Biographical Sketch of Jesse G. Wolf

Wolf, Jesse G.; coal business; born, Webster, W. Va., Dec. 19, 1881; son of Charles M. and Susan Cole Wolfe; educated, West Virginia Wesleyan University and University of West Virginia; married, Grafton, W. Va., April, 1909, Grace E. Tregellas; issue, one son, Charles Tregellas Wolfe; 1902, with Henderson Coal Co., Charlevoi, Pa.; Davis Coal & Coke Co., Simpson, W. Va., 1903; auditor L. B. Brydon & Co., 1904-1910; traffic mgr. Hutchinson Coal Co., 1910-1911, Fairmount, W. Va.; western mgr. Hutchinson Coal Co., 1912 to date; Elks (B. P. 0. E.); member Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreation: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Milton Freshwater

Freshwater, Milton; paving contractor; born, West Virginia, Sept. 11, 1877; son of E. A. and Clarenda Campbell Freshwater; educated in commercial course at Morgantown, W. Va.; married, Johnstown, Pa., Dec. 31, 1907, Miss C. B. Williams; two children; has worked at the street-paving business since 1893; completing street paving in the following places; Johnstown and Freeport, Pa., Chester, W. Va., Alliance, Richwood, Ada and Cleveland, Ohio; since April, 1909; the paving contracts are man-aged by three members of the firm, while Mr. E. A. Freshwater takes no part in this branch of the business; the firm consists of E. A. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Edward Patterson

Patterson, William Edward; lawyer; born, Hunter, O., Feb. 5, 1873; educated, Mt. Union College, Alliance, O., Ph. B., 1893; West Virginia University, class of 1895, LL. B; married, Cleveland, Nov. 1, 1911, Bertha Marian Pierce; in 1895, admitted to the bar in. West Virginia; practiced at Wheeling, 1895-3897; came to Cleveland in 1897; since 1910, member of the firm of Patterson & Nieding; treas. Forest City Woolen Mills Co.; sec’y Cleveland Estates Co.; director Euclid Stone & Brick Co.; pres. American Investment Co. and Guaranty Electric Heater Co.; all Masonic degrees (Iris Lodge, Oriental Commandery, Al Koran Shrine, 32nd degree); … Read more