by the newspaper. To it the people look for their information regarding questions of importance, and, in a large degree, their own stand is based upon that taken by it. It is therefore desirable that the newspaper of a community be in the hands of capable, reliable and right-thinking men, and in this respect Weir City, in Cherokee County, is particularly fortunate in that the Weir City Journal has as its editor and publisher Luther … Read more