Biography of Doctor Shubael Converse

The son of Shubael and Phoebe Converse was born at Randolph, Vt., September 7, 1805. He studied his profession with Doctor R. D. Mussey of Hanover, N. H., and at Dartmouth College, graduating at that institution in 1828. Soon after he settled in Strafford, where he resided in the practice of medicine until 1837, when he purchased the business and homestead of Doctor Horace Hatch at the southern border of Norwich village, and removing there was engaged in the active pursuit of his professional duties for a period of thirty years, until his sudden decease August 6, 1867. Doctor Converse … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Allen

Isaac Allen, from Randolph, Vt., came to Morristown in 1818, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Ephraim E. He reared a family of six children, all of whom are living. He died May 28, 1871, aged eighty-two years. His wife died February 11, 1845, aged forty-three years. Ephraim E. was born here in 1822, married Ruth M. Loveland, and has two children.

Biographical Sketch of John Danforth Nutting

Nutting, John Danforth; clergyman; born at Randolph, Vt., March 8, 1854; son of Rufus and Sarah H. Nutting; A. B., Wheaton (III.) College, 1878, A. M., 1881; graduate, Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1885; married, Nannie Keith Miller, of Oberlin (class 1883), June 23, 1885 (died, 1886); 2d, Lillis R. Morley, of Mentor, O., (Ohio, 1887), Jan. 1, 1890; ordained ministry in. Congregational Church, 1885; pastor, Wauseon, O., 1885-1888; Newport, Ky., 1888-1890; St. Louis, 1890-1892; Salt Lake City, 1892-1898; sec’y Utah Gospel Mission for special work in behalf of the Mormon people and against the Mormon system, since 1898; writer and lecturer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses H. Cady

Moses H. Cady came to Stowe from Randolph, Vt., in 1830, and commenced a mercantile business under the firm name of T. B. Downer & Co. This firm did a successful business for about two years, after which Mr. Cady continued the same alone two years, then formed a co-partnership with Elisha Cady, continuing this connection about three years. He then took Thomas Emerson, of Windsor, Vt., into partnership. Mr. Emerson was a banker, and supposed to. be wealthy , but after about three years some of his speculations proved disastrous and he retired from the firm. This disaster also … Read more

Biography of Edwin K. Burnham

EDWIN K. BURNHAM A BUSY, representative man, who has faithfully served his country both in a military and civil capacity, is the Hon. Edwin K. Burnham, the present careful, efficient superintendent of public buildings of the state of New York, whose official residence is now in Albany. In his veins flow the blood of the loyal, patriotic, enterprising race of New Englanders. Vermont is his native state, and in the rural town of Randolph – named, we believe, in honor of the famous Virginian orator and statesman John Randolph – he was born on the 8th of September, 1839. His … Read more

Biography of Prof. George Bush

George Bush, one of the most eminent Biblical scholars and Orientalists of his time in America, was born in Norwich, Vt., June 12, 1796, a son of John and Abigal (Marvin) Bush, and grandson of Capt. Timothy Bush. The boyhood of George Bush was mostly passed in Hanover, New Hampshire, whither his father removed when he was quite young. The son gave early indications of superior intelligence. His eldest sister says “he had a ravishing love of books from her first remembrance of him.” He frequented the College library at Hanover and would bring home ponderous volumes, almost as large … Read more

Biography of John Henry Albin

John Henry Albin, one of the best known lawyers of Concord and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in Randolph, Vt., October 17, 1843, son of John and Emily (White) Albin. His ancestors on the father’s side resided in Randolph for one hundred and fifty years, and his mother’s family is one of the oldest in Merrimack County. He came here with his parents when he was twelve years old. Having completed his elementary education in the public schools of this city, he entered Dartmouth College in the fall of 1860, and graduated from that institution in … Read more

Migration of Families out of Norwich VT

At the first enumeration of the inhabitants of eastern Vermont, as made by the authority of New York in 1771, Norwich was found to be the most populous of all the towns of Windsor County, having forty families and 206 inhabitants. Windsor followed with 203, and Hartford was third with 190. The aggregate population of the county (ten towns reported) was then but 1,205, mostly confined to the first and second tiers of towns west of the Connecticut River. Twenty years later, in 1791, Hartland led all the towns of the county with 1,652 inhabitants, Woodstock and Windsor coming next … Read more