Biography of Cyrus Strong Merrill, M. D.

CYRUS STRONG MERRILL, M. D. AMONG the noted professional men of Albany no name shines with greater resplendency in a special department of science than that of Dr. C. S. Merrill, the eminent oculist and aurist. On the 21st of September, 1847, in the town of Bridport, Vermont, he first saw the light. His parents were Edward Henry Merrill and Sarah Wilson Strong, whose ancestors were among the earliest settlers of that state and exerted a marked influence on its affairs before, as well as since the revolution. From his earliest years the natural inclination of his genius was plainly … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Hermann, M.D

Dr. Henry W. Hermann, who has attained prominence in the field of neurology, was born on the 9th of June, 1855, at Hermansburg, Washington county, Arkansas, and is a son of Charles F. and Lena D. (Wilhelmi) Hermann. According to a genealogical record printed by C. F. Hermann, the first date mentioned in connection with the family in America is 1650. In a volume entitled Founders of Harman’s Station, Kentucky, it appears that one Heinrich Hermann from the same family reached America about the year 1700, penetrated as far west as the Mississippi river, and was celebrated as an Indian … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Thomas

Thomas, John J.; physician; born, Cleveland, Nov. 18, 1868; son of Isaac and Mary J. Richards Thomas; educated, Cleveland public schools; degrees of A. B. and A. M., Adelbert College, W. R. U.; M. D. degree, Medical Dept., W. R. U.; post graduate, Frankfort and Strassburg, Germany, and Vienna, Austria; married, Washington, D. C., June 6, 1900; one son, born Aug. 7, 1907; member Cleveland Board of Health, 1911-1912-1913; associate in obstetrics, W. R. IT., Medical Dept.; visiting pediatrist, Cleveland City Hospital; visiting obstetrician and pediatrist, St. Ann’s Maternity Hospital and Infant Asylum; consulting obstetrician, Maternity Hospital; physician for University … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Ludwig

Ludwig, Ernest; Consul of Austria-Hungary for Ohio and Michigan; born, Pozsony, Hungary, 1876; son of John and Sophia L. Ludwig; educated, College of Pozsony, Hungary, and Oriental Academy, Vienna; married, Peking, China, 1903, Sarah Edith Kendrick; military service in the 9th Hussar Regiment (Count Nadasdy); service in China ten years attached to Austro-Hungarian Legation, Peking; 1902, in charge of Legation; 1903, Judge of the mixed court in Shanghai; 1905, Consul in Tientsin; 1908, in Peking, as Chinese sec’y of the Austro-Hungarian Legation; since 1910, Consul in Cleveland, O.; author of numerous books and reports; member of the Imperial Royal Geographical … Read more

Biography of Herbert G. Tureman, M. D.

Dr. Herbert G. Tureman one of the most prominent physicians of Kansas City, enjoying a large practice, specializes on the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat and chest. He has made steady progress in his profession and holds to the highest standards in his practice at all times. Missouri numbers him among her native sons for his birth occurred in Callaway county, January 17, 1875, his parents being Robert W. and Sally (Flood) Tureman, who were also natives of Callaway county. The father has devoted his life to financial interests and was an officer of the First National … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus F. House

House, Augustus F.; physician; born, Cleveland, Oct. 7, 1847; son of Hudson M. and Mary Snyder House; studied at Woodville and Oberlin; graduated Western Reserve Medical College; post-graduate work at Vienna, Berlin and London; married, Cleveland, 1872, Mary Grace Cleave; two children; clinical professor of surgory, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cleveland; director and member of finance committee of Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.; member American Medical Ass’n, Ohio State Medical Ass’n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine (president, 1898); pres. of medical staff and trustee St. Clair Hospital; Past Eminent Commander of Oriental Commandery, K. T., Past Most Excellent High … Read more