Haun, James F. – Obituary

Pioneer Rancher Dies in Hospital At La Grande James F. Haun, prominent Lostine rancher, died in a La Grande hospital Tuesday, Nov. 5 at the age of 88 years. James Francis Haun was born in Platte county, Missouri, Sept.25, 1858, his father being Wilson Haun. His mother died when he was but an infant. When eight years old he came with his father to Kansas and in 1878 in company with his brother, Jacob, and brother-in-law, William McGlenire, crossed the plain’s for the Oregon country. On two different occasions the journey was interrupted by lack of food and funds and … Read more

See, Nancy Ann Hammack – Obituary

Summerville, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. See Buried Pioneer Woman Laid to Rest at Summerville Yesterday the body of Mrs. Ben See was laid to rest in the Summerville Cemetery. Mrs. See was one of the pioneer women of this valley coming here in the fall of 1865 from Missouri, shortly after her marriage. On the 22nd of December she would have been 71 years of age. She is the mother of eight children, seven of whom are living to mourn her demise. The funeral was from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Perry Authur of May Park. Many relatives and … Read more

Childers, J. W. – Obituary – Obituary

J. W. Childers Is Taken By Death Resident of County for Many Years Crossed Plains In 1865. James W. Childers died early Friday morning, Oct. 4, 1929, at the Wallowa hospital where he had been taken on Thursday for an operation for cancer of the bladder, an affliction with which he had suffered for years, and for which he underwent an operation about 20 years ago. Mr. Childers had been in poor health for years but always refused to give way to his ill health and kept active in the management of his farm until a few weeks before his … Read more

Childers, George – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Another of Wallowa county’s influential citizens and pioneers was laid to rest Sunday afternoon. Perhaps no man in the county was better known than George Childers, having lived here 37 years. To know him was to become his friend. Few men have been more closely associated with the development of Wallowa county. He served on the freight lines between Wallowa county and Union county until the railroad made its appearance and he met the first train as a mail carrier to the Lostine depot. This position he served faithfully for 33 years, having failed only one-half … Read more

Childers, Boone – Obituary

Death Of Boone Childers Boone Childers, the well known freighter between Elgin and Wallowa for 25 years, died Monday June 24, at Wallowa of heart disease. He was buried the following day at Lostine. Mr. Childers was born October 9, 1868, in Scotland county, Missouri, and came west when a young man. His wife, who was Miss Maude Herring [Hearing], and four children survive. One brother, George lives at Lostine, and another W. S. Childers, lives at Elmira, Wash., and Mrs. Belle Merritt, a sister, lives at Allerton, Iowa. Enterprise Record Chieftain, Thursday, 4 July 1912, Page 4. Contributed by: … Read more

Beecher, Henry Ward – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Henry Ward Beecher Moved to Adair Co., MO when he was 8. At 15 he enlisted in Co. A, 39th Missouri Volunteers and served until 19 July 1865. Saw many battles and skirmishes. In 1867 he accompanied Gen. Marcia, chief inspector of US troops to New Mexico, and encountered several Indian raids. About 1872 with infant son, he and wife started for far West. First to San Francisco, then Portland, OR by boat. After short stop in Willamette Valley went by team and wagon to Eastern OR landing in the Grande Ronde Valley in 1875, … Read more

Belsher, Joseph – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Joseph Belsher died Jan. 1st, 1919, at the open air sanitarium at Salem, Oregon. He went there from Wallowa County on June 24, 1918, for relief from tuberculosis of the bone. The deceased was born July 16, 1898, in Elk Creek, Texas County, Missouri. He came to Wallowa County in November 1914, and lived with his brother Forest Belsher, on a homestead in Crow Creek Pass. He was laid to rest in the I.O.O.F. cemetery at Salem, Oregon. He leaves four brothers and sisters. Wallowa County Reporter Thursday January 30, 1918

Belsher, Joseph – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Joseph Belsher died January.1st, 1919, at the open air sanitarium at Salem, Oregon. He went there from Wallowa County on June 24, 1918, for relief from tuberculosis of the bone. The deceased was born July 16, 1898, in Elk Creek, Texas County, Missouri. He came to Wallowa County in November 1914, and lived with his brother Forest Belsher, on a homestead in Crow Creek Pass. He was laid to rest in the I.O.O.F. cemetery at Salem, Oregon. He leaves four brothers and sisters. Wallowa County Reporter, Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Thursday January 30, 1918.

Forbes, Andrew Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Andrew Forbes passed away at the Enterprise hospital yesterday afternoon, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1936. She had come from the family home at Flora a few days before an operation and her heart was not strong enough to carry her thru. Strength ebbed steadily until the end came. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church in Flora tomorrow afternoon and burial will be beside her parents in the Flora cemetery. Frances Ann Matthew was born in Clay County, Missouri, May 22, 1878, a daughter of John Elry Matthew. The family came west when she was a small girl … Read more

Fay, Jennie Mrs. – Obituary

Dies During Night Of Heart failure Mrs. Jennie Fay Passes Away as She Sleeps – Lived in County 30 Years Mrs. Jennie Fay died suddenly sometime during last Thursday night, at her home at the southeast border of Enterprise. She lived alone except for Harley Hensley, her grandson, a school boy. He got up Friday morning, started the fire and began breakfast, then went out to do some chores. He looked into his grandmother’s room before he went out and saw her lying in bed. When she was called later, it was found she was dead. She seems to have … Read more

Duckett, A. L. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Long-time Imnaha resident, A. L. Duclett dies at age 104 A. L. Duckett, who died last week at the age of 104, spent most of his adult life in Imnaha. He can be regarded as one of the most influential and popular citizens in Wallowa County’s history. By Elane Dickenson of the Chieftain Armel Lee Duckett, better known by his initials, A.L., died in Prineville last week after spending virtually all of his adult life as one of Imnaha’s leading citizens. The small Imnaha church built just 10 years ago on land he donated was packed … Read more

Davies, Eva – Obituary

Eva (Neill) Emmons Davies, former Enterprise resident, died October 7, 1989, at Mt. Vista Care Center in La Grande. She was born June 19, 1899, at Newton County, Missouri, the daughter of George William Neill and Ollie Frances Davidson. On Oct. 18, 1967, she married Leslie H. Davies. He preceded her in death on June 15, 1987. She was also preceded in death by her first husband, Lester Emmons, in 1967. She was a homemaker and a member of Enterprise Christian church. Survivors include two sons, Ed Emmons, of Milton – Freewater and George Emmons of Hermiston; four grandchildren; four … Read more

Carter, Annabel – Obituary

The Passing of Mrs. Carter On Saturday evening June 26th came the close of one of the noblest lives of Enterprise. Though she had been battling against a dreadful disease for many months and had been expected for days, the fact that she had at last entered the Great Beyond came with a shock of personal bereavement to the large circle of friends. By the little children who had the privilege of knowing her she was endearingly called “Grandma Carter” and she was a lovely example of that noblest type of woman, a Christian mother to the community. Annabel Fulton … Read more

Botts, Eliza A. Mrs – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa county, Oregon Mrs. Eliza A. Botts a pioneer resident of the county and of the Flora District, died Thursday Nov 24 1938 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Eva Fleet, where she had made her home for 15 years. Her funeral was held at the Flora Methodist church Saturday afternoon and burial was in Flora cemetery. The pallbearers were six grandsons; Dwain Fleet, Twain Conley, Ivan, Bradford, Gerald and Orville Botts. Eliza A Powell was born in Calhoun County, Georgia. July 19, 1853, and passed away at the age of 85 years four months and five days. … Read more

Duckett, Armel Lee – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Armel Lee Duckett, 104, of Imnaha, died Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1998, at Ochoco Care Center in Prineville. Services were Dec. 12, with burial in Prairie Creek Cemetery at Joseph. Mr. Duckett was born Sept. 18, 1894, in Cassville, Mo., to Bill and Florence Duckett, the third of 13 children. Mr. Duckett moved to Oregon when he was 18 and worked as a farm hand and trapper. He was a boiler maker for the O&R Railroad, based out of La Grande. He enlisted in the Army when he was 23 and served in France and Germany during … Read more

Downs, Francis Helen – Obituary

Francis Helen Ward was born to Joseph W. and Mary B. Ward at Unionville, Missouri March 14, 1886, and died at Lostine January 19, 1918, being 31 years, 10 months and 5 days of age. When about two years old, her parents came to Lostine where she has since lived. She received her education in the Lostine schools. On May 9th, 1909, she was united in marriage to Henry W. Downs and to them was born three children of whom two survive. Grandy Henry, age two years and Sophia Mary, age six months. These two motherless babes, her husband, her … Read more

Bechtel, Philanda Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Obit Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Elgin for Mrs. Philanda Bechtel, who passed away Wednesday, March 5, 1941 at the home of a son, Joe Bechtel, of Wallowa. She was born in Sullivan County, Missouri in 1856 and had spent the greater part of her life in the Elgin community. Her husband passed away many years ago. Mrs. Bechtel is survived by three sons, Dan and Homer of Elgin; Joe of Wallowa and one daughter, Mrs. Stella Witty of Elgin. Attending the services from Enterprise were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and Mr. and … Read more

Francis, King Samuel – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon K.S. Francis Left $93,000 Estate of Pioneer Farmer Is Left To Five Daughters Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, October 6, for King Samuel Francis, who passed away at the Enterprise hospital Saturday, October 4, 1941, following an illness of several months. He had been a member of the Christian church since early in life. E. E. Callahan, pastor of the Christian church, was in charge of the service, and music was furnished by Mrs. Donna Dixon and Mrs. Helen Kay and Mrs. C.F. Johnson. Pallbearers were G. W. Franklin, G. E. Long, Fred McFetridge, Harlan … Read more

Marks, James Mrs. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. James Marks passed away suddenly Thursday noon, June 14, 1928, at the family home at Joseph. She had just eaten dinner when she was stricken and in a few minutes the end came. Two years ago in October Mrs. Marks suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she recovered only partly, and she was able to get about the house with the help of other members of the family. Clara Royce was born Feb. 14, 1857, at Shelbyville, Ill. When she was 19 years of age the family moved to Caldwell County, Missouri, where she … Read more

Knapp, W. T. Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. W.T. Knapp passed away Sunday evening, Jan. 1, 1939, at the St. Anthony hospital in Pendleton after a major operation three months and four days ago. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today at Hermiston, conducted by Rev. C. R. Moore and burial will be at Hermiston. Maggie Irene Bridwell was born seventy years ago, October 19, 1868 in Norborne, Missouri. She crossed the plains at the age of ten with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bridwell, in a wagon train, coming to Union county. After a few years they moved to Wallowa County where … Read more