Washington Irving at Fort Gibson, 1832

Irving Washington

The McIntosh Creeks had been located along Arkansas River near the Verdigris on fertile timbered land which they began at once to clear, cultivate, and transform into productive farms. The treaty of 1828 with the Cherokee gave the latter a great tract of land on both sides of Arkansas River embracing that on which the Creeks were located. This was accomplished by a blunder of the Government officials, in the language of the Secretary of War, “when we had not a correct knowledge of the location of the Creek Indians nor of the features of the country.” This situation produced … Read more

Biography of James Neild

JAMES NEILD – The Neild family came from the North of England. Thomas Neild, a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, a stone cutter by trade, now living in Jamestown, New York, was born on February 9, 1854, and came to America in 1882, locating first at Albion, New York, where he procured work in his trade. He later moved to HoVey, New York, and in 1893 came to Holyoke, Massachusetts, and entered the mill of the American Thread Company, working there for four years. After this he returned for a time to England, but later came back to America and … Read more

Biography of James Porter Greves, M.D.

James Porter Greves, M. D., deceased, was familiarly known as the “Father of Riverside,” and well he deserved the title. He was the real founder of the Colony Association, the first to visit and select the land, and the first to occupy them, camping upon the desert plain now occupied by the city of Riverside, September 19, 1870. For nearly twenty years his life and life’s efforts were intimately interwoven with the history of Riverside and the colony. No man in the community was better known or more universally respected and esteemed than he. His death was sincerely mourned and … Read more

Mary Elizabeth Todd Brand of Utica NY

BRAND, Mary Elizabeth Todd8, (Zerah7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 17, 1838, in Milford, Otsego County, N. Y., died June 30, 1871, in Utica, N. Y., married Oct. 8, 1867, in Oswego, N. Y., James H. Brand, who was born March 24, 1831. Child: I. Byron S., b. June 26, 1871, d. Aug. 24, 1871.

Biography of Alexander Duffes

The pretty, flourishing town of Nampa, Canyon County, was founded about thirteen years ago by Alexander Duffes, who has made his home here continuously since the nth of November, 1885, and has given his most earnest efforts toward the development and improvement of the town. At that time the railroad had been constructed through this section and a small station had been built at Nampa. Mr. Duffes, passing through, on his way to his old home in Canada, saw the possibilities of the place as a location for a town, and decided to cast his lot here. He obtained a … Read more

Biography of William Turnor Lewis

When death called William Tumor Lewis on the 30th of December, 1915, Racine lost one of its prominent pioneer manufacturers and capitalists, a man who was freely accorded honor and respect, not only because of the success which he had achieved, but also on account of the straightforward and commendable business principles which he always followed and the spirit of helpfulness which he manifested throughout his entire life. He never deviated from a course which he believed to be right in all of his relations with his fellowmen and his memory remains both as an inspiration and a benediction of … Read more

Biography of Barrett Williams

This venerable citizen of Boise City is believed to be the oldest man in the state of Idaho, as on the 7th of March 1899, he celebrated the ninety-sixth anniversary of his birth. He was sixty years of age when he came to this place for the first time, in 1862, and during the years which have intervened he has maintained his earnest interest in the development of the town and the resources of the surrounding country. He has always been strictly temperate in his habits, has led an active, industrious life, and is reaping his reward in the evening … Read more

Biography of William B. Ruggles

WILLIAM B. RUGGLES WILLIAM Benjamin Ruggles was born at Bath, Steuben County, N. Y., on the 14th of May, 1827. He is the son of William and Mary Ruggles. At the age of thirteen he was in a Bath printing office, trying to work his way up from the printer’s case, with the determination of becoming some day an educated man. At the same period he attended a part of the time the public school of Bath, with a view of preparing himself for a collegiate course. ” We remember him,” writes one, ” when a boy, as a studious … Read more