Biography of Angus Morrison, Q.C.

The subject of this sketch was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, January 20th, 1824, and came to this country when but eight years old, in company with his father Hugh Morrison, and other members of the family. Mr. Hugh Morrison was killed by an accident at the old Market Square in Toronto, while taking part in a political meeting in 1836. He had been one of the famous 42nd Highlanders and served with his regiment through the Peninsular War. Angus Morrison was educated partly in Belfast, Ireland, and partly in Upper Canada College; Toronto, but after a short attendance at the … Read more

Biography of Daniel Mackenzie

One of the oldest and most substantial merchants in Sarnia, county of Lambton, is Daniel Mackenzie, who has been in business here more than thirty years, and has weathered every financial storm. He is a native of the village of Campbelltown, parish of Ardersier, Inverness-shire, Scotland, and was born on the 4th of March, 1828. His parents were John and Margaret (Cameron) Mackenzie, his father being a druggist. Both families, were military. Daniel received a parish school education; lost his father about 1833, and in 1843 came to Canada with his mother and two sisters locating at London, where he … Read more

Biography of Rev. William M.A. Bleasdell, D.C.L.

William Bleasdell, Rector of St. George’s church, Trenton, for more than thirty years, and one of the most learned men in this part of Ontario, is a son of James Bleasdell, a cotton manufacturer and merchant at Preston, Lancashire, England, where he was born on the 12th of March, 1817. His mother, whose maiden name was Mary Hodson, was also a native of Lancashire. James Bleasdell was from one of the old Lancashire families, and was a lineal descendant from Sir Thomas Tyldesley, Knight, who was killed at the battle of Wigan Lane, fought August 25, 1651, with the forces … Read more

Biography of Thomas C. Patteson

Thomas Charles Patteson, Postmaster of Toronto, is a native of Patney, Wilt shire, England, where he was born on the 5th of October, 1836. He is the son of Rev. Thomas Patteson, and Rose Sewell Deane, his wife, and nephew of Rt. Hon. Sir John Patteson, a Judge of the Queen’s Bench, and afterwards on the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Judge Patteson was father of John Coleridge Patteson, Bishop of Melanesia, who was murdered by the natives in 1870. Mr. T. C. Patteson was educated in England, being a Ring’s scholar at Eton, and captain of his division. … Read more

Biography of Rev. Anson Green, D. D.

Greatness being varied in its character, is not confined alone to him whose name stands high upon the record of statesmanship or military renown, but may with equal propriety be applied to him who preserves a spotless name, devotes himself to the welfare of his fellowmen, and develops in himself a true and generous manhood. A man’s principle is what he lives for, and his life takes its character and coloring from the principles that are born and cherished in his soul. The life work of him whose name heads this sketch, fifty-five years of which were passed in the … Read more

Harris, Franklin – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Funeral services for Franklin Harris retired merchant of La Grande were held Wednesday afternoon at the Snodgrass Chapel and were followed by interment in the Masonic cemetery. Mr. Harris died very suddenly Friday morning. Born in Ontario, Canada January 13, 1866, he had lived in this community the last 44 years. Survivors are four children, Mrs. Eva Gardner, Mrs. Mae Daniels, and Charles Harris of La Grande, Mrs. Beulah Wollek of Anchorage, Alaska. He had four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Eastern Oregon Review. December of 1945 or January 1946. Contributed by: Holly Vonderohe

Biography of Hon. Telesphore Fournter

Telesphore Fournter, who took his seat on the Supreme Bench of the Dominion in October, 1875, is a son of Guillaume Fournier and Maria A. nee Morin, and was born at St. Francois, Riviere Du Sud, Montmagny, Province of Quebec, August 5, 1823. He was educated at Nicolet College, graduating in 1842; studied law at Quebec with the Lieutenant Governor Caron; was called to the Bar of Lower Canada in 1846, and created a Queen’s Counsel in 1863. As a lawyer, Mr. Fournier was admitted by his colleagues to have won his place at once in the foremost rank, and … Read more

Biography of Ephraim Cook, M.D

Ephraim Cook, the oldest physician in. the County of Oxford, is a native of Hadley, Mass., dating his birth, June 14, 1805. His father, John Cook, a farmer, was born in the same town. His mother was Sarah White. In his youth he aided his father in tilling land, and attended a district school, finishing his literary education at Hopkins Academy, in his native town. There also he commenced the study of medicine; attended lectures in Boston Mass.; in 1830 came to Upper Canada, finished his professional studies at St. Thomas, and in the spring of 1831, located in a … Read more

Biography of George McDonald

George McDonald, the first merchant in Clifford, and the leading business man of the place, was born in the county of Peel, June 14, 1835. His parents, John and Catharine (McDougall) McDonald, were from Argyleshire, Scotland, his father being a builder and contractor. His mother died when he was one year old. Partly on account of this loss, George received quite limited school privileges in his youth, but subsequently attended night schools, and acquired a fair knowledge of the elementary branches. He worked on his father’s farm until fourteen years of age, then spent four years at Brampton, in learning … Read more

Biography of Henry Carlisle

Henry Carlisle, Mayor of the City of St. Catharines, and a resident of the Niagara district since 1837, dates his birth at Whitby, Yorkshire, England, May 9, 1820. His father, George Carlisle, a pianoforte manufacturer, and his mother, whose maiden name was Ann Walker, were natives of the same county. His mother is still living, being in her 80th year; her residence, Montreal. His father died in 1856 at Stamford. Our subject was educated at a private school; worked a short time at the tailor trade in the old country; in 1837 came to Upper Canada; spent a short time … Read more

Biography of John Dewar

John Dewar, County Attorney and Clerk of the Peace, is a son of John and Emily (Knight) Dewar, both being Perthshire, Scotland, families. He was born in that County August 22, 1829, and before he was a year old the family immigrated to Canada, and settled on a farm in the Township of Esquesing, four miles from Milton. The subject of this sketch was educated in the common and grammar schools, and Franklin College, New Athens, Ohio, where he spent a few term; studied law in Toronto with John McNab, at one time County Attorney, and Angus Morrison, ex-Mayor of … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Carling, M.P.

John Carling, member of the Dominion Parliament, representing the City of London, was born in the Township of London, Middlesex County, January 23, 1828, his father being Thomas Carling, a native of Yorkshire, England, coming to Canada in 1818, and settling in London Township the next year. His mother was Margaret Routledge, also a native of England. Thomas Carling was a farmer in middle life, and subsequently a brewer, dying in 1880. Our subject received a common school education; did more or less farm work in his youth; in 1849 commenced the brewing business in company with his elder brother, … Read more

Biography of John Turquand, M.D.

The subject of this notice, one of the best known physicians and surgeons in this part of Ontario, is of Huguenot extraction, his ancestor fleeing from France at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and settling in the city of London. His father, Bernard Turquand, was connected, in early life, with the British navy, and subsequently with the commissariat department, being stationed on the Island of Malta, during the plague, our subject being there born, February 25, 1815. His father did valuable service during the reign of the plague, and received the thanks of Sir T. Maitland, Lieut.-Governor of … Read more

Biography of Samuel Smith Mcdonell

A person happening to go into the Court room at Sandwich, in court time, will find the usual array of legal gentlemen looking after the interests of clients, and engaged in sharp encounter for the defense of their rights. The Ontario Bar, as represented here, embraces members who would be an ornament to the profession anywhere; men both wise to counsel and gifted in forensic display. Among the foremost and busiest of those in Windsor, who own allegiance to that “austere mistress,” the law, and who may justly be claimed as an ornament to the Bar, is Samuel Smith Macdonell, … Read more

Biography of James Cooper

One of the leading manufacturers in the Dominion a self made man in the fullest sense of the term a man of the people, and one held in the highest esteem by those who know him; is the subject of this sketch, senior member of the firm of Messrs. Cooper and Smith, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers. Mr. Cooper is a native of Gainsboro, Lincolnshire, England, where he was born in 182S, the thirteenth of a family of fifteen children of whom twelve are still living. He received but a limited education, such as was attainable forty years ago in … Read more

Biography of Larratt W. Smith, D.C.L.

Jarratt William Smith, of Summerhill, Yonge street, in the county of York, barrister-at-law, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, was born at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, England, on the 29th day of November, 1820. His father, Larratt Smith, Esq., in early life received a commission in the Royal Artillery, but subsequently entered the Field Train department on its organization, and rose to the head of it, and was for many years previous to, and during, the war of 1812 with the United States, and subsequently, stationed at Quebec in charge of the whole department in Canada, as chief commissary. After … Read more

Biography of Ezra A. Bates

Ezra Albert Bates, lawyer, and postmaster at Arnprior, is, like his parents, Joshua J and Tamson (Bigelow) Bates, a native of Canada, he being born at Farmersville, county of Leeds, April 14, 1839. His branch of the Bates family is of Scotch lineage, and its progenitor in this Province came from the United States nearly a century ago. When Ezra was eight years old the family moved to Brockville, where he was educated in the grammar school. Subsequently the family lived near Smith’s Falls, where Joshua Bates had a flouring mill and a custom carding mill, the son having for … Read more

Biography of Very Rev. Joseph H. Tabaret, D.D.

Very Rev. Joseph Henry Tabaret, president of the Ottawa College, and a member of the Congregation of Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is a native of the Department of L’Isere, France, and was born on the 10th of April, 1828, his parents being Antony and Adele (Foret) Tabaret. His religious and missionary training began in the Novitiate of Notre Dame de L’Osier, a miraculous sanctuary and pilgrimage of Our Lady in the Department of L’Isere, not far from his native place; and was completed in the scholastic house of the Congregation at Marseilles. In the Autumn of 1850 our subject came … Read more

Biography of James Sutherland Chisholm

James Sutherland Chisholm, of Strathglass, who, in Gaelic, is called Chisalick. This family, we learn, is of Lowland origin, yet has long been in possession of estates in the Highlands, and has been for centuries quite assimilated to the manners and customs of their Celtic neighbors. The memorial of Charles Forbes ranks them among the friends of Prince Charles Edward, and estimates their force at two hundred men. The Highland possessions of the family consist of Comer Strathglass, etc., in which is situated their castle of Erchless. The original seat of the family was, in all probability, in Roxburghshire, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles S. Hutchinson

Charles Hutchinson, County Crown Attorney, since 1858, a Son of Francis Hutchinson, a Physician and Surgeon, and Frances nee Losh, and was born at Newcastle upon Tyne, England, June 22, 1826. His grandfather, Charles Hutchinson, from whom he was named, was an officer in the East India Company’s service, there spending his life. Our subject was educated in the Royal Grammar School of his native town; came to London, Ontario, in 1846, and the next year was articled to Henry C. R. Becher, barrister; was called to the Bar at Michaelmas Term, 1852; was a partner of Mr. Becher for … Read more