Byam, Warren Stillman, Sr. – Obituary

Warren S. Byam died Tuesday evening [April 11, 1911] after a short illness. Had he lived until the 19th, he would have been 62 years old. He was a native of Ohio and he claimed to have seen army frontier service in his younger day, being stationed near Cheyenne, Wyo. He later enlisted in the navy and served several years. He leaves a widow [Mary Heald] and six children. The Milford Cabinet, April 13, 1911 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Leach Genealogy of Bridgewater, Massachusetts

James Cushing Leach

This page treats the Leach Genealogy of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, starting with Lawrence Leach, the immigrant ancestor, and descending to the James Cushing Leach family of Bridgewater, Mass.

Byam, Mary Ellen Nettie Heald – Obituary

Mrs. Mary Ellen Byam, aged 72, died early Tuesday morning [November 8, 1932] after a few hours’ illness, at her home on Mont Vernon Street. She seemed in good health Monday and was about the house all day. In the night she was suddenly stricken with illness and passed away two hours afterwards. Mrs. Byam was a very industrious woman and had been a resident of Milford 35 years, coming here with her husband, the late Warren S. Byam, from Greenfield. Mrs. Byam was a native of Carlisle, Mass., born July 2, 1859, and the daughter of Henry and Jane … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Porter Emerson Lamb

Far more extensive than his enviable record as a magistrate, which is known in every corner of San Mateo County is Porter Emerson Lamb’s fame as an athlete. Although it was back in 1903 that Porter Lamb was at Stanford, his remarkable feats on the cinder path are still vivid in the memories of all followers of sports. For ten years Lamb’s record of 22 2-5 for the 220-yard dash at Stanford stood unassailed. In those days he was also holder of the world’s record for the fifty-yard dash. in the sprints and as a member of the relay teams … Read more

John Wright Genealogy

John Wright m. Mary and res. Dunstable. Benjamin2 Wright, son of John1, b. at Dunstable, d. Milford, N. H., res. at Mile Slip (afterwards Milford); m. Betsey Adams of Dunstable (now Nashua). Of their eleven children eight were b. in Mile Slip, and the last three in Milford: Benjamin, b. May 20, 1775; d. Sept. 19, 1777. Benjamin; Betsey; Ira; Joel, 1, b. Jan. 26, 1784; Oliver; Sally; Mary; Lydia; Nehemiah and Gratia. Joel3 Wright, son of Benjamin2, was the fifth minister and third settled pastor of the First Cong. Church of S. See page 409. According to the Milford, … Read more