Biography of H. L. Bryant

The growth of a city does not depend so much upon its machinery of government or even upon the men who fill public offices as upon those who foster trade relations and promote industrial activity. In this connection H. L. Bryant is deserving of more than passing notice, for as merchant and financier he has been a dominant factor in promoting the development and up building of Bartlesville, which numbers him among its foremost citizens. Mr. Bryant is a native of Illinois. He was born at Hillsboro, December 20, 1864, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bryant, the … Read more

Biography of Grant Waggoner

Grant Waggoner is a specialist in mining law with office and practice at Baxter Springs, Kansas. He has claimed his home at Baxter Springs since 1909, but did not open his law office in that city until 1912. While most of his practice is connected with some phase or other of the mining industry, he also handles a general civil and criminal practice. In 1914 Mr. Waggouer was elected from his district as representative in the State Legislature. He proved an able champion of all progressive legislation enacted during his term, and was particularly at the front in all matters … Read more

Biography of Thomas A. Wood

THOMAS A. WOOD. – It is gratifying to observe that to a large extent those who first lived in Portland, Oregon, and took the rough blows and made the numerous shifts of the early days, have kept their position in the ranks, and as Portland has grown have become her men of wealth. Ladd, Reed, Corbett, Failing, Lewis and about a hundred others illustrate this fact, and so also does our subject Mr. wood. One so much a real-estate speculator as he should be the son of a speculator; and such we find to be the case. His father, William … Read more

Biography of Hon. W. W. Thompson

Hon. W. W. Thompson. The interests of the widow and orphan are protected and safeguarded so far as is humanely possible in Labette County where W. W. Thompson is probate judge. That is the finest proof of his administration of that office during the last six years. Judge Thompson, while not a lawyer by profession, is a man of judicial temperament, of wide experience in business and public affairs, and has both the personal integrity and impartiality which qualify him so well for his present duties. He is one of the older settlers of Labette County. He was born in … Read more

Biography of Byron Williams

Byron Williams. The mention of the name of Byron Williams calls up associations as one of the foremost livestock men of the State of Kansas. Mr. Williams is comparatively young, only forty years of age, but in the years since he started out on his own responsibility has shown a remarkable ability in all branches of the live stock industry. He has operated extensively as a rancher and raiser of horses and cattle, his dealings have made him a familiar figure in all the leading markets of the Middle West, and he is undoubtedly one of the best known men … Read more

Biography of McCauley Porter

McCAULEY PORTER. – This gentleman, one of the oldest and best farmers in the Willamette valley, was born in Todd county, Kentucky, November 28, 1829. At the age of five he removed with his parents to Montgomery county, Illinois, and in 1845 made with them a new home in Missouri. In 1848, by the prevalent reports and fabulous stories of Oregon everywhere circulated, his attention was drawn to the land by the sunset sea; and with his two brothers, William G. and John E., he set out upon the journey across the plains and mountains. He had ox-teams and loose … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. C. Watson

H. C. Watson, time-keeper and clerk M. M. L & St. L. shops, Mattoon; was born in New Madrid, New Madrid Co., Mo., July 27, 1827; his father was a Scotchman and was one of the early Western pioneers, having come West as early as 1805. Having obtained a good common school education, in 1844, he became a student in Prof. J. B. Anderson’s high school, in New Albany, Ind.; this he attended one year; in 1845, he attended St. Vincent’s College at Cape Girardeau; in 1848, he matriculated in Bethany College, Va., and remained one year; on his return … Read more

Gamble, Henry M. – Obituary

Henry M. Gamble, 74, resident of Hutchinson 50 years, died in his home, 1540 East Fourth, at 4:45 yesterday afternoon after a long illness. He was born in Nokomis, Ill., and came to Hutchinson 50 years ago, working in produce and wholesale houses many years before opening his own grocery. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Julia [Beatty] Gamble; a daughter, Mrs. Bertha Kaufman of Tribune; a son, Ralph Gamble of Houston, Tex.; five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Hutchinson New, March 11, 1942 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman