Biography of James W. Lytle

JAMES W. LYTLE. – To the esteemed and capable gentleman, whose name appears above, we with pleasure accord a representation in this volume of the chronicles of Union county, since he has wrought for many years here for its development, and for the subjstantial progress of the same, manifesting meanwhile, a business ability and energy that have placed him among the leading agriculturists and prominent men of the county, while his unswerving integrity, sound principles and geniality have made him hosts of friends from all classes. Mr. Lytle was born in Wyandot, Ohio, on October 22, 1842, being the son … Read more

Alderman, Charlotte Ruth Odell – Obituary

Mrs. Charlotte Ruth Odell Alderman was born in Carroll County, Indiana, in 1842. Her father crossed the plains in 1851, bringing his wife and nine children. They settled in Webfoot near Dayton, where the family grew to maturity. Charlotte attended school at Lebanon, Lafayette and Willamette University, besides her home school. She taught school in Lincoln County, and in 1866, she married Albert Lockwood Alderman. They lived north of Dayton a number of years and then moved to Dayton so the children could better attend school. To them five children were born: Edwin who died in 1908; Ennis who lives … Read more

Fihn, Lois Janet – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Lois Janet Fihn, 87, of Salem and formerly of La Grande, died of natural causes Nov. 17 at a care facility in Salem. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Loveland Funeral Chapel, with burial to follow at the Island City Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. A celebration of life service begins at 2 p.m. Dec. 2 at Tierra Rose Care Center, 4254 Weathers St. NE, in Salem. Mrs. Fihn was born March 28, 1919, in Moro to James and Lotus Kenny, the … Read more

Biography of James M. De Moss

JAMES M. DE MOSS. – This well-known musician of Eastern Oregon was born at Greensburg, Indiana, May 15, 1837. As a child he removed to Iowa with his parents, and in that state was reared, receiving his higher education at Western College. At eighteen he became a teacher of music, and three years later was married to Miss Elizabeth A., daughter of Reverend Henry Bonebrake. He spent his early manhood as an exhorter in the United Brethren church. In the great patriotic meetings held during the days of the Civil war by Honorable Henry Wilson, and others, he was appointed … Read more

Sherman County, Oregon Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Sherman County ORGenWeb Project Blackburne Family Cemetery Daugherty Family Cemetery DeMoss Springs Cemetery Emigrant Springs Cemetery Grass Valley Cemetery Kent (IOOF) Cemetery Michigan Cemetery Moro IOOF Cemetery Observer Farm Cemetery (aka Kent) (aka Wilcox) Rose Cemetery Rufus Cemetery Sun Rise Cemetery Wasco Methodist Cemetery Cemeteries hosted at Sherman County USGenWeb Archives Grass Valley Cemetery Michigan Cemetery Cemetery Photos Hosted at Sherman County USGenWeb Archives Grass Valley Cemetery Cemeteries Hosted at Graveyards … Read more

Sherman County, Oregon Census

Sherman County, Oregon was formed from Wasco County in 1889. 1890 Sherman County, Oregon Census Free 1890 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1890 Veterans Schedule $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems $ Hosted at Census Guide 1890 U.S. Census Guide 1900 Sherman County, Oregon Census Free 1900 Census Form for your Research Free 1900 Census Images and Index Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1900 Sherman County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1900 U.S. Census Guide 1910 Sherman County, Oregon Census Free 1910 Census Form for your Research Hosted … Read more

Fihn, Lois Janet – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Lois Janet Fihn, 87, of Salem and formerly of La Grande, died of natural causes Nov. 17 at a care facility in Salem. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Loveland Funeral Chapel, with burial to follow at the Island City Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. A celebration of life service begins at 2 p.m. Dec. 2 at Tierra Rose Care Center, 4254 Weathers St. NE, in Salem. Mrs. Fihn was born March 28, 1919, in Moro to James and Lotus Kenny, the … Read more

Van Gaasbeck, Florence Gladys Thompson Mrs. – Obituary

Florence Gladys Van Gaasbeck 81, a longtime Arlington resident, died Jan. 17, 2002, at a foster care home in Baker City. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Pastor Monte Loyd of the Baker Valley Christian Assembly will officiate. Interment will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Arlington Cemetery. Visitations will be until 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. Van Gaasbeck was born on June 28, 1920, at Rufus to Glen and Jean Mathieson Thompson. She received her education at the Rufus Public School. She married Clark Van Gaasbeck … Read more

Ransier, Rena Mrs. – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Mrs. Rena Ransier Dies At Hospital Mrs. Rena Ivy Ransier of Wallowa passed away Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1970 at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient for three months. She had been in ill health for six years. She was born Jan. 20, 1901 at Moro, daughter of R.T. and Ivy Morgan. On Oct. 21, 1920 she was married to David J. Ransier of Pasco, Wash. She had lived in Moro until 1932, then in The Dalles until 1968 when she and her husband came to Wallowa. She was a cook by occupation … Read more

Biography of W. F. Courtney

W.F. COURTNEY. – This veteran among the Indian fighters and earlier pioneers was born in Illinois in 1832. At the age of thirteen, he crossed the plains with his parents in 1845. They reached The Dalles during the latter part of October of the same year; but before proceeding down the river they had to construct a flat boat as a means of navigation. This was attended with considerable difficulty, as there were no lumber mills in the country, and ever plank had to be whipsawed. The passage from The Dalles to the Upper Cascades was made without any event … Read more