Yukon Territory Canada

Nahane Tribe

Last Updated on August 28, 2013 by Dennis Nahane Indians, Nahane People, Nahane First Nation (‘people of the west.’). An Athapascan division occupying the region of British Columbia and Yukon Territory between the Coast range and the Rocky mountains, from the north border of the Sekani, about 57° north, to that of the Kutchin tribes, […]

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Tukkuthkutchin Tribe

Last Updated on July 16, 2014 by Tukkuthkutchin Indians (‘squint-eyed people’) A Kutchin tribe at the head of Porcupine River, occupying the territory between the headwaters of Porcupine river and Ft. McPherson, in the northern Yukon Territory, Canada.  Their eyes are frequently small and oblique, hence their name.  Although barbarous they are more intelligent than

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