Biography of Joshua G. Rowton

One of the prominent farmers of Camas prairie is Joshua Graham Rowton, who was born in Benton County, Missouri, June 16, 1850. He is of English descent, his ancestors having been early settlers of Kentucky, where the family was founded by John Rowton, the grandfather of our subject. He afterward removed to Missouri and was numbered among the pioneers of that state. William Willis Rowton the father of Joshua, was born near Louisville, Kentucky, and when a young man accompanied the family on their emigration to Missouri. He made his home in Benton County but died at the early age … Read more

Biography of John Q. Moxley, M. D.

Dr. John Ouincy Moxley, the pioneer druggist of Lewiston, and a successful practicing physician, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, April 15, 1846, and is of English lineage, the original American ancestors having been early settlers of New England. His father, Thomas S. Moxley, was born in Vermont, and when a young man removed to Ohio, where he engaged in the practice of medicine for fifty years. He married Miss Susan McConnell, of Portsmouth, Ohio, and to them were born six children, three of whom are now living. The father died in the seventy-fourth year of his age, and the … Read more

Biography of Jay M. Dorman

No man has been a more prominent factor in the growth and improvement of Mount Idaho than this gentleman, who for many years has been identified with its building interests, nor have his efforts contributed alone to his individual prosperity, for he belongs to that class of representative Americans who promote the public good while securing their own success. A native of Delaware County, New York, he was born August 27, 1837, and is descended from an old American family, early settlers of the Empire state. His father, Anthony Dorman, was likewise born in Delaware county and married Miss Charlotte … Read more

Biography of James W. Poe

James W. Poe, a distinguished lawyer and Idaho pioneer, residing at Lewiston, is a native of Jackson county, Missouri, his birth having there occurred on the 15th of January, 1838. His father, William B. Poe, was born in North Carolina, and married Mrs. Nancy Mulkey, nee Johnson, a native of South Carolina, by whom he had four children, two of whom are yet living. He valiantly served his country as a soldier in the Mexican war, and in 1853 crossed the plains to Oregon with his family. Our subject accompanied his parents on their westward emigration, and acquired his education … Read more

Biography of George M. Robertson

The treasurer of Idaho County, George M. Robertson, of Mount Idaho, is a native of Kaufman County, Texas, his birth having there occurred February 4, 1862. He is of Scotch descent, his great-grandfather, John Robertson, having emigrated from Scotland to New Jersey in colonial days. When the oppression of Great Britain became so intolerable that the colonies rose in rebellion, he joined the American army and served throughout the Revolutionary war, which brought to the nation her independence. He afterward became one of the pioneer settlers of Kentucky, where he spent the remainder of his life. His son, William Robertson, … Read more

Biography of Matthew H. Truscott

The leading merchant and efficient postmaster of Mount Idaho, Matthew H. Truscott, has been a resident of this state since 1865, and has therefore been a witness of the greater part of its growth and development, has seen its wild land reclaimed for purposes of cultivation, its rich mineral storehouses give forth their treasures, and the forests yield their trees to be converted into the homes of white men, who thus replaced the tents of the Indians. He was a young man of only twenty years when he arrived in the territory, his birth having occurred in England, March 20, … Read more

Biography of Henry Wax

Henry Wax, president of the board of trustees of Grangeville and one of her most enterprising business men, claims California as the state of his nativity, his birth having occurred in San Francisco, on the 4th of August, 1859. His parents were Jacob and Amelia (Elkles) Wax natives of Germany, who located in California in pioneer days. The year 1852 witnessed their arrival in the Golden state, where the father carried on merchandising in several towns up to the time of his death. He passed away in his forty-fourth year, his estimable wife having been called to the home beyond … Read more