Biographical Sketch of Col. Jacob Coil

Col. Jacob Coil settled on Loutre Island in 1817. He was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, in 1780, and died in 1845. He was married twice, and had nine children. His eldest son by his first wife, named Jacob, Jr., was married first to Sarah Gibon and second to Mrs. Taylor, who was a daughter of Stephen Quick.

Biography of John Cravens

John Cravens, son of Dr. Joseph and Mary Cravens, was born in Harrisonburg, Rockingham county, Virginia, October 28, 1797, where he was reared and educated. He began the study of medicine under his father,, when in his nineteenth year, and began practice some six years later. After practicing with his father two years, he removed to Hardy county, Virginia now West Virginia, and began practice at Petersburg, but only remained one year, when he removed to Pendleton county, opened an office in Franklin, the county seat, and was an active practitioner in that county for ten years. In 1837 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua Johns

Joshua Johns, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born in Pendleton Co., Va., June 6, 1821. When he was 18 years of age, he went to Bath Co., Virginia, working on the farm of William Friel, whose daughter Isabel he married, Sept. 15,, 1840, and after living there for three years moved to Pleasant Grove Tp. in this county, remaining there for twelve years when he came to Hutton Tp., and after settling on Sec. 33 remained there fourteen years, and in March, 1867, came to his present farm on Sec. 9; he owns 692 acres; has held the office of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin Johns

Franklin Johns, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Pendleton Co., Va., June 6, 1828; when he was 7 years old, his parents moved to Gallia Co., Ohio, and remained there three years, and in the year 1838, came to Coles Co., and the first winter settled on Sec. 33, where they lived up to the time of their death, his mother dying May 2, 1854, and his father but three days after. The subject of this sketch was married Nov. 22, 1849, to Miss Nancy Connely, daughter of John Connely, of Hutton Tp., on the homestead, and a few … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Armstrong

Joseph Armstrong, farmer and stockdealer, Sec. 9; P. O. Charleston; was born in Pendleton Co., Va., Aug. 11, 1823; he lived with his parents, assisting his father on the farm until 23 years of age, when he married Elizabeth Leitch, Sept. 2, 1844; Mrs. Armstrong was born in Pendleton Co., Va., May 23, 1815; they have had four children, three living and one dead; their names are Charles E., Abel T. T., Margaret J., and Arametha L., who died. Mr. Armstrong has held the office of Township Collector one term, Road Commissioner one term, and School Director five years. He … Read more