Biographical Sketch of John West

John West, from Northfield, Vt., came to Morristown in 1837, where he resided until his death, in 1869, aged seventy-three years. Mr. West held many of the town offices, discharging his duties in a most acceptable manner. His son is now proprietor of the Vermont House.

Biographical Sketch of George W. Bailey

George W. Bailey, from Berlin, Vt., came to Elmore February 6, 1821, and located upon the farm now occupied by P. C. Darling, on road 4. Here he resided for a few years, then removed to the farm now owned by his son-in-law, A. M. Kelley, on road 15. Mr. Bailey held most of the town offices, was a representative two terms, was twice elected to the State senate, and was sheriff two years. He was married to Rebecca Warren, December 21, 1820, the union being blessed with a family of ten children, three of whom are now living, one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cephas Sheldon

Cephas, son of Remembrance Sheldon, was born in Bernardston, Massachusetts, 1754. He was a soldier in the revolution from Bernardston and Deerfield, in Captain Amasa Sheldon’s company, Colonel Elisha Porter’s regiment, from July 10 to August 12, 1777, in the northern army; also in Captain Joseph Sheldon’s company, September 23, to October 18, 1777, in the northern army. He removed to Vermont. According to the first federal census he was living in 1790 in Rochester, Windsor county, Vermont, and had in his family two sons under sixteen and four females. He went thence to Waterbury, Vermont, where his sister, Persis … Read more

Goodnough, Charles D. (2)

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Funeral to be Tomorrow At 2 Funeral services for Charles D. Goodnough, who passed away at noon yesterday at his home at 801 B avenue are to be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary. The services in the chapel will be conducted by the B. P. O. Elks lodge and the services in the Masonic cemetery will be conducted by the Knights of Pythias. He will be laid to rest in the family plot. The Rev. M. G. Tennyson, rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal church will officiate. Mr. Goodnough … Read more

Washington County, Vermont Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment) Belding Cemetery Cobb Cemetery Crossett Hill Cemetery Green Mount Cemetery  

Biography of Eli A. Boutwell

Eli A. Boutwell, a farmer and lumberman of Hopkinton, N.H., son of Samuel P. and Lydia A. (Allen) Boutwell, was born in Barre, Vt., February 25, 1833. His lineage has not been traced; but a little research would probably show that he belongs to the old New England family of Boutwells, of which the Hon. George S. Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, is a representative. Its founder, James Boutwell, said to have been made a freeman in Lynn, Mass., in 1638 or 1639, died in 1651, leaving a wife Alice, sons James and John, and a daughter Sarah. The sons … Read more

Biography of John Tyler

John Tyler was well known in Claremont as an inventor and builder. He was a son of John Tyler and a grandson of Benjamin Tyler, both eminent mechanics. Benjamin, who settled in Claremont in the spring of 1776, built the first dam across the Sugar River at West Claremont, and was for many years one of the most public-spirited men in town. The History of Claremont gives the following facts concerning his grandson:- “John Tyler was born in Claremont, March 26, 1818. He learned the trade of millwright, serving an apprenticeship of seven years, and was then for eight years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Sheldon

Richard, son of Cephas Sheldon, was born in Vermont and died suddenly while in Canada. He lived most of his life in Waterbury, where his father and aunt and perhaps other relatives settled. He had four sons: Erastus, born June 2, 1810; Charles, mentioned elsewhere; William R., August 24, 1815; David F.. September 24, 1819. William R. was a bachelor, of a roving disposition, and very courageous: he piloted trains over the plains through to California at an early day; he also served as city policeman in Sacramento.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Vernon W. Waterman

Hon. Vernon W. Waterman was born in Johnson, Vt., July 30, 1811. When three years of age he went with his farther to Montpelier, Vt., to live, and remained there until nineteen years of age, when he came to Morristown to reside with his uncle, Hon. David P. Noyes, who was engaged in mercantile pursuits. At the age of twenty-one years he entered into partnership with Mr. Noyes, continuing the connection about eight years, when he engaged in business for himself, at Cady’s Falls. For his first wife Mr. Waterman married Adaline Cady, of Stowe, by whom he had two … Read more

Mann, Socrates C. (Crate) – Obituary

“Crate” Mann Takes Own Life At Baker Home Socrates C. (Crate) Mann, committed suicide, by hanging, at his home, 1600 Sixth street, Baker, sometime during the afternoon Saturday of last week. The body was found hanging in the garage at six o’clock by Mrs. Mann who went in search of her husband when he failed to return to the house at that time in the evening. Report of the tragedy came as a shock to North Powder people who had known the deceased for years. “Crate” Mann had been a resident of this section for fifty years, coming to this … Read more

Biography of Hon. Chester Pike

Hon. Chester Pike, a prominent citizen of Sullivan County, New Hampshire, residing in Cornish, his native town, was born July 30, 1829, son of Ebenezer and Judith (Bryant) Pike. On both his father’s and his mother’s side he is descended from distinguished ancestry, and from families that have been conspicuous, not only in the history of New Hampshire, but in the history of the nation. His grandfather Pike was born in Newbury, Mass., and came to Cornish in early manhood, the first of the name to settle here. He bought a farm and a mill on Blow-me-down Brook, and devoted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Davenport

Jesse Davenport, born in Salem, Mass., March 25, 1797, came to Wolcott from Berlin, Vt., in 1832, and located on road 11, where he resided until his death, October 9, 1880. Mr. Davenport held many of the town trusts, and enjoyed the respect and confidence of his townsmen to a remarkable degree.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sheldon

Charles, son of Richard Sheldon, was born in Waterbury, Vermont, March 16, 1813. He was educated in the common schools. He came to Phelps, Ontario county, when a young man. Afterward, he decided to locate in what was then the west and he went on foot to Illinois where he took up a large tract of land, but he eventually sold out and returned to Phelps. He engaged in farming there the remainder of his life. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Phelps and superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He married Sarah Crittenden, … Read more

William Henry Harrison Woodbury Genealogy

1. William Henry Harrison2 Woodbury, son of Rufus1 and Charlotte (Knapp) Woodbury, was b. in Northfield, Vt., May 1, 1842; m. May 22, 1866, Ora Ann Dodge Hale, b. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 24, 1848, dau. of John P. and Susan W. (Going) Hale. He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion; res. Newport and Hardwick, Vt., and Sullivan Two ch.: John Hale3, b. Apr. 26, 1867, res. in S. on the Asahel Nims Jr. place; m. Dec. 22, 1892, Alice Clinton Dodge, b. Salem, Mass., June 23, 1867; dau. of Charles William and Frances Amelia (Treadwell) Dodge. No … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David A. Marshall

David A. Marshall, born in Waterbury, Vt., came to Stowe at an early date, while yet a child, and remained here until his death, June 8, 1875, aged seventy-seven years. His widow resides with her daughter, on Maple street.