Ferguson, John M. – Obituary

John M. Ferguson Pioneer Is Dead Well Known Local Farmer Was Born In This State 56 Years Ago Death claimed another Kittitas county farmer, when John M. Ferguson, one of the pioneer farmers of the valley passed away last Friday [April 22, 1927] at the age of 56. Besides his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson, Mr. Ferguson who was unmarried is survived by five sisters, Mrs. W. T. Montgomery; Mrs. G. P. Harris, Mrs. George Minielly, Mrs. T. J. Morrison, Mrs. O. N. Phelps; and three brothers, Jim, George, and Ben Ferguson, all living in the valley besides a large number … Read more

McEwen, John Hager – Obituary

J. H. McEwen, formerly known as “Grandpa McEwen,” was born Bartholomew County, Feb. 4, 1832. When but an infant his parents moved to Decatur Co., Ind., where they resided until 1848, when with their family they moved to Fremont, Mahaska County, Iowa, where their son, J. H. was married to Miss Jerusha Amelia Morrow, Aug. 11, 1850. With his wife and young family, McEwen left Iowa in 1860, making his way across the great plains with an ox team. After a long and perilous journey they arrived at the Dallas, Ore., from which point the family were sent by boat … Read more

Morrow, Vandeveer Perry – Obituary

Vandeveer Perry Morrow, one of the oldest of the Mason County pioneers, was found dead in bed, in his house at Shelton Pont, where he has been living alone for several years past [April 23, 1901]. His absence was not noticed until Thursday morning when neighbors went to the door and found that he had passed away some time previously. For several months past he has been in poor health but was able to be about as usual and work at light work. The remains were taken in charge by undertaker Willey, and the funeral will be held Friday afternoon. … Read more

McEwen, Catherine Chambers – Obituary

Near Oakland, Mason County, Oct 16, 1876 of heart disease, Mrs. Catherine McEwen, aged 87. Catherine was the daughter of William H. Chambers and Mary Ann Perry. She was married to the Rev. James McEwen. Catherine was the mother of John Hager McEwen. Her son John was a well-known pioneer of Oakland and Ellensburg. Catherine was buried in the Oakland Cemetery. The grave is no longer marked. A memorial headstone has been placed in the Shelton Memorial Cemetery.