Hoffman, Ward John – Obituary

FREMONT–Ward J. Hoffman, 86, of Fremont, died Friday, March 2, 1990 at the Mahaska Manor in Oskaloosa. He was born Dec. 3, 1903 in Constantine, Mich., the son of John Luther and Carrie Bishop Hoffman. He moved to Iowa in 1913 and attended Fremont High School. He married Merle Phillippe on July 5, 1929 in Oskaloosa; she died April 23, 1989. He had been a farmer and his farm is recognized as a Century Farm. He was a member of the Fremont United Methodist Church, and had been a member of the Fremont Lions Club. He is survived by one … Read more

Bowman, Frank Athol – Obituary

Frank Athol Bowman, 65, died Sunday [March 25, 1951] afternoon in the Sturgis Memorial Hospital in Sturgis, where he had been admitted for treatment Saturday. He had been ill a long time. He was born in Hartford City, Ind., April 3, 1885, a son of Sylvester and Dorcas (Simonton) Bowman. He had been employed as a tool and die maker by the H. A. Douglas Manufacturing Co. and Reel Manufacturing Co. here and also had been employed in Sturgis by the Kirsch Co. Surviving are the widow, Carrie (Lampe) Bowman; a son, Wallace of Sturgis; a daughter, Mrs. Howard (Geraldine) … Read more

Alfred Todd of Portland OR

Alfred Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 24, 1878, in Colon, Mich., married Oct. 10, 1907, Myrtle Biddleman, of Thornberg, Iowa. He graduated from the University of Michigan, June 20, 1906, after which he practised law in Lamar, Colo., for about six years. They moved later to Portland, Ore. Children: 2569. Oliver Elwyn, b. May 24, 1909. 2570. Rebecca Biddleman, b. April 29, 1911. 2571. Priscilla Fredericka, b. Jan. 6, 1913.

Biography of Judge Charles Wheeler

Judge Charles Wheeler, judge of the city court of Muskogee, was born in Three Rivers, Michigan, November 11, 1856, and is a son of Ransley and Electa (MacOmber) Wheeler. The father was a miller and farmer and active business man. The son obtained a country school education and afterward attended the preparatory department of Hillsdale College, where he pursued the regular four years college course, graduating in 1882 with the B. A. degree. Later he became a student in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His law studies were pursued in an office in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and later in … Read more

Oliver Julian Todd of California

Oliver Julian Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 1, 1880, in Colon, Mich., married May 15, 1910, Rheta Lorraine Kahn, of Almeda, Calif. He graduated from the University of Michigan, Engineering Dept., June 1908, in which department his distant kinsman, Prof. George W. Patterson is an instructor. In 1913 he was assistant to the San Francisco, Calif., city engineer and has been located at Lake Eleanor, Hetchy-Hetchy Valley, Calif. Child: 2572. Robert Manson, b. May 10, 1917.

Biography of Hon. Arthur Thompson Crocker

Hon. Arthur Thompson Crocker, present state senator from Chase County, is a member of the firm Crocker Brothers, who as stockmen and farmers have developed some of the biggest interests in that line in the State of Kansas. The center of their operations is near Bazaar in Chase County. Senator Crocker is a native of Chase County and was born on his father’s cattle ranch here January 17, 1874. He is a son of Erastus Bryant and Annie Elizabeth (Grey) Crocker. Erastus B. Crocker, who was born in New York State in 1840, is a son of Alexander and Dorcas … Read more

Laurence Todd of Washington D.C.

Laurence Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 15, 1882, in Nottawa, Mich., married May 15, 1915, Constance Davis, daughter of Francis E. and Ada (Murdock) Keupp, who was born in Syracuse, N. Y. He graduated from the Literary Dept. of the University of Michigan and at once took up journalism. At one time he was the city editor of the Kalamazoo Gazette; later he became a reporter for the San Francisco Bulletin and the Daily News. He is now (1913) located in Washington, D. C., where he is a Senate reporter for the United … Read more

Biography of Edward V. More

Edward V. More. Of the families of Champaign County whose industry and activities of life have contributed materially to the prosperity and upbuilding of the community one of the most highly respected is that which bears the name of More, and which has a worthy representative in Edward V. More of Rantoul. Mr. More, who is engaged in the fire insurance business at this time and whose energies have taken him into other fields of endeavor during a long and uniformly successful career, was born in St. Joseph County, Michigan, and is a son of James R. and Louisa M. … Read more

Falkenstein, Ida Edith Waterstraut – Obituary

Mrs. Ida Falkenstein, 72, life-long resident of Sturgis and vicinity, died suddenly of a heart attack this morning at 8:15 o’clock at her home, 103 South Orange Street. She had been in poor health for some time and had been under care of a physician, but early this morning Mrs. Falkenstein felt well enough to have breakfast. She went into the yard for a few moments, then returned to the house to rest when the fatal heart attack occurred. Born in Sturgis on Oct. 7, 1867, she was a daughter of Charles and Caroline Waterstraut. She was first married to … Read more

James Alfred Todd of North Dakota

James Alfred Todd8, (Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Jan. 1, 1838, in Marcellus, Anondaga County, N. Y., married Sept. 17, 1863, Marien W., daughter of Rev. Gabriel and Sarah Burdick (Grey) Smith, who was born July 12, 1841, in New York City. Mr. Todd, when less than year old was taken by his parents in Sept., 1838, to Nottawa Township, St. Joseph County, Mich., where he attended the county school and then two winters in High School in Sturgis, Mich. He has been a farmer most of his life, and at the present time (1913) has a … Read more

Biography of Selden B. Kingsbury

The profession of the law, when clothed with its true dignity and purity and strength, must rank first among the callings of men, for law rules the universe. The work of the legal profession is to formulate, to harmonize, to regulate, to adjust, to administer those rules and principles that underlie and permeate all government and society and control the varied relations of men. As thus viewed there attaches to the legal profession a nobleness that cannot but be reflected in the life of the true lawyer, who, rising to the responsibilities of his profession, and honest in the pursuit … Read more

Biography of Col. Perry M. Hoisington

Col. Perry M. Hoisington, of Newton, is one of the big men of Kansas today. For over a quarter of a century he had been closely identified with the state military organization, at first with the old Kansas Militia and now with the Kansas National Guard. At the head of his fine regiment, the Second, he gave some good service on the Texas border in 1916 and is now ready for the call to duty in France. His business career had been equally successful and progressive. Colonel Hoisington is president of the First National Bank of Newton and had been … Read more

Albert May Todd of Kalamazoo MI

Albert May Todd8, (Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 3, 1850, in Nottawa, Mich., married Jan. 23, 1878, Augusta Margaret, daughter of John and Mary (Engle) Allman, who was born Sept. 20, 1855. Mr. Todd was born on a farm near the village of Nottawa, St. Joseph County, Mich., the youngest of ten children, all of whom were supported upon forty-five acres of cleared land, which was the total area that was practical for tillage on his father’s eighty acre farm. Their lives were necessarily plain, but extremely happy. For the first few years after he entered … Read more

Alfred Todd of St. Joseph County MI

Alfred Todd7, (Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 28, 1799, probably in Marcellus, N. Y., died April 17, 1877, married Feb. 19, 1828, Mary Ann, daughter of Oliver and Esther (Sayles) Hovey, who was born Jan. 15, 1809, in Marcellus, N. Y., died May 25, 1888. Mr. Todd lived in Marcellus, N. Y., until 1835, seven years after his marriage, when he moved to Michigan and purchased a farm near the village of Nottawa, St. Joseph County, as a pioneer. Shortly before moving to Michigan, he had bought eighty acres of land in the primeval forest, almost the … Read more

Biography of William N. Smelser

William N. Smelser has been a member of the Emporia bar for twenty-five years. His had been an enviable record both as a lawyer and as a citizen, and his ability, industry and his conscientious care have brought him a high position among Kansas lawyers. His family have resided in Emporia more than thirty years, and William N. Smelser was about fourteen years old when brought to that city. He was born in Sturgis, in Southern Michigan, February 2, 1870. The Smelsers came originally from Germany, but have been Americans since about the time of the Revolutionary war. The first … Read more

Bowman, William Levi – Obituary

William Levi Bowman, 28, living with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edson R. Bowman, a mile and a half southwest of Nottawa, died this morning from an injury received in 1927 while he was in the U.S. Army. Mr. Bowman enlisted in the army I 1920 and served at Fort David in the Canal Zone until 1923 when he was discharged. He re-enlisted two years later at Grand Rapids. In 1927, while at Fort Sheridan, he fell 41 feet when washing windows and struck on some concrete steps. He sustained a fractured skull and injured ankle. He was taken to … Read more

Dwight Imnah Todd of Williston ND

Dwight Imnah Todd9, (James A.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 19, 1877, in Burr Oak, Mich., married June 24, 1903, Jessie Valentine, daughter of Henry Edmund and Elizabeth C. Willard, who was born Feb. 14, 1897, in Fort Wayne, Ind. She attended the Angola Normal School, after which, she taught school several years in Fort Wayne, Ind., and neighboring towns. She studied vocal music in Chicago, Ill., and Meadville, Penn.; was later a soprano soloist. He graduated from the High School in Burr Oak, Mich., and later attended the Normal School in Angola, Ind. At one … Read more

Biography of Rev. B. L. Baldridge

Rev. B. L. Baldridge was born in Adams County, Ohio, February 9, 1821. His father, Rev. William Baldridge, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1760. He served in the Revolutionary war at the age of sixteen years, and for many years after its close was an active minister in the United Presbyterian Church. He graduated from college in 1790, was licensed to preach in 1792, was ordained in 1793, and died October 31, 1830. The subject of this biographical sketch was educated at Miami University and subsequently studied theology at Oxford. He was ordained January 10, 1851, at Centerville, Michigan, by … Read more

Biography of Joshua A. Stone

Joshua A. Stone. One of the old time citizens of Montgomery County was the late Joshua A. Stone, who identified himself with Independence and that locality soon after the country was open to settlement, and who impressed his ability and energy upon many local business activities. He was especially prominent in the coal mining industry. Mr. Stone died at his home in Independence April 30, 1914. Mrs. Stone, who is executrix of his estate, has proved herself a very competent business manager, and is one of the highly esteemed women of Montgomery County. Born in Centerville, Michigan, in March, 1846, … Read more

Early Native American Gardening

Grand River Michigan Ancient Garden Beds - Plate 6

What proportion of the prairies of the West may be assigned as falling under the inference of having been abandoned fields, may constitute a subject of general speculation. It appears to be clear that the great area of the prairies proper is independent of that cause. Fire is the evident cause of the denudation of trees and shrubs in a large part of the area between the Rocky and the Allegheny mountains. Water comes in for a share of the denudation in valleys and moist prairies, which may be supposed to be the result of a more recent emergence from its former … Read more