Wattenburg, W. C. – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon W. C. Wattenburg W. C. Wattenburg, formerly a resident of Enterprise, died in Portland last week. He was a resident of Enterprise in 1915 and 16 and worked with Jno. Oberg as architect and furnished plans for a number of buildings in this county. He was 27 years of age at the time of his death and leaves a wife and baby. Wallowa County Reporter, Thursday, January 2, 1919

Levy, Lillie Miss – Obituary

Miss Lillie Levy’s Death The city was cast in a gloom Monday morning by the sudden announcement of the death of Miss Lillie Levy. Lillie was highly esteemed by all who know her and will be sadly missed by our people whose sympathies are with the relatives in their very sad bereavement. The remains were taken to Portland Monday night for burial accompanied by Mr. Leon Levy and Mr. D. Sommner. Eastern Oregon Republican Wednesday, September 25, 1894

Biography of Edward James Northrup

Edward James Northrup was born in Albany, New York, July 4th 1834, and was a son of Nelson Northrup, long known as a merchant in old Oregon. He spent several years of his early life in school, but when quite young began his business career as a clerk in a book store in Boston, where he remained until 1852, when he came to Portland. Here he entered the general merchandise store of Northrup & Simonds, of which firm his father was senior member, remaining with them as clerk until 1856, when associating himself with James M. Blossom, he succeeded to … Read more

End to the Portland Land Title Controversy

Following is the agreement referred to so often in the foregoing decision, and may be regarded as the palladium of the Portland land titles, and the end of controversy to all contestants. It was made in March, 1852, when the proprietors found that it was impossible to secure a title jointly to the land which they had been holding and selling as partners. Each covenants that “First, He will fulfill and perform all contracts and agreements that he has entered into with the others, or each of them, or with other persons, respecting the said tract of land or any … Read more

Wells, John – Obituary

LaGrande has had a full share of accidents during the year past. The last is the accident by which one of our oldest and most prominent citizens, Mr. John Wells met his death. For twenty years Mr. Wells has been hauling wood from his mountain ranch into town and had never met with an accident. Last Friday morning he went to the mountains as usual for a load of wood taking with him a China man whom he had employed. The road was frozen so that although the wagon was rough locked, in coming down the mountain there was danger … Read more

Durland, Louise Serene Pedersen – Obituary

A private service will be Thursday in Willamette National Cemetery for Louise Serene Durland of Southeast Portland. Mrs. Durland died Sunday [November 25] in a Portland hospital of causes related to age. She was 89. She was born Jan. 26, 1901, in Ellensburg, Wash. Her maiden name was Pedersen. She had lived in the Portland area since 1934 and married Coe Irving Durland, who died in 1960. Mrs. Durland was a homemaker. Survivors include her sons, Richard of Portland and Peter of Chula Vista, Calif.; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. The family suggests that remembrances be contributions to the Salvation … Read more

Van Hoomissen, Condon J. “Jerry” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Condon J. “Jerry” Van Hoomissen, 76, a longtime Baker City resident, died July 4, 2003, at his home. His graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Mount Hope Cemetery. The Rev. Robert C. Irwin of St. Francis de Sales Cathedral will conduct the service. After the committal, family and friends are invited to the Van Hoomissen home at 320 Foothill Drive to swap stories and visit. Food and drink will be provided, but if you wish to bring a dish to share, please do so, it will be appreciated. Jerry was born on Jan. 24, … Read more

Haun, James R. – Obituary

James Ralph Haun, a farmer and a lifelong resident of the Lostine area, passed away in a Portland hospital Thursday morning, April 12, 1956, following a short illness. Rosary was recited Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock and requiem mass was held Monday at 10 a.m., both services at St. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Wallowa. Father John Baumgartner, pastor, officiated. Mrs. Robert Duncan was at the organ and Mrs. Vern Mason was soloist. Casket bearers were Willard and John Lewis, James Read, Charles and Ed Hook, and Herman Wood, and burial was in the Wallowa Cemetery. Mr. Haun was born at … Read more

Biography of J. P. O. Lownsdale

J.P.O. LOWNSDALE. – There are few business men more favorably known in the metropolis of the Pacific Northwest than the gentleman of whom we write. His operations in real estate have ever been of the most reliable character; and the services that he has rendered the city in calling attention to her advantages have been very great. In his personal character he has maintained not only an integrity worthy of the highest commendation, but worthy of the imitation of young men. He was born at Princeton, Gibson county, Indiana, January 1, 1830, and is the son of D.H. Lownsdale, the … Read more

Biography of Rockey P. Earhart

The subject of this sketch was born in Franklin County, Ohio, on the 23td day of June, 1837, and came to Oregon by way of the Isthmus of Panama, in 1855. Educational advantages were offered him in select schools in his native State, where he gained a thoroughly practical business training. Upon arriving in Oregon, and incidentally meeting with some of the public officials of the day, his superior clerical abilities were very soon recognized, and he received the appointment of clerk under Captain (now General), Robert McFeely, U. S. A., and Quartermaster P. H. Sheridan, then a comparatively unknown … Read more

Biography of Sarah Fairbanks King

SARAH FAIRBANKS KING (Mrs. S.A. King). – The annals of Oregon women, who performed the hard duties incident to pioneer life faithfully, patiently and well, contain no name more justly honored, or more tenderly cherished, than that of Sarah Fairbanks King. Mrs. King was a native of New York, having been born in Potter, Cayuga county, October 12, 1834. While yet in her infancy, she was taken by her parents to Michigan, then scarcely more than an outpost of Western civilization. Here she grew to womanhood, developing traits of gentleness and devotion to duty that were the distinguishing characters of … Read more

Biography of John Hallenbeck

In March 1864, John Hallenbeck became a resident of Silver City, and from that time until his death, throughout the period of pioneer development and latter-day progress, he was prominently identified with its upbuilding and interests. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Albany, October 24, 1830, and was of Holland lineage. His ancestors were among the early settlers of New York and participated in the events which form the colonial and Revolutionary history of that state. The maternal grand-father of our subject was also one of the heroes of the war for independence, and his wife … Read more

Dean, Archie – Obituary

Rifle Ends Life Of Shell-Shocked Man Archie Dean, Farm Laborer of Haines, Ends Own Life With Rifle at Rouse Farm Sunday. The body of Archie Dean, who has been employed on farms in the Haines community for a number of years, was found in an orchard at the old Pratt farm, northwest of town, now occupied by Rouse brothers, last Sunday noon. Beside the body was a .44 calibre rifle, and state police and county officers were called and found evidence that showed the man had taken his own life. Archie Clifford Dean was a shell-shocked World war veteran, it … Read more

History of Portland Oregon’s Fire Department

In 1866 the offices were Thos. G. Young, W. H. Weed and Win. T. Patterson. In 1867, Thos. G. Young, W. H. Weed, Wm. W. Witsell. The latter Chiefs are found in the list of the city officers, given above. As the city grew larger and the years passed, it was deemed better not to depend upon volunteer companies, but to maintain a regular paid fire department. In 1882 this was organized, and in 1883 H. D. Morgan, who still serves, was appointed Chief. Under this management the loss by fire has been greatly reduced, as shown by the following: … Read more

History of the Portland Banks and Insurance Agencies

The Bank of British Columbia is a branch of a London, England, corporation, which was founded in 1860 and has a capital of $2,425, 000. The Portland branch was established in 1866 with E. Russel as acting manager. It has been very successfully conducted and enjoys a liberal patronage. For several years, George Good, a financier of well recognized ability, has had charge of the business in this city. The bank building, at the junction of A, Front and Vine streets, was erected in 1882 and cost $65, 000. The Oregon and Washington Mortgage Savings Bank was incorporated in 1876, … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Northup

Henry H. Northup, of Portland, was born in Berkshire, Massachusetts, February 27, 1839. His father was a farmer as were his ancestors for several generations. He attended the public schools, and when of sufficient age, which in those days was nine or ten years, was kept at home during the summer to assist in the work upon the farm. When he had reached the age of twelve years his father died, leaving, with slender property, a widow and three children of whom the subject of this sketch was the only son. From that time commenced a struggle for existence. His … Read more

Ryder, James Bartlett “Jimmy” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon James (Jimmy) Bartlett Ryder, 78, a lifelong Baker City resident, died Friday, March 7, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His graveside service will be today at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 13, at Mount. Hope Cemetery, with Pastor Joe Bush officiating. Viewing was held on Wednesday, March 12, from noon to 8 p.m. at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel. Mr. Ryder was born March 25, 1924, in Baker City to Horace B. and Edna Maude (Barton) Ryder. He graduated from St. Francis Academy in 1942. After graduation he moved to Portland with his brothers, Joe and … Read more

Ruth Miriam Todd of Portland OR

Ruth Miriam, b. Jan. 29, 1894, she is a college graduate and was athletic editor her senior year, is a member of the largest athletic clubs in America, has recently been elected as teacher of physical culture and English in two splendid High schools. Ruth began life in a beautiful little villa by the banks of the Blue River at Blue Springs, Neb. and her arrival was heralded by the gift of a home, and half a car-load of supplies of all kinds of provisions that came over the Burlington Railroad–a bountiful and most generous consideration from her father’s people … Read more

Biography of John Dovell

JOHN DOVELL. – Mr. Dovell is one of those men who have belabored fortune, and have knocked about the world until it is sufficient to turn one’s hair gray simply to listen to their adventures. A native of the Azores, of Portuguese parentage and born in 1836, he came to Portland, Maine, at the age of fourteen, and learned shipbuilding. He left in four years and plied his trade in New Orleans, shipping thence to Liverpool, and coming as ship’s carpenter from that foreign port to San Francisco. He soon came up the coast to Portland, Oregon, and worked upon … Read more

Planting, Allen Arnold – Obituary

Memorial service will be 2 p.m. June 17, 1994, in Trinity Lutheran Church in Vancouver, Wash. Disposition will be by cremation. Interment will be in Park Hill Cemetery in Vancouver. Mr. Planting died of a stroke June 13 in Portland hospital. He was 80. He was born Dec. 31, 1913 in Pendleton. Before his retirement he was a shipping clerk for Crane Plumbing Co. in Portland. He had lived in Vancouver since 1929. Survivors include his wife, Leone; daughters, Ann Bates, Ruth Sundheim and Kay Planting, all of Seattle; sister, Goldie Vice of Vancouver; and one granddaughter. Remembrances: Trinity Lutheran … Read more