Biographical Sketch of Frank M. Drew

Drew, Frank M.; mgr. Star Theater; born, New York City, June 30, 1852; son of Frank N. and Louisa M. Drew; educated, public schools, Philadelphia, Pa.; Military Academy at Village Green, Pa.; married, 1885, Blanche C. Collard, of Wyandotte, Mich.; issue, six children; actor for two years, following the profession in New York City; sixteen years in the circus business; conducted museums in Providence, Columbus, Cleveland and Indianapolis; in 1883, built the Cleveland Theater and became connected with Mr. Campbell in conducting playhouses in various places; leased Colonial theater in Cleveland and subject to Ray F. Comstock; member Elks and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman J. Nord

Nord, Herman J.; attorney-at-law; born, Ashtabula, March 31, 1877; son of Otto and Mary Nord; educated, Adelbert College, and Western Reserve Law School; married, Providence, Nov. 20, 1908, Elizabeth B. Custy; member Cleveland and Ohio State Bar Associations; member Phi Gamma Delta College Fraternity, Adelbert Chapter; member Chamber of Commerce, and Athletic Club.