Lindsay, A. O. – Obituary

Alfred O. Lindsay, a resident of this county for the last 42 years, died Monday morning after a long illness. Funeral services held yesterday at the Snodgrass Chapel were conducted by Bishop Walter A. Lindsay of the First Ward L. D. S. church. Lindsay was born in New Zealand, July 18, 1886 and died at the age of 59 years. His survivors include five brothers, Walter, Lionel and John of La Grande. W. R. of Union and William of Tucson, Ariz.; four sisters, Mrs. Anna Nebeker, of La Grande, Mrs. Mildred Kofford, of Union, Mrs. Dorothy Ansell of Salt Lake … Read more

Biography of Samuel R. Parkinson

The name of this gentleman is so inseparably connected with the history of Franklin, its up-building and its progress along commercial, educational and church lines, that no history of the southeastern section of the state would be complete without the record of his useful career. He was one of the first to locate in Franklin and is numbered among its honored pioneers. A native of England, he was born in Barrowford, Lancastershire, April 12, 1831, a son of William and Charlotte (Rose) Parkinson, who were likewise natives of that country. He was only six months old when his father died, … Read more

Biography of James Boyd

James Boyd, a pioneer of Riverside, came to the colony in 1872, all his worldly goods consisting of a farm team of four horses, four cows, a lot of chickens and a few household effects, and eight dollars in cash; but he had a reserve capital of health, energy, intelligence, and a determination to succeed. He secured a squatter’s claim to seventy-three acres of Iand about two miles north of Riverside, and later an adjoining tract of eighty acres, upon which he camped with his family, his only shelter being a shanty 10 x 10, devoid of protection from the … Read more

Biography of Dudley Farlin

DUDLEY FARLIN THE RECORDS of American biography furnish numerous instances of persons rising to high and honorable stations in life, commanding the respect and admiration of the public and performing many noble deeds in the interests of humanity. Among the causes which operate to produce this grand result are natural talents, constant industry, strict economy, high moral principle, with Che many golden opportunities afforded by our free institutions for the encouragement and development of material and intellectual greatness. Albany has its fair share of representative men of this class; and among the list we have one who is now a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel George

SAMUEL GEORGE. – Mr. George was born in England in 1835, and in 1858 went to Australia, and in 1861 to New Zealand. From this antipodal region he came to British Columbia and mined for years at Caribou. In 1867 he brought his wanderings to a close by selecting a home in Umatilla county, Oregon, where he engaged in cattle raising on Butter creek in company with James Webb. They were partners for two years. Since their separation, he has conducted the business alone to the present time, keeping an average of about five hundred cattle on the range. Grass … Read more