Plainfield New Jersey Police Department Records, 1890-1948

Daily Blotter Police Headquarters vol 10

The Plainfield, New Jersey Police Department records, spanning from 1890 to 1948, offer a unique window into the past, providing genealogists and historians alike with a bounty of information. These records, housed at the Plainfield Public Library, encompass a wide array of documents including arrest records, city court records, daily blotters, detective records, permit records, summons recordings, and general police logs. Despite the seemingly mundane nature of these documents, they are anything but. Each page, each entry, tells a story, contributing to the larger narrative of our shared history.

Biography of Walter L. Fay

Walter L. Fay, who has been prominently identified with manufacturing interests for many years, is a son of Edmund B. Fay, who was born in Fulton, Oswego county, New York, and was finally engaged in the wholesale dry goods business in New York City. Walter L. Fay was born in Auburn, Cayuga county, New York, his mother’s home, February 5, 1859. He was educated in the Pingry School, Elizabeth, New Jersey, from which he was graduated at the age of eighteen years. He immediately entered upon his business career, working for his father for a short time, then, in 1879, … Read more

Will of John Williams, – 1672

JOHN WILLIAMS, New York. Leaves to Anthony Jansen Turk, “all my tools in the house of Henry Morris in New Jersey, as also whatever I have in the house of Anthony Jansen, or elsewhere.” And all my land in New Jersey according to the records of Elizabethtown, and he is to pay to Henry Morris a debt of 40 shillings and the funeral charges. Makes Henry Morris executor. Dated October 10, 1672. Witnesses, Otto Gerritse, John Sharpe. Letters of administration granted to Anthony Jansen Turk, October 15, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 98

Jennie Alden Todd Seeley of Summit NJ

SEELEY, Jennie Alden Todd9, (Edward8, Jonah H.7, Jonah6, Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born May 7, 1873, married George Barker Seeley. They lived in Summit, N. J. Children: I. George Barker. II. Margaret.

Biographical Sketch of Edward C. McKay

McKay, Edward C.; real estate broken; born, Cleveland, Nov. 19, 1876; son of George A. and Margaret Adam Creech McKay; educated, Grammar and Central High School; married, Plainfield, N. J., June 20, 1905, Louise Patten; two daughters, Margaret and Louise; business record, chief clerk Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and American Trust Co.; also Pittsburg Steamship Co., and Cleveland office of Carnegie Steel Co., and United States Steel Corporation; sec’y and treas. The Ohio Rubber Co.; pres. The Bodifield Belting Co.; real estate operator; member Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery, and The Cleveland Naval Reserves; member Cleveland Real Estate Board, Loyal Legion, Chamber … Read more

Biography of John Edward Stewart

The business world of New England and the manufacturing stationers’ trade suffered an irretrievable loss in the passing of one of Springfield’s most substantial citizens, John Edward Stewart, president of the printing company which bears his name, a veteran officer of the Civil War, prominent Grand Army man and highly esteemed throughout the community for his personal worth and by his business connections for his high sense of honor and unimpeachable integrity. The city of his adoption and scene of his successful labors could ill afford to part with such a forceful character, loyal friend and kindly neighbor, who was … Read more

Biography of Colonel George Davenport

Colonel George Davenport was the first white man to make a permanent settlement in what is now Rock Island County, arriving here in the spring of 1816. He was a native of England, born in Lincolnshire, in 1783. At the age of seventeen he enlisted as a sailor on a merchant vessel, and for the next three years he visited France, Spain and Portugal. In the fall of 1803 his vessel sailed from Liverpool to St. Petersburg, Russia, and shortly after its arrival there an embargo was laid upon all English vessels in that port, the vessels taken possession of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. I. Ayer

J. I. Ayer, book and music store, Mattoon; was born in Medford, Mass., Feb. 3, 1854. In 1866, the family moved to Elizabeth, N. J.; in addition to his common-school education, he enjoyed the advantages of a boarding-school at Nazareth, Penn.; this school was of a military character, and he here pursued a course in civil engineering; at the age of 15 years he entered the firm of Roberts & Co. (dealers in books and stationery), at Elizabeth, N. J., to take charge of his father’s interest, he being a member of the firm. In the fall of 1870, he … Read more

Biography of P. C. Young, Hon.

Hon. P. C. Young. High on the roster of Wilson County’s distinguished citizens appears the name of Hon. P. C. Young, for years one of the most brilliant and astute attorneys practicing before the Fredonia bar, an author and poet whose talents have gained for him wide reputation, and a man who as a citizen, neighbor and friend is universally esteemed and respected. A resident of this city during the most important era of its development, his personality is indelibly imprinted upon the home of his adoption, and both as attorney and legislator he had evidenced the inheritance of many … Read more

Will of John Woodruff, – 1670

JOHN WOODRUFF, Southampton, L. I. Leaves to his eldest son, John Woodruff, of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, “a half Crown Piece, in full of all portions and patrimony to be expected of me.” To daughter Anne Woolley, £20. To daughter Elizabeth Dayton, £20. Leaves rest of estate to wife Ann and youngest son John Woodruff,and makes them executors. Dated May 4, 1670. Witnesses, Christopher Foster, John Laughton. Know all men by this, that the above written will ~s of my own handwriting, and I saw ye said John Woodruff sett to his marke, and take off ye seale or stamp from … Read more