Biography of Andrew, Scott Rev.

Rev. Andrew Scott. The qualities of real manhood and the power of leadership were never in greater demand in church work than today. The clergy have always been men of education and of fine moral standing, and with these qualities the successful pastor must now combine the spiritual enthusiasm and some of the same enterprise and energy which are such vital assets in the business world. A better type of this modern minister Champaign County does not have than in the case of Rev. Mr. Scott, pastor of the Christian Church at Fisher. Mr. Scott is a man of letters, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John G. W. Cowles

Cowles, John G. W.; financier; born, Oberlin, O., March 14, 1836; son of Rev. Henry and Alice Welch Cowles; educated in public and preparatory schools of Oberlin; entered Oberlin College, graduating in 1856; studied for the ministry, earning money for education by teaching; graduated from the Oberlin Theological Seminary in 1859; married, in 1859, to Lois M. Church, of Vertmontville, Mich.; issue, two daughters, living, and two sons, deceased; second marriage, to Miss Beatrice Walker, of Brantford, Conn.; issue, one daughter, Jeanette, born in 1905; preached in the Congregational Church of Bellevue from 1859 to 1861; joined the army then; … Read more

Biography of Herbert M. Howison, Prof.

Prof. Herbert M. Howison. As one of the flourishing cities of Kansas, Parsons has representatives in nearly all the industries and professions. As a developer of its musical interest the city has recently received an important addition in the person of Herbert M. Howison, a prominent professional musician and a man of wide experience as a teacher and devotee of the art. Professor Howison is a young man of much talent and has been thoroughly trained in many of the best schools and under some of the best instructors of the country. The family have lived in this country for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest P. Lenihan

Lenihan, Ernest P.; underwriter; born, Saginaw, Michigan, Oct. 5, 1873; academic education; married; resident director Wilcox, Peek & Hughes, New York, prior to coming to Cleveland in 1901 engaged in marine insurance business in New York and Chicago; director in the following companies: New York Fire & Marine Underwriters, Knickerbocker Insurance Co., Lloyds, N. Y., Manitowor Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., The Wilbrand Co., Wilcox, Peck & Hughes; Independent politically; member The Association of Average Adjusters of the United States, Chamber of Commerce; member Union, Country, and Mayfield Clubs. Fond of Gulf.