Biography of Thomas W. Hallock

Thomas W. Hallock, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Jan. 20, 1811; he was raised on a farm until he was 15 years old, and then went to Troy, N. Y., where he learned the trade of a coachmaker; he worked for Eaton & Gilbert, at that time one of the largest coachmaking firms in the country; he helped to build the first railway-coach in this country, in 1829; this coach was run on the Amboy & Burtontown R. R., and was drawn by horses. Going to New York City in 1833, he … Read more

Blakeslee, Charles Lewis – Obituary

Charles Lewis Blakeslee was born in Berlin, New York, in the year 1827. At the age of thirteen years he removed to the state of Michigan. In 1850 he was married to Caroline Dewey, and made his home in Battle Creek, Michigan. In 1863 Mr. Blakeslee moved to Union County, Oregon, with the pioneers of that year, and his family followed him in 1867. Mr. Blakeslee taught some of the first schools in the Grande Ronde Valley, in Summerville, Cove and Union, and in the old school house still stands in Union that was the scene of his early labors. … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Peck

CHARLES H. PECK There is a lesson in each flower, A story in each stream and bower; In every herb on which you tread Are written words, which, rightly read, Will lead you from earth’s fragrant sod. To hope, and holiness, and God.” Allan Cunningham. AN ALBANIAN who has manifested a high order of genius in a special department of science, and whose devotion to the study of the beauties and sublimities of nature is supreme, is Professor Charles H. Peck, the present botanist of the New York state museum of natural history. He was born in the town of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Welch Frazier

Frazier, James Welch; consulting engineer; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1870; son of George G. and Sadie B. Smith Frazier; educated, Grammar and High School, Allegheny, Pa.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; graduated, 1894, degree of Civil Engineer; married, Troy, N. Y., 1895, Jennie H. Van Deusen; two daughters, Ruth and Helen; chief engineer Federal St. & Pleasant Valley R. R., Pittsburg, 1894-1896; asst. engineer Pennsylvania Co., in office of chief engineer, 1896-1899; engineer Brown Hoisting Mchy. Co., 1899-1905; member of firm Frazier & Fox, 1905-1910; pres. The J. W. Frazier Co., 1910, to date; member of board of consulting engineers in … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Eliza Cooke

MRS. ELIZA COOKE. – All who are acquainted with the estimable lady whose name heads this brief résumé of her life well known that the best eulogy that can be written only illustrates how impossible it is to bear fitting portrayal of the genuine worth of so good and noble a woman. Grandma Cooke has ever been known in her intercourse with others to be generous and unselfish in the highest degree, one of the gentlest of mothers, the most patient of wives, an affectionate friend, and the kindest of neighbors. Whether meeting with trials incident to a long, tedious … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Perkins Whitman

Whitman, Frank Perkins; physicist; born, Troy, N. Y., July 29, 1853; son of William Warren and Caroline Keith (Perkins) Whitman; A. B., Brown University, 1874, A. M. 1877 (hon. Sc. D., 1900); studied Johns Hopkins; married Charlotte Webster Wheeler, of Providence, R. I., May 26, 1881; instructor in English and Classical Schools, Providence, 1874-1878; prof. physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 1880-1885; Western Reserve University since 1886; Fellow A. A. A. S. (vice pres. 1898); member American Physical Society, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society, America, Illuminating engineering Society. Contributor to scientific journals.

Genealogy of Joseph Baker of Marshfield Massachusetts

Z173. NICHOLAS BAKER: probable father of Z174 SAMUEL BAKER: made Freeman in 1657; m. Eleanor Winslow. Z175 KENELIN BAKER: b. 1657; m. Sarah Bradford. Z176. KENELIN BAKER: b. 1695; m. Patience Dolen. Z177 WILLIAM BAKER: b. Oct. 16, 1734; m. Hannah Lincoln. Z178 WILLIAM BAKER: b. Sept. 10, 1759; m. Abigail Low. Z179 JOSEPH BAKER: b. Marshfield, Mass., Sept. 24, 1794; m. Olive Cushing. Z180 JOSEPH BAKER: b. Marshfield, Mass., Feb. 27, 1827; m. Martha Jane Perrin. Sarah James: b. Thompson, Conn. a181 JAMES BAKER: b. Nov. 28, 1824; m. Lydia Ann Mentzer, b. Jan. 8, 1826; had John, James, … Read more

Pennacook Tribe

Pennacook Indians (cognate with Abnaki pěnâ-kuk, or penankuk, ‘at the bottom of the of hill or highland.’ Gerard). A confederacy of Algonquian tribes that occupied the basin of Merrimac river and the adjacent region in New Hampshire, northeast Massachusetts, and the extreme south part of Maine. They had an intermediate position between the southern New England tribes, with whom the English were most directly interested, and the Abnaki and others farther north, who were under French influence. Their alliances were generally with the northern tribes, and later with the French. It has been supposed that they were an offshoot of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michall F. Donovan

Donovan, Michall F.; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., 1863; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Corning, N. Y.; married, Auburn, N. Y., 1905, Margaret Holmes; learned the printer’s trade, starting when 14, and worked at it for eight years, working in large cities of New York State, Syracuse, Albany, Troy and New York City; became interested in the manufacture and sale of typewriting machines in 1885; in 1892, started the making of typewriter ribbons in Cleveland; later added the making of carbon papers; see’y and treas. The Buckeye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass’n

Biography of Norman M. Ruick

This distinguished practitioner at the bar of Idaho has been connected with the leading interests of the state for some years, and in all the relations of life he has commanded the respect and confidence of his fellow men by his fidelity to duty and his devotion to the interests entrusted to his care. He comes from the far east, being a native of Connecticut. His birth occurred in Granby, that state, on the 4th of October, 1854, and his ancestry includes both Irish and Puritan stock. His paternal great-grandfather, a native of the Emerald Isle, emigrated to the New … Read more