Land Titles Issued In Fort Bend County From 1824 To 1832.

Elijah Alleorn, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Thomas Allsbury, two leagues, patented July 8th, 1824. William Andrews, one league, patented July 15th, 1824. William Andrews, one labor, patented July 15th, 1824. Wm. T. Austin, one league, patented April 25th, 1831. Charles Baird, one league, patented October 17th, 1832 Thomas Barnett, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Wm. Barnett and Abner Harris, one league, patented June 4th, 1827. Miles M. Battle, one league, patented May 31st, 1827. James Beard, one league, patented August 10th, 1824. Charles A. Bettner, one-fourth league, patented November 20th, 1832. Gail Borden, Jr., one league, patented … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Long, Jane H., Mrs.

The Mother Of Texas Mrs. Jane Herbert Long, called “The Mother of Texas,” was born on the 23rd day of July 1798, in Clark County, the State of Maryland . Her father was General William McCall Wilkinson, of the United States Army, and her mother was Annie Herbert Dent. They were married February the 24th, 1774, and Jane Herbert was their tenth child. One of her sisters, Barbara, was born in June 1784, and she married a Mr. Wood. He died and she married Alexander Calvitt, December 18th, 1814, and she died December 19th, 1858, in Brazoria County, Texas, where … Read more

Biography of William M’Kerrall

This well-known subject was born in Orange county, N. C., June 17,1824. At sixteen he received the appointment to West Point Military Academy, and entered same class with Gen. Hancock. He was compelled to leave school, however, on account of ill health, and returned to North Carolina. There he entered Caldwell Institute, John Wilson, D.D., president, and took a regular collegiate course. At the outbreak of the Mexican war, young McKerall volunteered and was elected first lieutenant of Co. E of the North Carolina regiment, which company he served with during the war, latterly as acting captain. On one occasion, … Read more

Biography of Tyree Glenn Newbill

Father of the John Glenn Newbill, was born in Franklin county, Virginia, May 17th, 1882. He was married December 1st, 1846, to Nancy A. Johnson, only daughter of James M. and Elizabeth Johnson, and in the following year removed to Southwest Missouri, locating on the farm now owned by Dr. H. H. Lea, in the northeast corner of the territory now known as Webster county. Three years afterward he removed to Greene county, where he purchased the fine farm of Samuel McClelland, two and one-half miles west of Springfield. Here he engaged largely in agriculture and stock-raising, and was one … Read more

Biography of Earl R. Ferguson

Earl R. Ferguson, a man of purpose whose plans are well formulated and who accomplishes what lie plans, is a native son of Shenandoah, his birth having here occurred April 30, 1876. He is a son of judge W. P. Ferguson, mentioned elsewhere in this volume, and his work has been in accordance with the example set by his honored father, who from the earliest days of Shenandoah’s development has been a most important factor in its growth and upbuilding. At the usual age he was sent to the public schools and passing through the consecutive grades was graduated from … Read more

Biography of James Augustus Lawrence

(See Grant, Adair and Go-sa­du-i-sga)—Sarah Jane Adair, born March 10, 1875 at Saline; educated in the Cherokee National schools; Female Seminary, from which she graduated June 23, 1892, and Howard Payne College, Fayette, Missouri June 9, 1896. She married December 29, 1899, James Augustus Lawrence, born Oct. 18, 1856 in Texas. They are the parents of two sons: Augustus Adair, born April 21,1901 and Gilbert Shelton, born Nov. 3, 1903. Mr. Lawrence is the principal merchant of Tahlequah, and they have a beautiful home just east of the city. Mrs. Lawrence is a descendant of the Martin family of Virginia. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Crutchfield Barrett

(See Downing, Oolootsa and Halfbreed)-John Crutchfield Barrett, born December 22, 1872 in Corsicana, Texas, educated at Willie Halsell College, Vinita; married at Claremore October 5, 1898 Victoria Lipe, born February 1, 1874 at Oowala, Cherokee Nation; educated at the Female Seminary and the Oswego Female College, Oswego, Kansas. They are the parents of Flavius, born October 7, 1900; Jack, born September 3, 1903 ; Mary Bessie, born October 21, 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett are Presbyterians; he is a Mason and member of the Deer clan; she is a member of the Wolf Clan Cherokees. John C. Barrett, son of … Read more