Biography of Miss Callie Eaton

There is no doubt that the teacher is one of the most important forces in the progress of the world, and Rachel Caroline Eaton, familiarly known as “Miss Callie,” county superintendent of schools of Rogers county with residence in Claremore, a conscientious and progressive educator, deserves prominent mention in a work relating to northeastern Oklahoma and those who have contributed most to its development. A native of Oklahoma, she is a daughter of G. W. and Nancy Elizabeth (Williams) Eaton. Mr. Eaton came to Indian Territory soon after the Civil war and Married Nancy Williams of Siloam Springs, Arkansas. In … Read more

Biography of W. L. Adams A.M., M.D.

W.L. ADAMS, A.M., M.D. – The subject of this biography, a pioneer who drove his own ox team across the plains in 1848, is one of the most unique of western characters; and history entitles him to be placed in the catalog of the illustrious men who bore prominent parts in settling Oregon, and in molding public sentiment. To give a full history of his life would require a large book; but our limited space would require a large book; but our limited space forbids anything but a rapid glance at a few waymarks along the road traveled for nearly … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Bomgardner

Bomgardner, Joseph; mfr.; born, Wilmot, O., 1855; son of B. F. and Harriet Putnam Bomgardner; educated, grade school, Winfield, O., Commercial School, Painesville, O., Literary Course Mount Union College, Alliance, O.; married, Winfield, O., Oct. 24, 1878, Kizzie Olis; 4 children; no military record, and takes very little interest in politics; worked on his fathers’ farm until he was 21; salesman on the road for 30 years; in the meantime, in-vented a number of patent articles and is now engaged in the manufacture of a number of them; namely, elevators, invalid chairs, and beds, etc.; member advisory board, Colonial Savings … Read more

Biography of Joseph W. Huston

The history of a state as well as that of a nation is chiefly a chronicle of the lives and deeds of those who have conferred honor and dignity upon society. The world judges the character of a community by those of its representative citizens, and yields its tributes of admiration and respect for the genius or learning or virtues of those whose works and actions constitute the record of a state’s prosperity and pride. Among the distinguished citizens of Idaho is Judge Joseph Waldo Huston, of Boise, who holds distinctive precedence as an eminent lawyer and jurist, as a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gunder Robertson

Robertson, Gunder; cement contractor; born, Denmark, March 7, ___; son of Robert Gunderson and Marie Laursun Robertson; educated, Denmark; married, Painesville, 0., June 1, 1890, Annie M. Robertson; issue, eight children.

Biographical Sketch of Edwin Gray Tillotson

Tillotson, Edwin Gray; banker; born Painesville, O., April 12, 1867; son of Frank A. and Sarah Gray Tillotson; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, May 1, 1895, Grace Felton Tillotson, who died Oct. 14, 1911; issue, one child; pres. The Tillotson & Wolcott Co., investment bankers; The Guarantee Title & Trust Co.; director The Electric Properties Co., New York City; member Union, Country, Mayfield, and Athletic Clubs, Cleverland, and City Midday, of New York.

Biographical Sketch of George Henry Wilson

WILSON, George Henry; dentist; born, Painesville, O., March 3, 1855; son of Dr. David C. and Marion (Flanders) Wilson; educated, High School, Painesville, D. D. S., University of Michigan, 1878; married Kittie, daughter of Rev. Lathrop Cooley, of Cleverland, Jan. 1, 1880; practiced dentistry, Painesville, 1878-1891, Cleveland, 1891; prof. clinical prosthetic dentistry, Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery, 1891-1892; prof. prosthetic dentistry and metallurgy, Western Reserve University, 1892-1904; an editor Dentist’s Magazine, 1906-1909; member National Dental Ass’n; 1st pres., Cleveland Dental Library Ass’n; pres. Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n, 1887; Ohio State Dental Ass’n, 1893; Cleveland Dental Society, 1897; member Delta … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Harris R. C. Wilson

Wilson, Harris R. C.Dr.; D. D. S.; born, Painesville, O., Sept. 7, 1881; son of George H. and Kittle Cooley Wilson; educated, Painesville and Cleveland graded schools, Western Reserve Academy at Hudson, Hiram College, Western Reserve University Dental School; married, Ravenna, June 20, 1908, Mabel Rogers; issue, Kathryn, Roger, Georgetta; member National Dental Ass’n, Ohio State Dental Society, Cleveland Dental Society, Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n; recording sec’y Cleveland Dental Society, 1913; member Clifton Club.

Biographical Sketch of Franklyn Breed Tabor

Tabor, Franklyn Breed; sec’y the Telling Bros. Co.; born, Titusville, Pa., Feb. 23, 1868; educated in the public schools of Painesville, O.; supt. the Painesville Water Works Co., 1893-1898; upon purchase by the city, was elected sec’y; served until 1899, when he moved to Cleveland; auditor the Telling Bros. Ice Cream Co., 1900-1903; upon the re-organization of the company in 1904, elected sec’y; still serving; sec’y and treas. Cable-Trace Co., and interested in other business enterprises; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of William Knox

Knox, William; architect; born, Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 20, 1858; son of Thomas and Margaret Neilson Knox; studied in the Free Church Seminary, in Glasgow, special course in architecture in Glasgow and Edinburgh; married, Painesville, O., June 21, 1891, Miss Agnes Julia Child; issue, three children, Carlos C., Beulah G., and M. Neilson; business career, successor to Mr. Aitken, in the firm of Moffett & Aitken, in Edinburgh; in 1886, left Scotland to travel; applied for and secured position with Burnham & Root, architects, of Chicago, Ill.; later office mgr. for Henry Ives Cobb, eminent architect; came to Cleveland in 1893; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick H. Moritz

Moritz, Frederick H.; florist; born, Germany, April 5, 1854; son of Lewis and Louise Young Moritz; educated, Painesville public schools; married, Cleveland, May 19, 1879, Miss M. E. Kelliher; 1862, began in florist trade until 1866, was with Loomis & Brainard, as foreman, until 1869; came to Cleveland, and was employed by Harris Jaynes, as florist, until 1884; then worked for David Charlesworth, until 1887; then went as private gardener for Mrs. Henry Chisholm, until 1893; with Henry Blossom, until 1896; in 1901, opened greenhouse for himself on Carnegie Ave.; pres. and treas. of the firm; decorator and designer; member … Read more

Biography of Francis E. Ensign

Holding marked prestige among the prominent members of the Idaho bar is Francis Edward Ensign, who is now engaged in the practice of the legal profession in Hailey. There are few-men whose lives are crowned with the honor and respect which is uniformly accorded him; but through forty-five years” connection with the west his has been an unblemished career. With him success in life has been reached by sterling qualities of mind and a heart true to every manly principle. In his varied business interests his reputation has been unassailable and in offices of public trust he has displayed a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franz Childs Warner

Warner, Franz Childs; architect; born, Painesville, O., Sept. 6, 1876; son of Franz G. L. And Isabel Childs Warner; educated, Painesville public schools and Case School of Applied Science; married, Youngstown, O., July 12, 1902, Hazel Virginia Ward; practice has been largely public and semi-public buildings; member Cleveland Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity; member Cleveland Athletic, Automobile, Shore and Architectural Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Baldwin Wick

Wick, Dudley Baldwin; vice pres. Wick Investment.; born, Youngstown, O., Oct. 3, 1846; son of Henry and Mary S. Hine Wick; attended public school and Oberlin College; married, Painesville, O., July 28, 1875, Miss Emma Steele; issue, three children; Helen, now Mrs. Charles Dukelow of Boston, Warren Corning and Dudley B. Jr., deceased; business career; became associated with my father in the banking business; sold interests in the City Trust Co., and devoted time to private interests; one of the organizers of The North Electric Co.; served as vice pres. till 1907; still a director; officer and director in many … Read more

Ralph Bacon Genealogy

Title page to the Bacon Family Genealogy

The Bacon Family Genealogy descends the Bacon family tree through the children of Ralph Bacon, 2nd. Ralph was born in New York State abt the year 1777. At the age of 17, about the year 1794, he traveled to Painesville Ohio. Eventually acquiring some land there, he would marry Mary Jourden in 1801. In 1820 he moved his family to Crawford County, Ohio, owning houses and land in the townships of Liberty and Whetstone. His wife died 5 Oct 1845, he died 15 Jun 1849. This union would produce 13 offspring, twelve of whom would marry and raise families of their own. This Bacon Family Genealogy is their story.

Warren Amos Todd of Painesville OH

Warren Amos Todd8, (Hiram J.7, Amos6, Dan5, Charles4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Nov. 2, 1865, married Minnie Drown. In 1911, they lived in Painesville, Ohio. Children: 2439. Olive May, b. Jan. 15, 1894. 2440. Marion, b. Aug. 17, 1896. 2441. Harold James, b. June 27, 1905. 2442. Lawrence, b. June 12, 1909.

Biographical Sketch of John C. Lowe

Lowe, John C.; umbrella manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Feb. 5, 1865; son of Frederick and Margaret Wittig Lowe; educated, Cleveland public schools, married, Painesville, Sept. 30, 1891, Bertha A. Taft; issue, John Raymond, born Oct. 22, 1892; Helen Margaret, born Nov. 25, 1894; Harold, born Aug. 4, 1897; Ward Russell, born Jan. 19, 1900; started in business March 10, 1890; pres. and treas. The John C. Lowe Co.; pres. and treas. Edward W. Alexander Co.; pres. The Heights Realty Co.; pres. The Boulevard Land Co.; pres. the American Realty Co., and treas. The Best Realty Co.; trustee Epworth Memorial Methodist Church; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank J. Jerome

Jerome, Frank J.; lawyer; born, Painesville, O., Nov. 3, 1855; son of Joseph and Susan C. Foster Jerome; educated, Painesville public schools and Ann Arbor Law School; married, Painesville, O., Sept. 10, 1884, Lucy E. Dingley; one son, Frank Jay Jerome; admitted to the bar in 1877; practiced in Painesville until 1893, most of the time in the firm of Burrows & Jerome; entered the law dept. of The Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. Co., at Cleveland, June 1, 1893; appointed general attorney for that road in 1901 and general counsel in 1912; general counsel L. S. & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. A. Schmitt

Schmitt, C. A.; florist; born in Germany, May 16, 1871; son of A. and Salome Mueller Schmitt; educated, Glenville public schools; with Stoors & Harrison Co., Painesville, O., 1888, to 1890; worked for Edwin Lonsdale, in Philadelphia, from 1896 to 1902; member the lodge of Moose, and Florist Club. Favorite recreation; Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Bissell Cody

Cody, Henry Bissell; real estate; born, Painesville, O., Oct. 12, 1866; son of Lindus and Sarah Amelia Farnsworth Cody; educated, Central High School and Western Reserve University, 1891, A. B.; married, Cleveland, Feb. 26, 1895, Alma C. Canfield; one son, Louis Faucher Cody; pres. 1st Cleveland School Board; pres. Union Woodhill Realty Co.; treas. Woodhill and E. Boulevard Realty Co.; trustee Woman’s Hospital Ass’n, of Cleveland; member civic committee, Federated Churches; member Delta Tau, and Delta Upsilon College Fraternities; Chamber of Commerce and Euclid Club; owner and operator 28 allotments in and about Cleveland.