Biographical Sketch of Rev. William A. Scullen

Scullen, William A. Rev.; Ph. D., S. T. D., J. C. D.; sec’y Diocese of Cleveland; born, Oct. 2, 1879, East Liverpool, O.; son of Patrick and Joanna Scullen; Parochial and public high schools, East Liverpool; St. Charles College, Ellicott City Md., 1898-1902; St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, 1902-1903; American College, Rome, 1903-1909; Ph. D., from the Propaganda University, Rome, 1904; S. T. D., same university 1908; J. C. D., Apollonaris University, Rome, 1909; ordained priest by Cardinal Respighi, Sept. 21, 1907, in the Lateran Basilica, Rome; appointed sec’y of Cleveland diocese, June 14, 1909; member Alumni American College, Rome, (historian, … Read more

Biography of Rt. Rev. John Patrick Farrelly, D. D.

Farrelly, John Patrick, Rt. Rev. D. D.; Bishop of Cleveland; born, Memphis, Tenn., March 15, 1856; son of John P. and Martha Clay Moore Farrelly; early education in the grammar schools of Tennessee, Arkansas and Kentucky; studied classics for three years at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.; in 1873, went to Europe, to complete classical education; graduated from the College of Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium; from Namur, went to the American College, Rome, to study philosophy and theology; at the conclusion of a brilliant course received the Doctorate in Sacred Theology from The University of the Propaganda, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reverend Thomas C. Right O’Reilly

O’Reilly, Thomas C. Right Reverend ; S. T. D., LL. D., Monsignor; chancellor of the Diocese of Cleveland, and pastor of St. John’s Cathedral; born, Cleveland, Feb. 22, 1873; son of Patrick and Delia Readdy O’Reilly; educated, St. Patrick’s, Cleveland 1879-1887; Spencerian Business College, Cleveland, 1887-1888; St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, 1889-1893; St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, 1893-1894; American College, Rome, Italy, 1894-1899; received degree S. T. D., from Propaganda University, Rome, 1899; LL. D., from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 1909; was ordained priest by Cardinal Cassette, June 4, 1898, in the Lateran Basillica, Rome; asst. pastor St. John’s Cathedral, … Read more

Biography of Rev. James Thomas Coffey

Rev. James Thomas Coffey, pastor of St. Leo’s Catholic church at No. 2315 Mullanphy street in St. Louis, was born near Jefferson City, in Cole county, Missouri, November 8, 1861, his parents being Michael and Ann (Fitzsimons) Coffey, who were natives of Ireland and came to the United States in the ’40s as children with their respective parents, who made their way direct to St. Louis. Michael Coffey and Ann Fitzsimons were married in the old cathedral by Father Ryan, who was later archbishop of Philadelphia. Mr. Coffey was one of the pioneers in railroad construction in the west and … Read more

Biography of John Baptist Miege

John Baptist Miege, first Catholic bishop of Kansas, was born in 1815, the youngest son of a wealthy and pions family of the parish of Chevron, Upper Savoy, France. At an early age he was committed to the care of his brother, the director of the episcopal seminary of Moutiers, and completed his literary studies at the age of nineteen. After spending two more years at the seminary in the study of philosophy, on October 23, 1836, he was admitted to the Society of Jesns. The following eleven years he spent in further study, a portion of the time at … Read more

Biography of Archbishop F. N. Blanchet

ARCHBISHOP BLANCHET. – The Most Reverend F.N. Blanchet ranked among the apostolic men who laid the deep foundations of the Catholic faith in this country. He was born at St. Pierre, Riviere-du-Sud, Quebec, Canada, September 5, 1795, was educated in the Petit Seminaire, Quebec, and was ordained July 18, 1819, by Archbishop Plessis. At that time Oregon was simply the name given to a territory extending along the Pacific coast from latitude forty-two degrees to fifty-four degrees, forty minutes north, until finally, in 1846, – the year of the accession of Pius IX. to the see of Peter, – all … Read more

Biography of Charles Tracey

CHARLES TRACEY A REPRESENTATIVE Albanian whose sterling qualities of the head and heart have brought him into popular favor, and who has already been honored by the bestowal of responsible political positions, is the Hon. Charles Tracey, our present congressman from this district. He is descended from a long and influential line of Irish ancestry. Born at No. 757 Broadway, Albany, on the 27th of May, 1847, he has thus passed his forty-third year, and is in the vigor of manhood, possessing the capabilities of performing efficiently the active and onerous duties of life. In 1838 his father, John Tracey, … Read more