Truman G. Williams

Private 1st Class, Med. Corps, Co. Base Hospital No. 65; of Wake County; son of L. D. and Mrs. Alice Williams. Entered service March 1, 1918, at Raleigh, N.C. Sent to Ft. McPherson. Sailed for France Sept. 15, 1918. Returned to USA May 29, 1919, at New York. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., June 21, 1919.

Slave Narrative of George Eatman

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: George Eatman Date of Interview: May 18, 1937 Location: Cary, North Carolina, R. #1 Age: 93 I belonged ter Mr. Gus Eatman who lived at de ole Templeton place on de Durham highway back as fer as I can ‘member. I doan r’member my mammy an’ pappy case dey wuz sold ‘fore I knowed anything. I raised myself an’ I reckon dat I done a fair job uv it. De marster an’ missus wuz good to dere twenty-five slaves an’ we ain’t neber got no bad whuppin’s. I doan ‘member much playin’ an’ such … Read more

Slave Narrative of Kitty Hill

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Kitty Hill Location: 329 West South Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Age: 76-77 I tole you yisterday dat my age wus 76 years old, but my daughter come home, an’ I axed her’ bout it an’ she say I is 77 years old. I don’t know exactly the date but I wus born in April. I wus a little girl ’bout five years ole when de surrender come, but I don’t’ member anything much’ bout de Yankees. I wus born in Virginia, near Petersburg, an’ mother said de Yankees had been hanging’ round dere so … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mattie Curtis

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Mattie Curtis Location: Raleigh, North Carolina Location of Birth: Orange County NC Age: 98 Occupation: Sewing Before And After The War An interview with Mattie Curtis, 98 years old, of Raleigh, North Carolina, Route # 4. I wus borned on de plantation of Mr. John Hayes in Orange County ninety-eight years ago. Seberal of de chilluns had been sold ‘fore de speculator come an’ buyed mammy, pappy an’ we three chilluns. De speculator wus named Bebus an’ he lived in Henderson, but he meant to sell us in de tobacco country. We come through … Read more

Slave Narrative of Alonzo Haywood

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Alonzo Haywood Location: 1217 Oberlin Road, Raleigh, North Carolina Age: 67 Occupation: Blacksmith The Blacksmith An interview with Alonzo Haywood, 67 years old of 1217 Oberlin Road. On East Cabarrus Street is a blacksmith shop which is a survival of horse and buggy days, and the smiling blacksmith, a Negro, although he has hazel eyes, recounts the story of his father’s life and his own. My father was Willis Haywood and in slavery days he belonged to Mr. William R. Pool. Mr. Pool liked father because he was quick and obedient so he determined … Read more

Foster C. Davis

Bugler, Inf., Mach. Gun Co., 30th Div., 120th Reg. Born in Wake county; son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Davis. Entered the service June 2, 1917, at Wake Forest, N.C. Sent to Camp Sevier. Sailed for France May 25th, 1918. Bugler when entered service. Fought at Ypres, Bellicourt, Hindenburg Line. Was on guard duty when killed during the Hindenburg Drive, Oct. 10, 1919. He was a survivor of a torpedoed British ship. He was the author of “A Call of the Wanderlust.”

Slave Narrative of Chaney Hews

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Chaney Hews Location: 104 Cotton Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Age: 60 My age, best of my recollection, is about eighty years. I was ’bout eight years ole when de Yankees come through. Chillun in dem days wus not paid much mind like dey is now. White chillun nor nigger chillun wus not spiled by tenshun. I got enough to eat to live on an’ dat wus ’bout all I keered ’bout. Des so I could git a little to eat and could play all de time. I stayed outen de way of de grown … Read more

Slave Narrative of Lizzie Baker

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Lizzie Baker Location: 424 Smith Street, Raleigh, North Carolina I was born de las’ year o’ de surrender an’course I don’t remember seein’ any Yankee soldiers, but I knows a plenty my mother and father tole me. I have neuritis, an’ have been unable to work any fer a year and fer seven years I couldn’t do much. My mother wus named Teeny McIntire and my father William McIntire. Mammy belonged to Bryant Newkirk in Duplin County. Pap belonged to someone else, I don’t know who. Dey said dey worked from light till dark, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Robert Hinton

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Robert Hinton Location: 420 Smith Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Date of Birth: 1856 My name is Robert Hinton. I ain’t able to work, ain’t been able to do any work in five years. My wife, Mary Hinton, supports me by workin’ with the WPA. She was cut off las’ May. Since she has had no job, we have to live on what she makes with what little washin’ she gets from de white folks; an’ a little help from charity; dis ain’t much. Dey give you for one week, one half peck meal, one … Read more

Slave Narrative of W. Solomon Debnam

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: W. S. Debnam Location: 701 Smith Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Age: 78 Yes, I remember the Yankees coming to Raleigh. I don’t know very much about those times, I was so young, but I remember the Yankees all right in their blue clothes; their horses, and so on. I’ll be 78 years old the 8th of this comin’ September an’ I’ve heard mother an’ father talk about slavery time a whole lot. We belonged to T. R. Debnam at Eagle Rock, Wake County. His wife was named Priscilla Debnam. My father was named Daniel … Read more

Wake County, North Carolina Cemetery Transcriptions

North Carolina Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Carolina county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Wake County, North Carolina USGenWeb) Adams Cemetery Adams Cemetery Old Adams Cemetery Airport Road Community Cemetery Allen Family Cemetery #1 Allen Family Cemetery #2 Parker Allen Family Cemetery #3 Apex First Baptist Church Cemetery Apex City Cemetery Apex Methodist Church Cemetery Applewhite W. Richardson Cemetery Auburn Christian Church Cemetery Augustus J. Chamblee Cemetery … Read more

Slave Narrative of Charity Austin

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Charity Austin Location: 507 South Bloodworth Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Date of Birth: July 27, 1852 Place of Birth: Granville County NC I wus borned in the year 1852, July 27. I wus born in Granville County, sold to a slave speculator at ten years old and carried to Southwest, Georgia. I belonged to Samuel Howard. His daughter took me to Kinston, North Carolina and I stayed there until I wus sold. She married a man named Bill Brown, and her name wus Julia Howard Brown. My father wus named Paul Howard and my … Read more

Slave Narrative of Jerry Davis

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Jerry Davis Location: 228 E. South Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Place of Birth: Warren County NC Age: 74 Jerry Davis Ex-Slave Story and Folk Tale An interview with Jerry Davis 74 of 228 E. South Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. I wus borned in Warren County ter Mataldia an’ Jordan Davis. Dere wus twenty-two o’ us chilluns, an’ natu’ally Marster Sam Davis laked my mammy an’ daddy. He owned two hundert an’ sebenty slaves, an’ three, four, or five scopes o’ lan’. Marster wus good ter us, he gibe us plenty ter eat, an’ w’ar, … Read more

George Earnhardt

Corpl., 21st Co., F. Art., Med. Corps, 5th Div.; of Wake County; son of D. L. and Mrs. Frances Earnhardt. Entered service May 17, 1917 at Raleigh, N.C. Sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. Transferred to Ft. Sam Houston. Sailed for France June 13, 1918. Fought at St. Mihiel, Argonne, Frappelle. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., July, 1919.

Dr. Henry Otis Lineberger

Captain, Dental Corps, Base Hospital No. 65. Born in Wake County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lineberger. Entered the service at Raleigh, N.C., Feb. 10, 1918. Was sent to camp at Philadelphia, Pa., and transferred to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Promoted to rank of Capt. June 10, 1918. Sailed overseas Sept. 13, 1918. Returned to the USA Aug. 6, 1919, and mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 27, 1919.

Emily H. Walker

Civilian Relief Dept., American Red Cross. Daughter of Mrs. Kate Dibrell Walker, of Raleigh, N.C. Taught in Wake County Schools, N.C.; supervisor of rural schools, Scotland County, at the same time; Food Administrator of the county; the first woman appointed as such in N.C. Record with Red Cross began in fall of 1917 with the Home Service Dept. of the Red Cross in Charlotte, N.C. Remained there several weeks. Promoted to Field Supervisor of Home Service, to be sent into any of the five Southern States of Red Cross–N.C., S. C., Ga., Tenn., Fla. At present Field Representative of the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Aleck Woodward

Interviewer: W. W. Dixon Person Interviewed: Aleck Woodward Location: South Carolina Age: 83 “You knows de Simonton place, Mr. Wood? Well, dats just where I was born back yonder befo’ de war, a slave of old Marster Johnnie Simonton. Five miles sorter south sunset side of Woodward Station where you was born, ain’t it so? My pappy was Ike Woodward, but him just call ‘Ike’ time of slavery, and my mammy was name Dinah. My brother Charlie up north, if he ain’t dead, Ike lives in Asheville, North Carolina. Two sisters: Ollie, her marry an Aiken, last counts, and she … Read more

Slave Narrative of Susan High

Interviewer: T. Pat Matthews Person Interviewed: Susan High Location: 519 Haywood Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Age: 70 My name is Susan High. I wus born in June. I am 70 years old. My mother wus named Piety an’ she belonged to de ole man Giles Underhill before de surrender. My father he wus George Merritt an’ he belonged to Ben Merritt, Ivan Proctor’s grandfather. Dey lived on a plantation near Eagle Rock, Wake County. Dey called de creek near by Mark’s Creek. My parents said dat dey had a mighty hard time, an’ dat durin’ slavery time, de rules wus … Read more

John W. Fleming

Sergt., Med. Dept., USA Gen. Hospital No. 6; of Wake County; son of A. B. and Mrs. Annie Fleming. Entered service June 17, 1918, at Raleigh, N.C. Sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. Promoted to Sergt. Nov., 1918. Mustered out at Ft. McPherson, Aug. 16, 1919.

Slave Narrative of Charlie Crump

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Charlie Crump Location: Cary, North Carolina Place of Birth: Evan’s Ferry, Lee or Chatham County, North Carolina Age: 82 Occupation: Farmer An interview with Charlie Crump 82 of Cary (near) I wuz borned at Evan’s Ferry in Lee or Chatham County, an’ I belonged ter Mr. Davis Abernathy an’ his wife Mis’ Vick. My pappy wuz named Ridge, an’ my mammy wuz named Marthy. My brothers wuz Stokes an’ Tucker, an’ my sisters wuz Lula an’ Liddy Ann. Dar wuz nine o’ us in all, but some o’ dem wuz sold, an’ some o’ … Read more