Corpl., Engineers, Co. C, 105th Reg., 30th Div. Born in Moore County, Dec. 2, 1898; son of James T. and Maggie W. Omohundro. Entered the service at Greensboro, N.C., April 10, 1917, and sent to Camp Sevier, S. C., then transferred to Camp Mills. Sailed for France, 1918. Promoted Corpl. July 9, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Bellicourt, Brancourt, Premont, Busigny, Laselle River, Vaux Andigny and Masingheim. Wounded at the battle of Busigny, Oct. 10, 1918, by shrapnel and gassed at Busigny, Oct. 10, 1918. Returned to the USA April 18, 1919, and mustered out of the service at Camp Jackson, … Read more