Biography of Alexander Owens

June 17, 1830, near Belfast, Ireland, the subject of this sketch was born. He was the son of Archibald and Mary (McMaster) Owens, both lifelong residents of the Emerald Isle. Their children were Jane, Mary, Alexander, Margaret, Anna, William and Jennie, all of whom became citizens of the United States, and all of whom, with the exception of Jennie and the subject of this review, are now deceased. Alexander came to America when but sixteen years of age and settled at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. There he earned the carpenter’s trade, which he has followed the greater part of his life. At … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William McKinley Duncan

Duncan, William McKinley; lawyer; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 19, 1873; son of Andrew J. and Sarah McKinley Duncan; educated, public schools Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rayen High School, Youngstown, O., and Cornell University, Ithaca., N. Y.; married, Youngstown, O., Oct. 18, 1899, Viola Deetrick; issue, three sons; admitted to bar, October, 1894; associated with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey ever since; became member of firm, January, 1911; representing Eastern Trunk Railroad in the engineer arbitration; receiver of the Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co.; member Union, Athletic, Mayfield and Hermit Clubs.

Biography of Samuel Brownlee Fisher

Samuel Brownlee Fisher of Parsons, consulting engineer of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad Company, is one of the eminent railway engineers of America. He had had nearly fifty years of active experience and had been identified with the construction of various railway lines in the West and East. He comes of an old Scotch family of Covenanter stock. On the maternal side his ancestors were the Brownlees, who were Covenanters in Scotland and were exiled because of their religious belief and settled in Pennsylvania. Mr. Fisher’s great-great-grandfather in the maternal line, George Wilie, was a soldier in the Revolutionary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Criswell Arbuthnot

Arbuthnot, Charles Criswell; professor of Economics, W. R. U.; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 30, 1876; son of James M. and Rebecca M. Criswell Arbuthnot; B. S., Geneva College, 1899; asst. in History, 1899-1900; Fellow in Political Economy, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-03; Ph. D., 1903; Instructor in Political Economy, Univ. of Nebraska, 1903-04; Adjunct Professor, 1904; Instructor in Economics, Adelbert College, and the College for Women, W. R. U., 1904-08; associate professor of Economics, 1906-08; professor of Economics, 1908-; member American Economic Ass’n, American Academy of Political and Social Science; Haymarket District Committee of Associated Charities; Board of Management of University … Read more

Biography of J. H. Moesser

J. H. Moesser, one of the early pioneers of Southern California, who was a wanderer for many years over several States of the Union, began life in the city of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, February 21, 1835. His father, Frederick H. Moesser, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, town of Altheim, Germany, and was a dry-goods merchant, baker and butcher, at different times. He moved with his family a wife and two children-to Ohio, where he remained a few years; then he moved to Missouri and subsequently to Nauvoo, Illinois. He died at Warsaw, Illinois, in 1853. His mother, Magdalena (Gundel before marriage) Moesser, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Richey Horner

Horner, James Richey; physician; born at Tarentum, Pa., June 7, 1861; son of Rev. Joseph and Caroline McCracken Horner; graduated, Pittsburg Central High School; M. D., Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, 1883; M. D., New York Homeopathic Medical College, 1884; M. D., Western Reserve University, 1907; (hon. A. M., Allegheny College, Pa., 1885); resident surgeon Ward’s Island (N. Y.), Homeopathic Hospital, 1884; physician, 1885, and later staff obstetrician, Homeopathic Hospital, Pittsburg; general practice, Pittsburg and Allegheny, until 1896; abroad seven months, 1896; assistant to Hughlings Jackson, neurologist Queen’s Square Hospital, London; special study diseases of nervous system; asst. physician, staff of … Read more

Kathi Reid’s Pennsylvania Websites

Kathi Reid has placed online her websites various Pennsylvania genealogy material. This page links directly to that material. Her website contains various history and biographical material for Bucks, Butler, Centre, Clinton, Erie, Fayette, Lycoming, and Schuylkill counties as well as Pennsylvania military records.

Biography of Henry H. Northup

Henry H. Northup, of Portland, was born in Berkshire, Massachusetts, February 27, 1839. His father was a farmer as were his ancestors for several generations. He attended the public schools, and when of sufficient age, which in those days was nine or ten years, was kept at home during the summer to assist in the work upon the farm. When he had reached the age of twelve years his father died, leaving, with slender property, a widow and three children of whom the subject of this sketch was the only son. From that time commenced a struggle for existence. His … Read more

Biography of Otho Eckersley

OTHO ECKERSLEY. – Among the successful and enterprising agriculturists of Union county there must not be failure to mention the esteemed pioneer whose name is at the head of this article, and who has demonstrated his substantial qualities in this county, gaining here a success that is both gratifying and commendable, while he has also exemplified the virtues of good citizenship and the qualities of a true and upright man. Many of our most thrifty and leading population came from the land with which we are most intimately connected, England, and there was born the subject of this sketch on … Read more

Leslie B. Todd of Pittsburgh PA

Leslie B. Todd9, (Hollis D.8, Ora B.7, Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Sept. 10, 1877, married May 23, 1906, Mittie Smith, who was born Aug. 11, 1878. He has a position in the P. O. at Pittsburg, Pa. Children: 2771. Kenneth V., b. July 7, 1907. 2771a. Katherine.

Biography of James King

A leading representative of the building interests, of Boise, and the present register of the land office of this city, James King is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Pittsburg, on the 15th of August 1832. He is of both German and English descent, his ancestors of those nationalities having settled in New York in 1664. They came with General Braddock and always remained in this land. In the war of the Revolution the family was represented by loyal Americans, who fought for liberty, and throughout many years they were prominently identified with the Presbyterian Church. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Ingham Kennedy

Kennedy, Frederick Ingham; coal and vessel business; born, Erie, Pa., Nov. 10, 1866; son of Silas E. and Belle Ingham Kennedy; educated, public schools and Erie Academy; graduated, class of 1884; married, Erie, Pa., Sept. 10, 1889, Madeline Hammond; issue, one daughter, Dorothy, one son, Frederick I., Jr.; commenced work with Youghiogheny River Coal Co., Erie, Pa., controlled by the late Congressman W. L. Scott, June 2, 1884; clerk and afterwards treas. and director of the company; also treas. and director Spring Valley Coal Co., controlled by the same interests; these companies sold to Pittsburg Coal Co., when he went … Read more

Crow, Ethel T. – Obituary

A Celebration of Life service was held for Ethel T. Crow at the Lostine Presbyterian Church on April 12, 2005. This followed a graveside service and interment at the Lostine Cemetery, under the direction of Bollman Funeral Home. Mrs. Crow died April 8, 2005, at Wallowa Memorial Hospital in Enterprise at the age of 87. Born in Pittsburgh, Penn., on Dec. 27, 1917, she was the daughter of George and Sara (Fleishner) Theobald and the youngest of seven children. She graduated from Carrick High School in 1933, attended a business school in Pennsylvania and worked in the offices of the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Samuel Simeon Andrews

Interviewer: Rachel A. Austin Person Interviewed: Samuel Simeon Andrews Location: Jacksonville, Florida Age: 86 For almost 30 years Edward Waters College, an African Methodist Episcopal School, located on the north side of Kings Road in the western section of Jacksonville, has employed as watchman, Samuel Simeon Andrews (affectionately called “Parson”), a former slave of A.J. Lane of Georgia, Lewis Ripley of Beaufort, South Carolina, Ed Tillman of Dallas, Texas, and John Troy of Union Springs, Alabama. “Parson” was born November 18, 1850 in Macon, Georgia, at a place called Tatum Square, where slaves were held, housed and sold. “Speculators” (persons … Read more

Biography of George Gumbert

The proprietor of the city meat market and the pioneer butcher of Boise, where he has been in business since 1864, is George Gumbert, who is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having taken place in Pittsburg on June 11, 1835. Of German extraction, his ancestors were early settlers of Pennsylvania and his great grandfather, Gumbert, fought in the colonial army during the Revolutionary war. His paternal grandfather was a farmer in Westmoreland County. His father, George Gumbert, was born in Pittsburg, where he followed the meat business nearly all his life, having attained the advanced age of ninety years. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank O’Neill

The sturdy pioneer, capable gentleman and patriotic citizen whose, name heads this article is one of the leading agriculturists and stockmen of his section of Malheur County, being a man who has wrought with great energy and commendable wisdom in his efforts to assist in the up building and advancement of this section of the country. Our subject was born in the County of Antrim, Ulster province, Ireland, on May 10, 1846, being the son of John and Elizabeth O’Neill. He was reared on a farm and remained in his native place until 1866, when he went to Scotland, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Godfrey

George Godfrey lived at Ritford, England. His son Peter married Dorothea Learey, of England, by whom he had Thomas, John, Edward, George, Charles, and Mary. Thomas came to America and settled in Canada. John went to California, and died on his return to England. Edward lives in Mercer County, Pa. George married Mary Ostick, of England, and settled in Pittsburg, Pa., in 1830, in St. Louis in 1836, and in Montgomery County, where Jonesburg now stands, in 1838. His children are Mary A., George, Edward, William O., John W., Henry M., and James A. Mary A. married Rev. George Smith, … Read more

Biography of Philip Wing Hathaway

Philip Wing Hathaway, a pioneer of Iowa and the Cherokee Indian Neutral Lands, was born on a farm near Wareham, Massachusetts. His early life was little unlike that of most boys of his day–spent in farm work with few school advantages, intermingled with pleasures and griefs. He stayed at home until 1832, when his father died, which parent left surviving him a wife and six children–two daughters, Adline and Sophia; four boys, Albert, Andrew, Philip and Mathias. Young Philip, tiring of the farm, sought other pursuits more in keeping with his endowed talent as a mechanic. At the age of … Read more

Biography of G. A. Sprecher, M. D.

G. A. Sprecher, M. D., formerly a practicing physician of Cincinnati, Ohio, and now the proprietor of the well-known “Colton Pharmacy,” which is located in the center of the city, has been a resident of Colton since 1884. The Doctor has found time to identify himself with and aid in the business and public enterprises which wrought the wonderful change in the city of Colton during the five years antedating 1889. His drug store, the Colton Pharmacy, is one of the most complete in the city, and a credit to any community, for Dr. Sprecher is a thorough master of … Read more

Clarence Lewis Todd of Pittsburgh PA

Clarence Lewis Todd8, (Lewis C.7, Lewis C.6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Feb. 23, 1849, in Nelson, Portage County, Ohio, died May 5, 1905, in Pittsburg, Penn., and was buried in Ashtabula, O., married Emma Wiley. Children: *2401. James G., b. June 16, 1876. 2402. Lena, b. Feb. 28, 1878. 2403. Agnes. 2404. Sarah.