Biography of Mrs. Jennie Stewart

Taking up her residence in Bartlesville eighteen years ago, Mrs. Jennie Stewart has thoroughly identified her interests with those of the town, in whose progress and development she is deeply and helpfully interested, her influence being at all times on the side of advancement and improvement. She was born in Osborn, Dekalb County, Missouri, her parents being Joseph and Nancy J. (Parrott) Truex, the former a native of Tennessee while the latter was born in Illinois. In Missouri her father engaged in merchandising and he also took a prominent part in public affairs serving as a member of the state … Read more

Conyers, Henry – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Former Powder Man Dies In Missouri Word was received here Sunday telling of the death of Henry Conyers who died March 4 at the home of his sister in Osborn, Missouri. Burial took place March 6, which date was the anniversary of his birth. He was an old time resident of North Powder, having lived in this vicinity for the past 34 years and only left here a few months ago. Heart trouble was the cause of his death. He was 65 years of age. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, March 17, 1928