Biography of John W. Mahuran

John W. Mahuran, postmaster of Chase, also editor and owner of the Chase Register, was about fourteen or fifteen years old when he made his first acquaintance with a printing office. He had worked as a printer or as a newspaper editor and owner the greater part of his active life. He is one of the second generation of Kansans, and was born in a sod dugout on a farm in Reno County, February 24, 1876. As a boy he imbibed some of the spirit of the western plains which had always been a noticeable feature of his business and … Read more

Biography of Herman W. Bundy, M. D.

Herman W. Bundy, M. D. As a physician and surgeon Doctor Bundy enjoys the complete confidence and most of the patronage of the community in and around Pesotum, where he has practiced actively for the last five years. Doctor Bundy is a Kansas man by birth, having been born at Nickerson, March 11, 1879. His parents, Isaac Newton and Helena (Smithson) Bundy, were both born in Ohio. His father was an attorney who enjoyed a good practice and name as an orator in eastern Illinois, and it is recalled that he stumped the district for Joe Cannon when that Illinois … Read more

Biography of Claude Lathrop Cole

Claude Lathrop Cole, principal of the Reno County High School at Nickerson, had been identified with educational work and administration in Kansas for the past four years, but his teaching experience covers almost twenty years and in a number of the Middle Western states. Wherever he had been it had been the testimony that Mr. Cole had been successful in giving vitality and increased efficiency to the schools under his direction, and such had been the character of his work that he deserves the name educator as an appropriate means of distinguishing him from one who merely teaches or administers … Read more

Biography of Walter E. Wilson

Walter E. Wilson, banker and business man at Washington, is the present bank commissioner of Kansas. His appointment had brought additional credit upon Governor Capper’s administration as one of those that reflect thorough business administration of state affairs. A native of Kansas and of a pioneer family, Mr. Wilson was born at Manhattan August 21, 1871. He is of an old Virginia family, the Wilsons having come from England and first settled at Jamestown in Colonial times and afterwards moving to the western portion of the state in what is now West Virginia. Their affiliations were all with the North … Read more

Biography of Joseph Chesky

Joseph Chesky has had his home in Kansas nearly forty years, and is one of the old time business men of Nickerson. Though retired from the mercantile field in which his activities were engaged for so many years, he is still a man of affairs in that community and is president of the Nickerson State Bank and is one of the largest land holders in Reno and adjoining counties. In this outstanding figure of Nickerson is represented the Province of Posen, Prussia, Germany, where Mr. Chesky was born February 6, 1853. His father, John Chesky, spent his life in Posen, … Read more