Washington County, Arkansas Census

Washington County, Arkansas was formed from Crawford and Lovely counties in 1828. 1830 Washington County, Arkansas Census Free 1830 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1830 Washington County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Free 1830 Census Index Free 1830 Census Transcription Hosted at Census Guide 1830 U.S. Census Guide 1840 Washington County, Arkansas Census Free 1840 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1840 Washington County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Free 1840 Census Index Free 1840 Census Transcription Hosted at … Read more

Biography of Albert N. Earnest, M. D.

Dr. Albert N. Earnest, a surgeon of Muskogee, is numbered among the native sons of Oklahoma and his record as a successful member of the medical profession stands in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is never without honor save in his own country. Dr. Earnest was born near Webbers Falls, in Muskogee county, September 13, 1890, and is a son of J. T. and Ellen (Carlisle) Earnest. The mother is one-fourth Cherokee and was born in Texas, of which state the father is also a native. He came to the Indian Territory when a boy with his … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jefferson Harrison

Thomas Jefferson Harrison is justly accorded a place among the prominent and representative citizens of Pryor, for he belongs to that class of men whose enterprising spirit seeks to benefit others as well as himself. He also advances the general good and promotes public prosperity by his ably managed individual interests. He has excellent ability as an organizer, forms his plans readily and is determined in their execution. This enables him to conquer obstacles which deter many a man and has been one of the salient features of his success. Thomas Jefferson Harrison is a native son of Arkansas, his … Read more

Shipman, Emma Alexander Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Emma Shipman, 87, wife, mother, grandmother, homemaker, partner and friend, died July 25, 2003, after an extended stay at St. Elizabeth Care Center, attended lovingly by wonderful caregivers. Her memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Baker City Christian Church, 2998 Eighth St. Mr. Jack Pittman and Pastor Roger Scovil will officiate. Mrs. Shipman was born at Sunset, Washington County, Ark., the eighth child of David Franklin Alexander and Rosa Elizabeth Simpson Alexander on Feb. 6, 1916 (according to her birth certificate). Her mother died when she was 4 years old and she was … Read more

James, Barbara Jean – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Barbara Jean “Bobbie” James, 77, of Union, died Sept. 4 at her home. A graveside burial service will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at the Union Cemetery. A celebration of life service will follow at 1:30 p.m. in the tent at Buffalo Peak Golf Course. Bobbie was born on May 13, 1930, to Horace W. and Lettie Ima (Woolf) Owen in Del Rio, Texas. On Aug. 2, 1946, she married the love of her life, J.B. “Red” James in Springdale, Ark. They moved to Eastern Oregon in 1954. They raised three children together, Roger, Cindie and … Read more

Slave Narrative of Miss Adeline Blakeley

Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Miss Adeline Blakely Age: 87 Home: 101 Rock Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas “Honey, look in the bible to get the date when I was born. We want to have it just right. Yes, here’s the place, read it to me. July 10, 1850? Yes, I remember now, that’s what they’ve always told me. I wanted to be sure, though. I was born in Hickman County, Tenn. and was about a year when they brought me to Arkansas. My mother and her people had been bought by Mr. John P. Parks when they were just children—John … Read more

Julian, Marland R. “Marv” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Marland R. “Marv” Julian, 65, of Baker City June 28, 2002, at his home. His memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 2177 First St. He was born Aug. 7, 1936, in Springdale, Ark. He was a son of Clyde Julian and Rhetta Grace “Mulkey” Julian. He attended high school at Shreveport, La. He entered the U.S. Air Force and was a weather officer from 1954 to 1958. He was based at Goose Bay, Labrador. After his discharge from the service, he worked in restaurants at Buffalo, N.Y., and Madison, Wis., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel C. Blake

Blake, Samuel C. (See Downing, Gore)— Samuel Coke Blake, born at Cane Hill, Wash­ington, Washington Co. Ark. April 10, 1862, educated in that county. Married at Wagon­er, June 10, 1888, Georgia Anna Pharris, born Oct. 5, 1867 at Petaluma, Calif. They are the parents of: Jennie Agnes, born August 23, 1889, married Charles E. Stamps; Nita Emory, born February 11, 1892, mar­ried Charles Alonzo Spencer and has two children, Myrtle Caroline, horn February 5, 191 1 and Alonzo Blake Spencer, born March 24, 1919; John Fenlon, born September 4, 1894; Albert Watts, horn May 17, 1897; Georgia Kezzie, born April … Read more

Biography of J. R. Graves, M. D.

Coming to Boynton in 1919, Dr. J. R. Graves has already proven his skill and ability as a physician and surgeon and his practice is assuming large proportions. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Logan county on the 29th of November, 1883, his parents being G. W. and Mary (Suter) Graves, who were also born in that state. The paternal grandfather, Jacob Graves, was a veteran of both the Civil and Mexican wars, having charge of Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, during the latter conflict. He was a charter member of Masonic Lodge, No. 9, at Clarksville, Arkansas, with … Read more

Biography of R. M. Godfrey

The present judge of Nowata county is R. M. Godfrey, who has been a resident of Nowata since 1914. He was born at Stockport, Ohio, on the 3d of June, 1887, a son of George N. and Effie L. (Scheetz) Godfrey, the former a native of Ohio. The progenitor of the Godfrey family in this country was Daniel Godfrey, who came to America from England at an early day and upon the out-break of the Revolutionary war enlisted for service under George Washington’s command. The paternal great-grandfather, Prince Godfrey, was born in Maine and removed from that state to Ohio … Read more

Biography of W. J. Peak

W. J. Peak, physician, surgeon and druggist, Oakland; born in Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky., April 3, 1836, where he devoted his whole attention to his studies until he attained his majority, the last four years exclusively to the study of medicine, graduating from the St. Louis Medical College in the winter of 1860; he immediately commenced the practice of medicine at Warsaw, Ky., for a short time, when, in the spring of 1861, he located in Johnson Co., Mo.; during the summer, and in the fall of the same year, he went to Texas, where he was placed, from force … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Zeb Pettigrew Jackson

Zeb Pettigrew Jackson, whose activity in the field of real estate in Muskogee is bringing substantial results in the attainment of success, was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas, August 10. 1886, and is a son of U. L. Jackson, mentioned on another page of this work. Spending his boyhood days under the parental roof, he supplemented his early educational opportunities by study in the University of Arkansas, devoting a year to civil engineering. In April, 1908, he became associated with his father in the insurance, real estate and loan business which the father had established in 1901. The partnership was maintained … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. H. Gainer

(See Ghigau and Oolootsa)-Cynthia, daughter of Thomas Jefferson and Jennie (Taylor) Pack, married Daniel Harmon and they were the parents of Emma Henrietta, Jennie, Laura, Elizabeth, McGilbra, Benjamin Franklin, and Lena Modesta Harmon. Lena Modesta Harmon was born October 23, 1885, and married Dr. John Harris Games, born April 29, 1870 in Washington County, Arkansas. He graduated from the Memphis Hospital Medical College in 1906, and is at present practicing medicine at Warner, Oklahoma. They are the parents of Daniel Benjamin, born September 26, 1910; Helen Elizabeth, born September 8, 1912 and Dorothy Gaines, born April 28, 1916. Gaines was … Read more

Biography of Charles Proctor

Charles Proctor. The men who came in the early days to Kansas and stuck to their posts in spite of discouragements and setbacks, have with few exceptions gained all the prosperity that a man of ordinary ambition could erave. Such men possessed character as well as the ability to do hard work, and it is not strange that many of the public honors have been given to such citizens. One of this class in Cloud County is Mr. Charles Prostor of Miltonvale. He had lived a long and useful life and is now past fourscore. His years have ripened his judgment, and … Read more

Slave Narrative of Aunt Adeline

“I was born a slave about 1848, in Hickmon County, Tennessee,” said Aunt Adeline who lives as care taker in a house at 101 Rock Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, which is owned by the Blakely-Hudgens estate. Aunt Adeline has been a slave and a servant in five generations of the Parks family. Her mother, Liza, with a group of five Negroes, was sold into slavery to John P.A. Parks, in Tennessee, about 1840. “When my mother’s master come to Arkansas about 1849, looking for a country residence, he bought what was known as the old Kidd place on the Old Wire … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Divin

This venerable citizen and esteemed gentleman and resident of Vale is one of the substantial men of Malheur County and is well and favorably known throughout the precincts of this region, being a man of stanch integrity, and always manifesting those qualities of worth and merit that redound to the good of all. Mr. Divin was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee, on December 17, 1831, being the son of Irbin F. and Hannah Divin. The father died when our subject was two years of age, having removed with the family to Washington County, Arkansas, where the death occurred. There were … Read more

Biography of Edward D. Hicks

Edward D. Hicks is numbered among Tahlequah’s representative business men and is one whose life record should be a stimulus to the effort and ambition of others. He was born at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, on the 1st of January, 1866, a son of Daniel R. and Nancy J. (Rider) Hicks. His grandfather on the paternal side Elijah Hicks, was chief of the Cherokee Nation in Georgia and Indian Territory and died in 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks came with the immigration of Cherokees in 1837 and 1838 to Indian Territory and the father became a successful farmer and stock … Read more

Governor Stokes’s Uncompleted Plans

Governor Montfort Stokes, appointed Cherokee sub-agent in 1836, faced significant challenges at Fort Gibson, including inadequate office space and limited authority. Despite his complaints, he worked to protect Native American land rights, particularly for the Osage mixed-blood descendants of Auguste P. Chouteau. During his tenure, he mediated Cherokee factional disputes and safeguarded vital legal documents. Replaced in 1841, he later served as sub-agent for the Seneca, Shawnee, and Quapaw. Stokes died in 1842 at Fort Gibson, honored with a military funeral. A Revolutionary War veteran and former North Carolina governor, his dedication to public service spanned decades.

Biography of Thomas Jones

THOMAS JONES. – It is a noted principle, that in the degree in which one is called to endure hardship and successfully surmounts all obstacles and triumphs over every opposition, in that degree is his character strengthened and his forces of real manhood brought out. May it not be that because of the application of this principle, we have in so many of the early pioneers of this wealthy county, such fine specimens of genuine manhood and especially developed in the virtues mentioned. Well known among this worthy number is the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, and who … Read more

Biography of Frank Pace

FRANK PACE is one of the youngest, but none the less one of the ablest, attorneys of northwest Arkansas. He has improved every opportunity for gaining knowledge and has availed himself of every chance for the betterment of his condition and reputation, and more than this cannot be said of the most successful man who has ever lived. He owes his nativity to Boone County, Arkansas, born here, he first saw the light July 25, 1871, being a son of the well-known attorney, Capt. W. F. Pace. Frank Pace, after receiving his initiatory training in the public schools of his … Read more