Biographical Sketch of Jay P. Lucas

JAY P. LUCAS. – This enterprising gentleman, whose early grip on public affairs augurs well for still greater things in the future, in a “native son,” having been born in June, 1856, at Monmouth, Oregon the son of the well-known and able A.W. Lucas. He grew up on a farm, developing his fine physique, and receiving his education at the Christian College in his native town, graduating in 1880. He remained with his parents, having a partial business interest with his father, until 8n 1882 he undertook operations for himself, securing and conducting a farm on his own account. He … Read more

Butler, Frank Ernest – Obituary

Dr. Frank E. Butler, Portland radiologist who retired three years ago, died Wednesday afternoon [January 1, 1949] at Emanuel Hospital after a brief illness. He had made his home at Neotsu on Devil’s Lake since retiring. Dr. Butler was the son of Orville and Mary Butler, pioneers in the Willamette Valley. He was born at Union Flat, Washington, February 17, 1888, and shortly thereafter moved with his parents to their former home at Monmouth. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biography of Albert Hodges

ALBERT HODGES. Albert Hodges is an attorney at law of wide reputation, a man of unquestioned integrity, a close reasoner and a profound thinker. He is a Missourian by birth, and has inculcated in him the sterling principles of the better class of citizens of the State. He was born in Taney County (afterward Douglas County), November 2, 1848, and is a son of Edmond and Sarah (Garrison) Hodges, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Warren County, Indiana, born in 1827. The grandfather, John Hodges, was a native of Kentucky, and the family moved from that … Read more

Huffman, C. D. – Obituary

C. D. Huffman Passes Away Death Comes at Termination of Short Illness; Community Mourns His Demise Charles D. Huffman aged approximately 72 years, passed on this morning at 2:30 o’clock at the termination of a short illness. Residents of this city and Mr. Huffman’s many friends throughout Eastern Oregon are sincerely mourning his demise, for with his passing on goes a man who played an important role in the building of Eastern Oregon. The remains are at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman funeral service parlors. Charles D. Huffman was born in Portland, on December 24, 1852, and then the parents soon … Read more

Griffin, Mildred Catherine Crowner Mrs. – Obituary

Mildred Catherine Griffin, 80, of Monmouth, a former Haines resident, died Jan. 5, 2002, at Monmouth. There will be a private family service later. Visitations will be Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Dallas Mortuary Chapel. Interment will be at the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland. Mildred was born May 25, 1921, at San Diego to Shorty and Bessie Adams Crowner. She attended school until the ninth grade. She married Mack Griffin, who preceded her in death. Mildred moved to Haines to be with her daughter, then later moved to Monmouth to be closer to her grandchildren … Read more

Biography of Ira F. M. Butler

IRA F.M. BUTLER. – The honesty and wholeheartedness of a certain, and indeed, predominating, class of our early settlers is nowhere better exemplified than in Mr. Butler. Seventy-seven years of age, but still vigorous and kindly, adhering firmly to the temperance principles which have prevented the dissipation of his native course, and while well-to-do, indeed wealthy, spending much of his means in benevolent works, he is a striking example of the noble old gentleman. He was born in Barren county, Kentucky, in 1812, and was the son of Major Peter Butler, distinguished in the war of 1812. In 1829 the … Read more

Biography of Henderson Orchard

Each community is judged by the character of its representative citizens, and its social, intellectual and business standing is determined thereby. The sterling worth, commercial ability and enterprise of the leading men are mirrored forth in the public life of the town, and therefore the history of the people of prominence is the history of the community. No account of Grangeville would be complete without the life record of Henderson Orchard, the popular president of the board of trade and a man whose public spirit is manifested in his many efforts to improve the conditions and promote the upbuilding of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Powell

The present efficient and courteous County Clerk is a native Oregonian. He received his education at Monmouth, having moved to Yamhill County, with his parents at an early age. In 1886 he moved to Grant County, locating on the middle folk of the John Day River, near Warm Springs, taking up a homestead and following stock rising. In 1892 he was appointed deputy sheriff, and in 1894 receiving the nomination for County Clerk from the Republican party, of which party he is a life long member, and was elected. As a public official, he proved eminently successful, due to his … Read more

Kennedy, Mordecal – Obituary

On Friday last, Mayor Kennedy received the sad news from Monmouth, Polk county, that his father, Mordecal Kennedy, had died after a short illness. Mayor Kennedy was absent when the telegram announcing the serious illness of his father reached here, and on returning home from Elgin, telegraphed to ascertain his condition. The answer came conveying the sad news of the death of the stricken man. Deceased was an old resident of Oregon, coming here in 1853 and for many years resided in Salem and was 63 of age at the time of his death. He leaves an aged wife and … Read more

Biography of William A. Baker

The commercial interests of Moscow are well represented by William Alexander Baker, a leading and enterprising merchant, whose well directed efforts, sound judgment and reliable dealing are bringing to him a creditable and satisfactory success. For twelve years he has carried on operations in Moscow, where he deals in both new and second-hand goods. He is a native of Virginia, born in Augusta County, July 13, 1855, of Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather, Guinn Baker, was the founder of the family in the Old Dominion, and was an industrious and respected farmer and a valued member of the Methodist church. He … Read more