Slave Narrative of Milton Starr

Person Interviewed: Milton Starr Date of Birth: February 24, 1858 I was born a slave, but was not treated like other slaves and my folks never told me anything about slavery. So there is very little I can tell of those days. My birthplace was in the old Flint District of the Cherokee Nation; the nearest town was Russellville, Arkansas, and the farm was owned by Jerry Starr, half-breed Cherokee, who was my master and father. They told me I was born February 24, 1858, right in my master’s house, and when I was a baby had the care of … Read more

Arkansas Funeral Home Records

Funeral Log Books

This page links to known Arkansas Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline. Funeral records are an invaluable source of genealogical information that can provide insight into the lives and deaths of our ancestors. They offer a wealth of details on the deceased and their family, including their names, ages, dates of death, causes of death, and other key information.

Biography of Vernon B. Ellington

Since January, 1919, Vernon B. Ellington has served as postmaster of Wagoner and in that capacity has made an excellent record. He has a thorough understanding of the duties that devolve upon him and is prompt and efficient in their execution. Mr. Ellington was born in Russellville, Arkansas, in March, 1892, a son of Rev. L. G. and Mary A. (Dunlap) Ellington, natives of Tennessee. The father entered the Methodist ministry at the age of eighteen years and preached throughout Tennessee and Arkansas until 1893, when he removed to Indian Territory, where he worked among the Indians in districts where … Read more

Biography of Judge James P. Wood

Integrity, intelligence and system are qualities which will advance the interests of any man or any profession, and will tend to the prosperity to which all aspire. The life of Judge James P. Wood in the professional arena has been characterized by intelligence, integrity, sound judgment and persevering industry. He is one of Cleburne County’s most popular and capable attorneys, who has acquired prominence because he is worthy of it. He was born on a farm in Barbour County, Ala., in 1843, a son of James and Nancy (Byrd) Wood, who were born, reared and married in the Old North … Read more

Slave Narrative of John White

Person Interviewed: John White Location: Sand Springs, Oklahoma Date of Birth: April 10, 1816 Age: 121 Occupation: Yard Worker Of all my Mammy’s children I am the first born and the longest living. The others all gone to join Mammy. She was named Mary White, the same name as her Mistress, the wife of my first master, James White. About my paopy. I never hear his name and I never see him, not even when I was the least child around the old Master’s place ‘way back there in Georgia more’n one-hundred twenty years ago! Mammy try to make it … Read more