1851 St. Augustin De Quebec Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Seigniory of Demaure, County of Port Neuf, C. E. distant from Quebec, 14 miles. Population of the Parish about 1560. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Bourbeau, Captain Augustin. Brunet, Theophile, boardinghouse. Coté, Ambroise, J. P. Constantin, Edouard, general store. Drolet, Captain Fabien. Gaboury, Augustin, boardinghouse. Lame, Proxelle, M. D. Millette, Augustin, Roman Catholic. Mercure, Pierre, general store. Martel, Louis, general store. Rochette, Captain Jean Baptiste. Rochette, Jean, general store. Scott, Michael, miller. Watters, Daniel, notary public.