Biography of Joseph H. Mercer

If Kansas should be called upon, through some unfortunate circumstance, to lose at this time the services of Hon. Joseph H. Mercer, state live stock commissioner, it would still owe him a debt of gratitude for the great work he has accomplished in the eradication of the evils attending the foot-and-mouth and other diseases injurious to animals in Kansas, in the bringing about of a better understanding between the farmer and the packer, in the arrangement of freight rates, and in the protection of the interests of the farmer, and particularly of the live stock man, in various ways and … Read more

Biography of L. M. Roome

L. M. Roome is an oil producer and contractor whose activities have brought him considerable success in Kansas territory and whose business headquarters are at Tyro, in Montgomery County. His first experience in the business was gained in the Illinois oil district, and he came to Kansas about two years ago. His ancestors came originally from England and settled in old Virginia during colonial days. His grandfather, Edward Roome, was born in Pennsylvania, spent most of his life as a farmer in West Virginia, where he died. Mr. L. M. Roome was born in Sistersville, West Virginia, July 23, 1886, … Read more