Horner, James Richey; physician; born at Tarentum, Pa., June 7, 1861; son of Rev. Joseph and Caroline McCracken Horner; graduated, Pittsburg Central High School; M. D., Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, 1883; M. D., New York Homeopathic Medical College, 1884; M. D., Western Reserve University, 1907; (hon. A. M., Allegheny College, Pa., 1885); resident surgeon Ward’s Island (N. Y.), Homeopathic Hospital, 1884; physician, 1885, and later staff obstetrician, Homeopathic Hospital, Pittsburg; general practice, Pittsburg and Allegheny, until 1896; abroad seven months, 1896; assistant to Hughlings Jackson, neurologist Queen’s Square Hospital, London; special study diseases of nervous system; asst. physician, staff of … Read more