Biography of Charles F. Armstrong

For many years Charles F. Armstrong has been farming in the vicinity of Coodys Bluff and is readily conceded to be one of the progressive farmers and stockmen in this section of the state. A native of Oklahoma, he was born at one of the first post office stations in Indian Territory, at that time known as Cooscoowie district, on the 27th of February, 1872. His father, Henry Armtrong, a pioneer citizen and registered Delaware, was a son-in-law of Chief Journeycake. For thirty years he was engaged in the mercantile business at Coodys Bluff and Nowata. He suffered a severe … Read more

Biography of William A. Caldwell

The history of pioneer life has long rivaled in interest the tales of battles and of life on the tented field. Without the roar of cannon and musketry or the inspiring notes of fife and drum, hosts no less brave and determined have gone forth into the wilderness to reclaim it for the purposes of civilization and have fought the hard battle of conquering the raw land, the sturdy forest and the rocky fastnesses of the earth, making each yield of its treasures such elements as can be utilized for man. This is an arduous labor and one to which … Read more

Biography of J. S. Cowdrey

Among the representative business men of Yellville, Arkansas, none hold a more prominent place than J. S. Cowdrey, whose high reputation and material prosperity came as the reward of unusual natural abilities, industriously applied. The establishment which he now owns has a good share of patronage and support, and his trade is increasing in a very flattering manner. He was born in this county July 15, 1846, a son of Dr. J. M. and Agnes (McCubbin) Cowdrey, who were among the early pioneers of this section of the country. Dr. James M. Cowdrey, the father, was born in South Carolina … Read more