Cephas Clark Family

1 CEPHAS CLARK, b Keene, N.H., July 17, 1784; d Glover, Vt., Aug. 8, 1858; s Cephas and Jemima (Griggs) Clark. m Sept. 26, 1805, Deborah Wilbur, b Westmoreland, N.H., Apr. 18, 1790; d Glover, Vt., July 23, 1850; d Rev. Nathaniel and Deborah Wilbur. Issue: 2 Caleb Aldrich, b Westmoreland, N.H., Dec. 14, 1807; d Glover, July 10, 1883. 2 Cephas Cheney, b Rutland, Vt., Sept. 30, 1809; d Glover, Oct. 23, 1869. 2 Amasa Ford, b Rutland, June 22, 1811; d Wilmington, Mass., Sept. 5, 1879. 2 Alvah Warren, b Keene, N.H., July 9, 1813; d Glover, June … Read more

Genealogy of Cephas Clark

Among the ambitious and adventurous spirits that sought homes in the northern part of Vermont were three sons of Cephas Clark, namely Silas, Samuel, and Cephas, all of whom settled in Glover. The design of this work is to treat from now on of the history of the three sons of Cephas Clark who emigrated to and settled in the northern part of Vermont.

Biographical Sketch of Zephaniah Leach

The Leache are the descendants of a McLeach family, of Scotland. Three brothers McLeach came to this country. from the Highlands of Scotland about 250 years ago, and settled at Cold Run, Mass. They afterwards removed to Westmoreland, N. H., where, nearly 125 years since, the name was changed, on petition to Parliament, from McLeach to Leach. One of these brothers, Josiah McLeach, whose wife was Sarah Brittain, of Wales, was the grandfather of Zephaniah Leach, the early settler of Waterville.

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Brown

Timothy Brown and wife, Meredeth Ward, were the first settlers in the town, coming from Westmoreland, N. H., in the year 1797. He bought 450 acres of land on West hill, embracing the Stephen Leach farm and adjoining lands. Here he lived until 1829, when he removed to Ohio, where he passed the remainder of a long life. Four children survived him, Timothy, Bartlett, Rhoda, the wife of Thomas Potter, and Asenath, the wife of Stephen Leach, all of whom attained a ripe old age. The first two died in Ohio, the last two, in Waterville. The year before Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abiathar Wetherell

The second family that located in the town was that of Abiathar Wetherell, who came from Westmoreland, N. H., in 1798. In 1803, there came from the same place Zephaniah Leach and his four sons, Stephen, Nathan, William, and Jacob. He first settled on East hill, above where Nathan Page now lives , but afterward removing to the village, in connection with his son Nathan he built the first saw and grist-mill in town.

Biography of Edward F. Green

Edward F. Green. One of the most interesting citizens of Kansas lives at Arkansas City in the person of Edward F. Green. Mr. Green had known Kansas as a resident upwards of half a century. He came out to the state in 1869. His life’s activities have been chiefly identified with agriculture and with the farming interests. However, he was trained and educated as a lawyer and admitted to practice at Ottawa, Illinois, in the winter of 1864, but never followed that profession. He devoted his attention to farming and stock raising in Kansas, at which he was fairly successful. … Read more