Biography of Roderick MacKenzie

RODERICK MacKENZIE. – Any compilation that gives mention of the pioneers of Union county would be open to serious criticism were there failure to incorporate an epitome of the sturdy pioneer, leading farmer, and prominent citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has wrought for many years for the advancement of this county and the development of its resources having won here the smiles of fortune by the display of untiring energy, wise management and unswerving integrity, while he is to-day one of the real builders of our county and one of its distinguished citizens. … Read more

Woodell, Mattie Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Perry Woodell Dies The funeral of the late Mrs. Perry Woodell, who died here at 5 o’clock Wednesday evening following a operation for a tumor that morning, will be held at the family home on the Sandridge tomorrow at 1 o’clock and burial will take place in the Summerville cemetery. Rev. Archer will conduct the funeral services. Mrs. Woodell had been complaining for the past two months but was not seriously ill. She was aged 46 years. She is a Union county girl, formerly Miss Mattie Herring [Hearing], and had lived the greater part of her life around Summerville. … Read more

Woodell, Dean Mrs. – Obituary

Last Thursday Mrs. Dean (?) Woodell died at her home on Sandridge, after an illness from lung fever. Mrs. Woodell was aged about thirty years, and leaves a husband and a family of five children to mourn her loss. She was the daughter of Justice Collins, of Summerville, and a sister of Mrs. .N. Hamilton, wife of Union County’s ex-sheriff. The remains were interred at Summerville Saturday. Eastern Oregon Republican Wednesday, January 9, 1895

McDonald, John Sr. – Obituary

Death of Another Pioneer John McDonald Sr. John McDonald, Sr., of the Sandridge was found dead in his barn last Thursday. The cause of his death was heart failure. Deceased was 82 years of age. He came to Union county in 1863 and had always been quite prominent in the affairs of the county, having at one time held the office of county commissioner. Deceased was interred in the Summerville cemetery Saturday. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss, among them being John and Hector, two prominent citizens of Wallowa county. Elgin Recorder Friday November 27, … Read more

Ruckman, John – Obituary

On the Sandridge, Nov. 30, John Ruckman, of typhoid fever. Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday December 10, 1891