Biography of Michael Dougherty

Michael Dougherty is one of the able industrious workers and business men who have identified themselves with the City of Independence because it is a center for the oil and gas industry of the Southwest. For forty years he had been a boilermaker, and had followed his trade as a workman and as a contractor in nearly all the oil and gas fields in the country. He is now superintendent of tankage construction for the Prairie Oil and Gas Company. He is a native of Ireland and of an old County Donegal family. His grandfather spent his life as a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A.C. Stevenson

Treasurer of the Springfield Tool Company, he is one of the younger generation of able business executives in the manufacturing center of New England. He was born May 7, 1892, the son of John Stevenson, Jr., a native of Glasgow, Scotland; and of Elizabeth (Carter) Stevenson, born in Virginia. Mr. Stevenson’s birthplace was Sharon, Pennsylvania, where he attended the public schools and a private school. This was followed by the preparatory course at St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. He entered Yale University and was graduated in 1913 with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He engaged in the business … Read more