Biography of Harry Joseph Jeffway

Few men engaged in the electrical construction and contracting business in this part of the State have been trained in so practical and, indeed, in so high grade a school of experience in electrical work as Harry Joseph Jeffway, who not only has an established repute for unrivalled excellence in his Easthampton business, but who throughout the World War was on duty at submarine bases of the greatest responsibility as an electrician, afterwards also continuing in related lines for the United States Government in the shipyards. Mr. Jeffway is an expert in all matters electrical; he has built up an … Read more

Street Todd of Waterbury CT

Street Todd7, (Hezekiah6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 27, 1792, died Oct. 25, 1860, married Feb. 16, 1815, Ruth W., daughter of Thomas and Abigail (Hickox) Welton. “Street Todd was for a long time a butcher, his ‘slaughter’ being in two or three different places. He was succeeded by his son Ransom S. Todd.” From History of Waterbury, Conn., by Joseph Anderson, D.D. Children: *1167. Ransom S., b. Jan. 18, 1816. *1168. Janette, b. Aug. 17, 1817. *1169. Robert Clark, b. April 21, 1820. *1170. Edwin, b. Jan. 30, 1823. *1171. James, b. Oct. 18, 1825. 1172. William … Read more

Caleb Todd of Waterbury CT

Caleb Todd6, (Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) removed from North Haven, Conn., to Cheshire, Conn., in 1783. A few years later when his brother Moses moved to Wolcott, for whom he endorsed notes, and later was obliged to meet them which took all the property he owned and left him bankrupt. In those days people were imprisoned for debts. He lost his home and suffered punishment besides, having been sent to jail where he passed two years. After this affair, he passed his remaining days on a very poor farm near Waterbury, Conn. To whom he was married or what … Read more

Emerett Almeda Todd Curley of Bridgeport CT

CURLEY, Emerett Almeda Todd9, (Henry8, Ezra L.7, Ezra L.6, James5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 17, 1857, in Waterbury, Conn., died May 25, 1915, in Bridgeport, Conn., married at the John Street M. E. Church, in New York City, Dec. 24, 1890, John J. Curley. They lived in Bridgeport, Conn., where their children were born. Children: I. Francis Henry, b. Sept. 18, 1892. II. Howard John, b. April 21, 1898.

Samuel Todd of Waterbury CT

Samuel Todd4, (Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 6, 1716-17, died June 10, 1789, married Aug. 31, 1739, Mercy, daughter of Rev. Peter Evans, of Northfield (Mass.?). He graduated from Yale college in 1734; ordained May 7, 1740, as the first minister at Waterbury, Conn., Northbury Parish; dismissed Aug., 1764; installed pastor at Plymouth, 1766; removed to Lanesborough, Mass., remaining there two years; organized First Church at Adams, Mass. and remained there as pastor until 1778; Moved to Orford, N. H. where he died. “He possessed a mind of more than ordinary strength, and great decision of character. His religious sentiments … Read more

Ancestors of John Richardson Bronson of Attleboro, MA

J. R. Bronson

JOHN RICHARDSON BRONSON, M. D., who for over half a century was one of the best known practitioners of medicine in southern Massachusetts and part of Rhode Island, and who for upward of fifty years was a resident of Attleboro, was a native of Connecticut, born in the town of Middlebury, New Haven county, June 5, 1829, son of Garry and Maria (Richardson) Bronson.

The Bronson family was early planted in the New World. John Bronson (early of record as Brownson and Brunson) was early at Hartford. He is believed, though not certainly known, to have been one of the company who came in 1636 with Mr. Hooker, of whose church he was a member. He was a soldier in the Pequot battle of 1637. He is not named among the proprietors of Hartford in the land division of 1639; but is mentioned in the same year in the list of settlers, who by the “towne’s courtesie” had liberty “to fetch woods and keepe swine or cowes on the common.” His house lot was in the “soldiers’ field,” so called, in the north part of the old village of Hartford, on the “Neck Road” (supposed to have been given for service in the Pequot war), where he lived in 1640. He moved, about 1641 to Tunxis (Farmington) He was deputy from Farmington in May, 1651, and at several subsequent sessions, and the “constable of Farmington” in 1652. He was one of the seven pillars at the organization of the Farmington Church in 1652. His name is on the list of freemen of Farmington in 1669. He died Nov. 28, 1680.

Eliel Todd of Pawlet VT

Eliel Todd5, (Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 20, 1746-47 in Northbury Parish, Waterbury, Conn., died in 1793, in Pawlet, Vt., where having been stricken with a fever, he took a dose of strychnine by mistake for calomel. He married Anna Stafford or Sanford of Pawlet, Vt. He was a physician and practiced his profession in Pawlet, Vt., and vicinity. “He was the first physician in the north part of the town. He was a skillful and talented physician, and tradition invests him with rare endowments. He was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary war. He died in 1793 from poison … Read more

John Eugene Todd of Waterbury CT

John Eugene Todd9, (Hezekiah8, Jerry7, Hezekiah6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Jan. 1, 1859, married April 15, 1884, Mary Amy Jones. In 1914 he was living in Waterbury, Conn. Children: 2500. Edith Amy, b. June 10, 1885. 2501. John Eugene, b. Aug. 18, 1889, d. April 15, 1895. 2502. Mabel Gertrude, b. Sept. 25, 1897. 2503. Ellsworth Lester, b. Dec. 2, 1900.

Biography of Joseph Raymond Hampson

JOSEPH RAYMOND HAMPSON – The work in which Joseph Raymond Hampson is engaged is eminently vital and important to the welfare of the people and the progress of the civic body. Mr. Hampson has had wide experience in this general field and has executed many large and important contracts, both for private individuals and for the United States Government. His outstanding success in these various achievements has given his name unusual recognition for a man still looking forward to many years of useful and progressive activity. He is a son of Louis and Viola (Lasher) Hampson, former residents of New … Read more

Elizabeth Charlotte Todd Brown of Waterbury CT

BROWN, Elizabeth Charlotte Todd7, (Oliver6, Samuel5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 1, 1810, married James, son of deacon (Col.) James and Lavina (Wilton) Brown, who was born July 2, 1815. He lived the later part of his life in Waterbury, Conn. He was a Representative and a Senator. Children: I. Frances Augusta, b. April 1, 1836, d. Jan. 19, 1837. II. Sarah Josephine, b. Sept. 30, 1839. III. Rosa Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1849, m. Feb. 9, 1869, Richard Sell Griswold, of Lyme, Conn.

Biographical Sketch of G. T. Kilner

G. T. Kilner, druggist, Mattoon; was born in Manchester, Eng., Nov. 18, 1820; at the age of 15 years, he was left an orphan, and, in 1836, emigrated to America, and first settled in Waterbury, Conn.; here he engaged in the sale of drugs six years; he then moved to Newburgh, N. Y., where he engaged in the same business; in the spring of 1860, he came West and located in Mattoon, opened up his business here; his is the first drug store established in the city; he took a partial course in medicine and practiced some years in connection … Read more

Collins, Patrick Howard – Obituary

Union, Oregon Patrick Howard Collins, 48, of Seaside and formerly of La Grande and Union, died Nov. 19 in Seaside. A memorial service is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday at Coastline Christian Fellowship Church in Olney. Prior to the service, visitation will take place from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday at Caldwell’s Luce-Layton Mortuary in Astoria. Mr. Collins, known as Pat, was born Sept. 11, 1958, in Waterbury, Conn., to Theodore M. and Mary E. Brooks Collins. He grew up and was educated in Anaheim, Calif. In 1974 he moved to Clatsop County and began a career in the … Read more

Wilmer Lewis Todd of Galveston TX

Wilmer Lewis Todd9, (Henry8, Ezra L.7, Ezra L.6, James5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 1, 1853, in Waterbury, Conn., married at Galveston, Texas, Sept. 2, 1875, Rose Adele Belden, who was born July 31, 1855, in Lavacca, Texas. Children: *2744. Alfred Lewis, b. May 13, 1876. *2745. Wilmer Lewis, b. Nov. 27, 1879. 2746. Ethel, b. May 15, 1882, d. June 16, 1882. *2747. Bertha Adele, b. March 3, 1885. *2748. Rose Elinor, b. April 22, 1889.

Miles Todd of Waterbury CT

Miles Todd7, (Bethuel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) married Laura Hotchkiss. They lived in Waterbury, Conn. Children: 1180. Miles Nelson, m. April 16, 1854, Mary, daughter of Jesse and Myra (Tuttle) Brooks, who was b. June 27, 1826, had issue: Charles M., b. Jan. 1, 1855, d. young. *1181. Sarah, b. April 5, 1835.

Sarah Salome Todd Clark of Waterbury CT

CLARK, Sarah Salome Todd8, (Miles7, Bethuel6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 5, 1835, in Waterbury, Conn., where she lived all her life and died there, Oct. 27, 1870, married July 2, 1854, John Henry Clark, who was born June 27, 1835, in Torrington, Conn., died Jan. 12, 1908, in Waterbury, Conn. Child: I. Seth Henry, b. April 14, 1858; he is Assistant Superintendent of the Boston and Albany Railroad, he m. at West Stockbridge, Mass., Sept. 12, 1882, Lena Barbara Eysel, of New York. Issue: (1) John Paulus, b. June 16, 1885, who is now (1919) Lieutenant Quartermaster … Read more

Andrews and Wakelee Families of Waterbury Connecticut 1650-1947

Andrews and Wakelee Families of Waterbury Connecticut 1650-1947

Andrews and Wakelee 1650-1947 manuscript provides a brief genealogy of the descendants of John and Mary Andruss of Hartford Connecticut through their son Abraham, one of the 30 original families of Mattatuck, afterward called Waterbury. The second part of the Andrews and Wakelee 1650-1947 manuscript provides the descendants of Henry and Sarah Wakelee of Hartford Connecticut, through their son Ebenezer, who also settled in Waterbury.

Hezekiah Todd of New Haven County CT

Hezekiah Todd6, (Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 5, 1755, died May 18, 1836, married Jan. 1783, Mercy, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Blakeslee) Holt, who was born Jan. 6, 1760, died Sept. 12, 1819. He removed from North Haven, Conn., to Cheshire, Conn., in 1783, with his brother Caleb. He too, endorsed notes with his brother Caleb, for his younger brother Moses, and later had to meet his obligations, and managed to pay in full and thus saved his home. The story is that he was advised by his friends to leave for parts unknown, to make sure … Read more