Biography of Hon. Malcolm Cameron

No citizen of Sarnia filled so large a place in the public eye while living as the Hon. Malcolm Cameron, and no one who has passed away is more affectionately and proudly remembered. This would be readily inferred from the marks of public confidence placed on him while in active life, and from the eulogies which yet linger on the tongues of his survivors, Malcolm Cameron was born at Three Rivers, Province of Quebec, April 25, 1808. He was the son of Angus Cameron and Euphemia (nee McGregor) Cameron, both natives of Scotland, the former of Argyleshire, the latter a … Read more

Biography of Adam Bowlby

Adam Bowlby, a resident of this Province since 1815, dates his birth in Wilmot, county Annapolis, Nova Scotia, March 29, 1792. His father, Richard Bowlby, a native of New Jersey, was a U. E. loyalist, and a volunteer for a short time during the rebellion of the American colonies, and was a captain in the war of 1812-14. His grandfather was from Nottinghamshire, England, and his mother from Sheffield. Adam received a common English education; came to Upper Canada in 1815 against his father’s wishes, who, under the circumstances, would render the son no assistance. He made his home two … Read more

Biography of Col Darby Bergin, M. D., M. P.

Darby Bergin, son of William Bergin, Civil Engineer, was born in Toronto, Ontario, September 7, 1826. His father, who was a native of King’s County, Ireland, came to Canada in 1820, and was a merchant for some time in the city where the son was born. His mother, before her marriage, was Miss Mary Flanagan, daughter of John Flanagan of Charlottenburg, County of Glengarry, Ontario. The subject of this notice received his literary education at the Upper Canada College, Toronto; graduated M.D. at the university of McGill College, Montreal, in 1847, and has since been practicing at Cornwall, having an … Read more

Biography of James Lister, M.D.

James Lister, a surgeon and physician in Belleville for thirty-seven years, and one of the best educated professional men in this part of the Province, was a son of Captain Lister, long a commander of the Coast Guards, at Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, and was born in London, England, June 30, 1811. When he was twelve years old, the son was placed in a large private school near Cork, where he received an English and classical education. He then went to Dublin, took a thorough course of study in surgery; received his degree in that branch of the … Read more

Biography ofJohn A. Orchard

John Allen Orchard, Clerk of the Division Court for the County of Welland, and a son of Thomas and Eliza Ann (Medway) Orchard, was born in Devonshire, England, March 2, 1815. Colonel Orchard, of the British army, was a cousin of his father, and John A. Medway, an officer in the British navy, was a brother of his mother. A large number of the Orchards are military and professional men. Young Orchard was educated in common and private schools, farmed with his father in the old country until 1835; then came to Upper Canada with the family, and after spending … Read more

Biography of John Powell

John Powell, Registrar of the County of Lincoln, son of John Powell, senior, for many years Registrar of the Counties of Lincoln and Haldimand, was born at Niagara Town, June 19, 1809. His father was from Norwich, England, and son of Hon. W. D. Powell, Chief Justice of Upper Canada. He received his education at the Home District Grammar School, Toronto, the Rev. Dr., afterwards Bishop Strachan, Principal, studying law in the same city with Wm. W. Baldwin and Sons; was called to the Bar in 1835. His mother, Isabella Shaw,, was a daughter of Major-General, the Hon. Aeneas Shaw, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Rupert Mearse Wells

Rupert Mearse Wells, a prominent member of the Toronto Bar, and well known as Speaker of the Provincial Parliament since January, 1873, is descended on the paternal side from an English family, members of which emigrated to America, and settled in the old town of Scituate, in the State of Rhode Island, towards the end of the 17th century. His great-grandfather, James Wells, came to Canada during the Revolutionary War. James Pendleton Wells, Esq., father of our subject, was born in Montreal in 1803. While still quite a young man he removed to Prescott County, Ontario, where he has resided … Read more

Biography of John Cook

John Cook, clerk of the Division Court for North York, is a son of John and Hannah (Winter) Cook, and was born in Portsmouth, England, March 5, 1817. He received a fair English education; at thirteen years of age went to sea; sailed for six years on the Atlantic Ocean, and in the Mediterranean Sea; crossed to Canada in 1836, and was for seven years on the fresh water lakes. In the rebellion of 1837-38 he was a volunteer; was at the Windmill, and was one of the men selected to reconnoitre by daylight around Navy Island, and was fired … Read more

Biography of Warring Kennedy

Like many others who have made their mark in Canada, the subject of our sketch, Mr. Warring Kennedy, is an Irishman, having been born in the County Down, in 1827. When young in years Warring Kennedy was taken to Londonderry, and placed in a school, where he received an ordinary education sufficient to qualify him for a business career. He commenced life in a dry goods store in the town of Kilrea, but at the expiration of his apprenticeship he went to Belfast, where he lived many years, earning for himself a reputation second to none for intelligence, undivided application … Read more

Biography of James Brown

One of the oldest settlers in Western Ontario, now living, is JamEs Brown, the first Mayor of Kincardine. He was born in Nova Scotia, October 15, 1797, and hence is in his 83rd year. His father, Alexander Brown, came from the City of Perth, Scotland, and was at one time chief engineer of the King’s Works at Halifax, dying when James was three years old. In 1811 our subject, in company with four families, started for Upper Canada, going by boat from Maine to New York; and drove a team for Elias Moore from Elizabethtown, New Jersey, to the County … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David H.Harrison, M.D.

David Howard Harrison, a prominent physician and surgeon of St. Mary’s, and a coroner of the county of Perth, was born in the township of London, Ontario, June 1, 1843. His father, Milner Harrison, a native of Yorkshire, England, came to Canada in his in fancy with his parents, who settled on a farm in the township just mentioned, in 1816, and where he grew to manhood, and in 1841 married Miss Catharine Howard, a daughter of Thomas Howard of the same township. She was the first female child born there, and her mother was the first woman buried in … Read more

Mohawk Tribe

Mohawk Indians (cognate with the Narraganset Mohowaùuck, ‘they eat (animate) things,’ hence ‘man-eaters’) The most easterly tribe of the Iroquois confederation.  They called themselves Kaniengehaga, ‘people of the place of the flint.’ In the federal council and in other intertribal assemblies the Mohawk sit with the tribal phratry, which is formally called the “Three Elder Brothers” and of which the other members are the Seneca and the Onondaga.  Like the Oneida, the Mohawk have only 3 clans, namely, the Bear, the Wolf, and the Turtle. The tribe is represented in the federal council by 9 chiefs of the rank of … Read more

Biography of Thomas Wilson

Thomas Wilson, late mayor of Dundas, and one of the leading machinists and manufacturers of the town, was born in Dumbartonshire, Scotland, May 27, 1828. His grandfather was a manufacturer in Glasgow, and his father, Charles Wilson, was a distiller in the old country, and a farmer in Canada. His mother was Margaret McGregor, a descendant of the McGregors and Grahams of Stirlingshire. In the early youth of our subject the family moved to Lanarkshire, where he received a parish school education, and in 1843 they all came to Canada West. Thomas learned the trade of a machinist with John … Read more

Biography of William Patrick

William Patrick, Sheriff of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville, is of Scotch descent, his grandparents being on their way through Massachusetts to Canada, when his father, Asa Patrick, was born. The family settled near Newmarket, Upper Canada, opening a farm there. In the war of 1812-15, Asa Patrick was connected with the Commissary Department, with head-quarters at Toronto. William was born in “Little York,” now Toronto, February 21, 1810, the maiden name of his mother being Belinda Gilbert. He was educated by Dr., since Bishop Strachan, then Rector, and the Principal of the grammar school at Toronto; there … Read more

Biography of Charles F. Gildersleeve

Charles Fuller Gildersleeve, Mayor of Kingston, and one of the leading business men of this city, was born here on the 17th of October, 1833, his parents being Henry and Sarah (Finkle) Gildersleeve. His father came from Portland, Conn.; settled in Kingston in 1816; was a ship builder and steamboat owner, and an energetic business man. His maternal grandfather was a United Empire Loyalist. The subject of this notice received his literary education at the High School of Ontario, better known as the Upper Canada College, Toronto; prepared for the profession of law, partly in Kingston and partly in Toronto; … Read more

Biography of Robert Edmondson, M.D.

It is safe to say that no physician ever living in Brockville, was more generally beloved than the late Robert Edmondson, the skilful physician and surgeon, and the christian gentleman, whose death occurred May 7, 1871. He was born in Ballymena, county Antrim, Ireland, September 22,1802, was educated at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, graduating as master of surgery, in 1827, and was in surgical practice in the county of Down, Ireland, until 1829, when he came to Canada, and shortly afterwards settled at Brockville, then a very small village. Here he practiced his profession more than forty years, having … Read more

Biography of John L. McDougall

John Lorne McDougall, Auditor-General of the Dominion, is a son of the late John L. McDougall, senior, and Catharine Cameron, both of Highland pedigree. His father came from Argyleshire, Scotland, in 1821; was connected for several years with the Hudson Bay Company; afterwards settled in the County of Renfrew, Ontario, and was there engaged in the mercantile and milling ‘business. He sat for Renfrew in the Canadian Assembly a short time in 1858, and resigned; he died in 1860. His widow is still living. The subject of this brief biography was born at Renfrew, November 6, 1838, and was educated … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Sherwood, Q.C.

George Sherwood, Judge of the County Court of Hastings, was born in Augusta, County of Leeds, Ontario, May 29, 1811, his parents being Levius P. and Charlotte (Jones) Sherwood. His father was a Judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench, Ontario, and a prominent man, dying May 19, 1850. His grandsires on both sides were United Empire Loyalists, and settled in the township of Augusta. He was educated at the Johnstown Grammar School; studied law at Brockville and Toronto; was called to the Bar at Michaelmas term in 1833; opened a law office at Prescott; was in partnership a year … Read more

Biography of Thomas Russell

Thomas Russell, a pioneer settler in the township of Caledon, county of Peel, dates his birth in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 16, 1802. His father George Russell, was a mining engineer. His mother, before her marriage, was Euphemia Tweedie, both parents being Scotch. Thomas had a high school education, including Latin; learned the baker’s trade; was two years in business for himself in Edinburgh, and subsequently a merchant in the same city, leaving Scotland in 1834, and emigrating to Canada. He took up land in Caledon, adjoining the village of Alton, where he opened a farm, which he still owns and … Read more

Biography of Rev. Mark Burnham

The subject of this sketch was a son of Zaccheus Burnham, and was born at Cobourg, county of Northumberland, July 12, 1804, his father being a pioneer in that county. Zaccheus Burnham was born in Dunbarton, N. H., February 10, 1777, while the American revolution was in progress, and immigrated to Canada, with his father, Asa Burnham, in 1798, reaching Haldimand in May of that year. In the autumn of 1800, he returned to New Hampshire, and on the first of February 1801, married Elizabeth Choate, reaching Canada again on the 28th of the same month. Zaccheus Burnham was a … Read more