Layton, Merle Alta Lewis – Obituary

A lifetime resident of Lewis County, Mrs. Merle Alta Layton, 70, Toledo, died Sunday [May 8, 1966] in a Chehalis hospital. She was born Jan. 19, 1896 in Clatskanie, Ore. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Foley, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Oneta Pettett, Olympia and Mrs. Genevieve McKune, Winlock; a son, Virgil Layton, Kelso; three half sisters, Mrs. Gladys Marshall, Kelso, Mrs. Viola Wetzel, Seattle and Mrs. Reba Richter, Louisiana; three stepsisters, Mrs. Ethel Layton, Olympia, Mrs. Esther Pratt, Toledo and Mrs. Ruth Allison, Junction City, Ore.; 14 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services are Wednesday at 2 p.m. … Read more

McEwen, Daniel E. – Obituary

Daniel E. McEwen, well-known resident of Rose Valley for the last years, who had lived in Kelso since last December passed away quietly at his home at 207 South Sixth Street west Kelso this morning at 6:45 o’clock after a two weeks illness. He was 64 years of age at the time of his death and had been a resident of Lewis and Cowlitz counties for the last 48 years. He was well known among logging and mill men and it is said of him by his friends that he was highly respected and upright in all his dealings. He … Read more

Kirkendoll, Grant – Obituary

Funeral services for Grant Kirkendoll, who died yesterday morning at his home on Silver Lake following a long illness, will be held Sunday from the Methodist Church here with burial in the Whittle Cemetery. He was born in Iowa, December 25, 1865, and came to Kelso with his parents when a small child. He has since lived in Cowlitz and Lewis counties, making his home at different times in Kelso, Toledo, Sandy Bend and Silver Lake. He has always been a rancher. He is survived by five children, Mrs. Otto Disque, Kelso; Mrs. Jennie Stange, Silver Lake; Mrs. Gladys Leichhardt, … Read more

Layton, Lucinda ‘Lulu’ Minnie Omeg – Obituary

Mrs. Lulu M. Layton, 77, of Star Route, Toledo, passed away Thursday [April 3, 1952] in a Chehalis hospital following a brief illness. She was born Oct. 13, 1874 in Vermillion, S.D., and had been a resident of Toledo and Lewis County since 1889. Surviving are seven daughters, Mrs. Nora Nixon, Toledo; Mrs. Gladys Latunen, Winlock; Mrs. Verna Ryckman, Centralia; Mrs. Edna Edmonds, Tacoma; Mrs. Laura Conrad, Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Mabel Hurley, San Francisco, and Mrs. Eva Kirkendoll, Bridgeville, Calif.; one son, Oren, Toledo; one brother, Ed J. Omeg, Toledo, and 16 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. Funeral services will … Read more

Gowen, Sophronia Ellen Thomas – Obituary

Mrs. Francis M. Gowen, aged 56, a well-known Lewis County pioneer, died at the family home at Silver Creek, Friday, July 8 [1927]. Sophronia Thomas was born in march, 1871, at Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa, and at the age of 16 she came with her parents to Toledo, where in 1896 she was married to Francis Gowen. They moved to Silver Creek in 1902, where they have since resided. She is survived by the widower and seven children, three boys, Ernest, Dewey and Myron; and four girls, Mrs. Pearl Baird, Misses Daisy and Ruby, of Silver Creek, and Mrs. Violet … Read more

Layton, Marie Belle – Obituary

Marie Belle Layton, 101, Toledo, died Friday, March 23, 2007. Visitation will be from 1 to 7 p. m. Friday at Fir Lawn Funeral Chapel, Toledo, which is in charge of arrangements. Funeral will be held at 11 a. m. Saturday at Fir Lawn Funeral Chapel. [Wife of Oren Layton. Interment Lone Hill Cemetery] The Chronicle, March 26, 2007 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Anderson, Lora Myrtle Eells – Obituary

Lora (Polly), 77, Chehalis, passed away August 1 [1958] in a local hospital. She was born in Toledo on January 28, 1881, and had been a resident of Lewis County for her entire lifetime. Surviving is a grandson, Gordon Anderson, in California; a nephew, Wallace Champ, Winlock. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Boone Chapel with Rev. Fred T. Lucas officiating. Interment in Winlock Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Lyon, Lottie Anna McEwen – Obituary

Mrs. Lottie Lyon, 60, died at her home here early Monday morning [March 19]. She was born at Manhattan, Kans., November 10, 1873 and came to Washington in 1888, locating near Toledo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. [Archibald] McEwen. She was married July 5, 1890 to John [Charles] Lyon whose death occurred a few years ago. Mrs. Lyon was a member of the Royal Neighbors and the Renewal Society. Surviving relatives are three daughters, Mrs. Esther Pierce and Miss Winnie Lyon, San Francisco and Mrs. Hattie Pierce, Vacaville, Calif.; six sons, Harry, Wendell, Ed, Fred, and John Lyon, Toledo … Read more

Layton, Henry Clay – Obituary

Another of the old pioneers of Lewis County passed away Wednesday afternoon, August 3, when Henry C. Layton died suddenly, at his home in the Hanaford Valley. Mr. Layton became violently ill while picking blackberries near a slashing burning, from the heat, and died a few hours after being taken sick. He was 64 years of age and was born in Toledo, this county, May 26, 1857. He is survived by his widow, Amanda Layton; two daughters, Mrs. Amanda Prince of Hanaford Valley and Mrs. Clara Hovies of Onalaska; one son, Roy Layton; his mother, Mrs. Sirilda Layton of Toledo; … Read more

Champ, Cora A. Eells – Obituary

Mrs. Cora A. Champ, aged 78 years, and a resident of the Winlock community for the past sixty-four years, passed away at her home in Winlock Tuesday morning, October 13, following an illness of two weeks. She was born March 3, 1864, in Spring Valley, Minnesota, and came to WA Territory with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Eels, in 1879, settling near Toledo. She was married May 1, 1881 to John H. Champ whose parents came by covered wagon from Indiana in 1861. Mr. Champ died in 1915. They were the parents of ten children, only three of whom … Read more